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Posts posted by Rotaken

  1. Exiting Railjack piloting seat and turrets doesn't work unless interact key has been defaulted to X. Setting interact key to custom (E) and then back to X without using "defaults" at the bottom also breaks functionality. Bug has been present since sometime after the first launch of railjack, though custom keybinds did initially work.

    Electricity railjack status effect not going away after fixing electricity fault. Scrambled UI visuals followed into dojo. Going to orbiter and back to dry dock fixed the issue.

  2. @[DE]Saske

    U21.7.0 physics issue: warframe doesn't drop to ground after excavator explodes. Happened pre-U21.7.0 but as an exception rather than a rule. 


    Possible issues with Penta grenades with punchtrough (with Shred), seems inconsistent as sometimes it goes trough thick enemies like boilers and sometimes it doesn't go trough mutalist ospreys and the like. WIll do some testing and edit the post if I find any consistency.

    Pre U21.7.0

    Slideattacking while within limbos rift can throw player out of map. Happened several times on various runs, may be caused by getting squished between enemy and objects.

    Spawning outside of map on various tilesets. Mostly happens while host has been running in tiles with low roof height, /unstuck may or may not get you out. Been forgetting to screenshot these.

    Kubrows and Kavats spawning under stairs/inside other objects unable to get out, especially on grineer galleon defense map. Sometimes happens to chargers and other small infested enemies as well.

    Unable to move after mission end screen without first warping to arsenal/navigation/etc trough menu.

  3. On 26.8.2017 at 10:50 PM, Spartan336 said:

    water has gained some ridiculous properties suggesting that physics is different in the Warframe universe

    Nah man, the water is normal, it's the Warframes that have other properties. Properties that do exist in the real world and are currently in development for everyday use. Personally I don't care either way as long as I have my Subloki.



  4. 5 minutes ago, skcuf said:

    This actually makes sense...I never thought about this, but what if instead of altering limbo to interact with the nullifier, the nullifier changed. If the purpose of a nullifier is to make the game more challenging, why not give them a personal shield that is ability negating and then give them a weapon that shoots a nullifying beam. Something similar to the opticor perhaps?

    I'd say that's more of a new enemy type, nullifiers are supposed to protect those around them as well as themselves. Kuva guardians for example are impervious to all powers and weapons (apart from in their void-blast-dashed state). I could see Corpus having something similar, definitely wouldn't mind more strong units like that so that there's a bit more to the game than shooting few heavies and mowing down the rest.

  5. Just now, Miburec said:

    But none of them has to actively cancel their currently active powers to be able to take on a Nully in the first place.

    No, but they do have to take fire from the enemies constantly with the same base hp, shield and armour stats (barring few but they're still squishy).

  6. 10 minutes ago, skcuf said:

    In the greater context of the discussion, the argument doesn't make sense. In the response to the statement of "it's working fine so why change it?" the argument holds up.

    1. I meant (possibly said, I'm not looking back through) that it's faster and easier to avoid the nullifiers than it is to kill them with Limbo. It doesn't necessarily mean it's faster and easier towards mission completion.

    2. If you can point me to another frame that puts itself at such a disadvantage while popping the nullifier bubble then I'll concede this point. However, as it sits the action of dashing out of the rift to attack a nullifier puts you at about a second where you have no response and can't do anything. Plenty of time for a high level enemy to one shot limbo.

    I believe you're saying there's an anti-rift shield around the force field? If this is true then my argument stands that the bullets should be removed from the rift and hit the force field.

    1. Fair enough.

    2. Nyx, Nova, Vauban, Mag, Ember, Octavia, Hydroid are all quite squishy though most can manage the enemies around the nullifiers well. Think Limbo can do that as well.

    I'd argue that some of them are at even bigger disadvantage because they have no way to avoid damage other than blocking it with physical obstacles where as Limbo can always riftwalk back or dash trough the horde and re-enter rift on the other side of the bubbles given that he doesn't die.

    Also stop bring the internal logic of Warframe universe into a balance discussion, it holds no ground against gameplay mechanics.

  7. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)theelix said:

    Still not seeing how nullifiers counter Exalted Blade. 

    I mean, it's not easy or fast because currently they're bugged. Their bubbles sometimes refuse to disperse and they're completely immune to damage for a few seconds.

    They don't counter Ash's Shuriken either. Pretty sure we can find other powers if we start digging deeper.

    That's a whole different problem all together which to my knowledge has more to do with netcodes, lag etc whicg affect wide variety of enemies and the player themselves.

    5 minutes ago, skcuf said:

    Not a straw man argument. Same problem, different scale. >> Change is bad.

    Sometime's the goal isn't to be easy and fast. In survival the goal is to stick around as long as possible. This means avoiding the nullifier takes longer and could lose you some life support. It's not a buff. Literally every other character can do this. What do you not understand about this?

    I'm not saying change is bad. I personally like Nullifies as they at least mitigate powerspam (mostly my own) a bit and make the game tad more challenging. As for strawman, I do believe it is. It takes the thing completely out of proportion and is only tangentially related.


