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Posts posted by nakatotaiyou

  1. What they learned, is that there's a loud bunch of cheapskates that want everything instantly and for free regardless of how much work is put into it. The Glaive was supposed to be a fun but unique item that would be harder to obtain than your typical weaponry. People like you didn't like that and cried like children about it. Now Vauban appears - DE_Rebecca states clearly that his blueprints won't be rare, but will be obtainable over time (a.k.a., more longevity to the game), and you all still cry about it.


    Want it now? Support DE and give them some money. Remember - this is a FREE TO PLAY game. You're not entitled to JACK S#&$. Stop thinking you are, and be glad this game isn't as restrictive as other F2Ps out there.

    well said.

  2. it actually happens to me a lot as well, i think something to do with you pressing melee while casting an ability? im not sure since i didnt bother testing, hope it gets fixed soon.

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