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Posts posted by Syrdhar

  1. il y a 10 minutes, Aruquae a dit :

    There’s still time to change them to “ThatRandomTenno”

    Quick, we must keep the commemoration, they’ll still get pinged if on the forums (as you pinged them originally)

    If you really wanted to thank them, you can always private dm

    I hear you but that would defeat to very aim of gratitude and commendation.

    I anonymized the title anyway so it will be a little more discreet.

    • Like 1
  2. Hello.

    I may be over-reacting a little, but I feel I owe my gratitude to @Tobinator44.

    Let me put it simply. We were on an EDA in the third mission, an assassination. We fought our way with not too much difficulty to the Tide and proceeded to fight it.

    It was tough but not overwhelming in the first part, until we started to get downed one after the other. At some point, everyone got killed but me...

    I don't know how I could describe to you the hell it was : Between the fact that I had all the modifiers but one who got somehow activated (That was the gear interdiction), that I awoke an angel in a desperate attempt to save the crew (That seemed like a good idea at the time), and that the tide was spawning Eximus' like gremlins at the swimming pool, my heart was beating faster than a machinegun. Yet, after a gruesome combat like I rarely had in my whole time in Warframe, I managed to slay the tide.


    This victory, I owe it entirely to @Tobinator44 who was hosting the game and who stayed to the very end of it despite the penalty for dying in this kind of mission.

    Sadly, I don't think i managed to kill the boss quick enough to allow him/her to get  the reward (There was always a thick f***ing wall between me and the target and my guns were no different than waterguns !!!), so that is why I feel the need to congratulate @Tobinator44's altruism.

    @Tobinator44 You are a MVP.


    • Like 4
  3. Hello. What about :


    - Choice of Arcanes for Incarnon slots rewards when you own them already



    - +10 rank less demanding in points or reseting the tiers after earning the firts ten rewards



    1) Survival:

    - down to 3 minutes (i would accept more enemies though)


    2) Defense:

    - No changes, it is quite fast-paced with a decent build (once did in less than 2min)


    3) Excavations

    - 3 excav slots always open to permit multi-tasking (with the risk it implies of course)


    4) Void flood:

    - Simply spawn them faster.

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