    The things I do not understand are:

    1. You've implied that it's fast and easy to deal with nullifies (quote below). Fast. As in something you can do fast enough that it doesn't affect the survival run you're in yet you want to make it easier to kill them. Perhaps we have a different concept of what fast and easy mean.

    46 minutes ago, skcuf said:

    There's no real reason to actually fight them. I'm just requesting the change that makes it worth the time to go after them.

    2. Yes all 33(?) warframes are able to pop the bubbles. All of them with weapons, some with powers. Not all frames are tanks however, and they just have to deal with that somehow. Why does the frame with theoretically highest survivability (infinite invulnerability at no energy cost) need to be able to take them out more easily than other frames that don't have abilities that mitigate damage?

  8. Just now, skcuf said:

    Good point. Why ever change anything for the better? Slavery also made it easier and faster to pick cotton and tobacco in the southern US. Why did we change that?

    The reason is because it doesn't make sense and it's not balanced. Just because something is currently easy and fast doesn't mean it's right.

    That's a strawman if I've ever seen one.

    "Doesn't make sense" should always be overwritten by balance. And if it's currently easy and fast how is it not balanced? If anything by that description nullies should be buffed instead of "receiving" yet another nerf.

  9. 2 minutes ago, skcuf said:

    There are two ways to do this that I've found.

    1. Huras Kubrow or Shade.

    2. Just walk further away from the door the nullifier is blocking until he follows you far enough to not block it anymore.

    To be honest, you can just as easily throw on quick thinking and do a bullet jump through the bubble and then just dash once you get through. It's not really that hard to avoid them.

    Which brings us back to the original point: why do you need a change when either avoiding or killing them is already easy and fast?

  10. 8 minutes ago, skcuf said:

    The reflection part is not negligible. Zephyr literally reflects anything that isn't an explosion, toxin, or melee. The only Corpus things that can counter zephyr are the melee guys or mine/sapping drones.

    As it currently sits, all I do is ignore the nullifiers. There's no real reason to actually fight them. I'm just requesting the change that makes it worth the time to go after them.

    Small misunderstanding there on my part then. Thought you mean the damage reflection back to enemies instead of the invulnerability (which I wasn't even aware of, last I checked Zephyr had -75% chance to get hit or something). But yeah, in terms of what's actually effectively happening, despite descriptions, Zephyr has near-complete invulnerability and Mesa has dmg reduction and negligible dmg reflection.

    As for your problem, I don't know how you've managed to land to a spot where you can safely ignore nullies, apparently regardless of gamemode, when rest of the community is still having a aneurysm over them.

  11. 56 minutes ago, skcuf said:

    Zephyr and Mesa aren't tanks. They reflect the damage. And a rage Wukong always has energy.

    So it raises their effective hp, making them a tank. The reflection part is completely negligible.

    On topic though, it sounds like you want to remove the biggest weakness that limbo has. And one of the only ones he has. You're not asking for equality, you're asking for a massive buff. Just do it like the rest of us: run into that bubble and slidemelee the nully, pop out of rift and shoot the hovering bubbleburster-drone-thingy, lure them into a tight spot to make the bubble as small as possible before popping it and then rift the buttbat and pop back into the rift since there should be enough time to rift someone pop into rift and kill them. Unless ofc you're playing superduper highlvl endless.

  12. After reading the dumpsterfire that this thread is here are my thoughts:

    1. You seem to want a heavy weapon with scope or a frame with an ability that allows first person aiming.

    Both would be much more feasible the whole new FPS system which as said before a dozen times requires a lot of resources that are better spent elsewhere. Why not spend a bit more time refining your idea by yourself before posting it? I'm certain you'd have come to the same conclusions by yourself.

    2. You seem to want focus-like system which already exists, y'know, as focus system and it'll see changes later this year, maybe even ones you'd like to see. It would have been better to think this one trough by yourself first and then presenting it as a focus change.

    3. You want several other things that either exist or are coming, so why bother mentioning them? (Archwing within non-archwing missions: Titania 4th, Uranus sharkwing, upcoming PoE, forgot the others.) For holding knowledge, understanding and thinking in such high regard you certainly seem to not think things trough yourself.

    4. You use word "class" way too liberally and then complain in a condescending tone when people don't magically understand what you meant by your non-finished idea which was badly conveyed due to bad choice of words, examples and showered in big words with little meaning which only served to further confuse people and give a conception of you being condescending (and in my opinion rather arrogant).

    5. You've said card several times when referring to mods. This is incorrect: they're mods and it's a modding system. The name and mods are what the original skill-tree like system from closed beta has evolved into. Into the Greener pastures we go, or was it perhaps Grineer?

    6. DE is no indie developer. They've been in business since 1993, though it could be argued that back in ye olden days all game devs were indie. More info on wikipedia.

    7. You can imagine all the other stuff I forgot to mention here. In all seriousness what you should learn from this thread:

    • Refine your ideas before posting, taking into account all the problems and trying to come up with feasible solutions.
    • Don't be overly specific with terms when it fits you (ninja) and then use other terms liberally (class). Be consistent.
    • Stop using bigger words than the topic requires. Rewrite your sentences until they can't be misunderstood.
    • Watch out for tone. Re-read your posts a few times and analyze in how many ways they can be taken. Tone is tricky to convey over text and can be misunderstood very easily, especially with people all over the globe with differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

    8/10 made me reply.

  13. I had something similar in mind.

    Option to "store" mods, weapons and frames so that they are hidden from the arsenal. "Storing" a weapon or frame would remove it from the arsenal and either remove the builds it has (to reduce the server load) or just put it into a slower storage server with the builds saved (perhaps with small time limit like 30 minutes before you can fetch it?). Storing would not affect forma or taters. Other option would of course be to save the builds on your system itself as mentioned above.

    Out of the several hundred mods there are only so many that have any actual use and the same applies to weapons. Not that I don't use weapons that aren't in the top tier but I don't use all hundreds of them. Hence being able to hide them from arsenal would be a godsend since the search function only works if you can remember the names of the mods or weapons you're looking for.

    Edit: Also maybe change the thread title to "Arsenal clutter + server load reduction" or similar to better reflect the nature of the topic better?

  14. -When I play exterminates, I very often rush ahead and kill most of the enemies, leaving the annoying mopping up to my team.

    -I often don't notice that the objective has changed in mission types that do that (mdef, exca comes to mind) and stay in the last spot vigorously murdering everything that comes close.

    -I rush in every mission type that allows it.

    -I use weapons based on visuals, sound and lulz. Boltor has the meatiest sound and visuals.

    -Loki invisibility-rush build all the way.

    -I never saw anything wrong with Rhino. Seriously, it's one of the best frames in terms of balance and looks.

    -Exclusives should stay exclusive, even the ones I don't have. I like to walk around with full loadout of those in pugs and make terrible cringy jokes about other people not having them.

    -I silently judge people when they die when the enemies aren't sufficiently high level. Yes, even the players who've just started the game.

    -If I notice I've been radprocced I instantly turn hostile to my team, even if it means losing the mission.

    -I hate spy missions to the very core of my evil heart.

    -I sometimes teabag dead AI.

    -I often try to submerge in every puddle, pond, river, or other liquid area with my loki in hopes that I could truly become the subloki I always wished i could be. This is also why I partially love Uranus tileset.

  15. Appeal is a very subjective thing.

    I think the thing with wf is because many of the designs are somewhat unconventional or odd and as such people like the look.

    On a more personal note and kind of siding the subject is that I feel that many people that otherwise have amazing fan concepts fail at the visual side in these little things that make wf unique.

    For example even though your redesign looks great as is it doesn't feel as wf'ish as the original one.

  16. Because I've used Brakk ever since StrunW became poop and Loot Detector is infinitely more useful to me before 4xCP becomes a must.

    There's never enough Loot Detectors.

  17. Well, they should be grateful for getting a free ride into a T4. I don't understand how saying so is toxic.You must be from the generation of everything is about me and I should get a trophy for participating even if I lost in the first round.


    Is Warframe running out of T4's or something? Sure I understand that some keytypes get spent rather fast like Caps and Sabs but it's not like "getting a free ride into a T4" is holy grail or anything.

  18. Masterrace:

    Loki - permainvisibility4thewin

    Excalibur Prime - rubitineveryonesfacewhodoesn'thavehim


    Semiafk derping:

    Saryn - facemelting is fun

    Mag - rapid fullbody trauma and tug-of-war


    Melee madness:

    Chroma - BRING ON THE PAIN

    Hydroid - it's called hard rain for a reason

    Valkyr - [hysteria intensifies]


    Random utility:

    Trinity - squueze 'em dry of 'em delicious juices

    Nova - if it doesn't explode it's not important

    Banshee - wubwubwub

    Volt - 3sanic5stunlock

    Nyx - "stophittingyourselfstophittingyourselfstophittingyourselfstophittingyourself"

    Rhino - Thy shan't cause knockdowns to my bloated carcass

    Vauban - Restraining order is in full effect


    Full on afking:

    Mesa - pewpewpew

    Nekros - bonedaddy knows what's up


    Gathering dust:

    Ember - it burns

    Ash - loki v0.5.1

    Mirage - like a haze she always eludes my awareness

    Limbo - I like picking up my pickups

    Oberon - battlemushrooms

    Zephyr - tweet~ tweet~



    Frost - No

  19. I feel like it's rather close to the previous time. 

    Regarding the ult-slide-attack-blind, isn't it quite close in casting time as well given that the slide and attack takes some time before the cast itself?


    Also, try poking 2 with your ring finger. Unless you have terrible keyboard, sitting position, missing finger or some other type of weird shenanigans going on it should be quite easy.

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