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Posts posted by mpastor

  1. Ash and Loki enter a survival mission.  In the beginning, Ash dominates, but come 40+ minutes... Ash struggles compare to Loki who is pretty much doing the same thing at 40+ minutes that he did at 4 minutes.  The only difference is he now has to spend some of his time reviving Ash.  


    I read these comments and I can tell who plays end game and who not.  Sure Ash, like a lot of other warframes is tougher than Loki in the lower level content.  But if you call ash the true ninja, then Loki is the true ninja reviver.  He is ninja prime... he is a ninja with his gain set to 11.  


    With melee 2.0, Loki (in the hands of a competent player) has no rivals.  

  2. In the last fps I played online, I turned off all skins.  Played in a world of grey blocks but I played at the speed of light.  It was pvp, so I was a GOD.  I would probably do the same here if allowed.  Though, in coop play there is not as much of a need for that nano second advantage.

  3. Loki is pretty clearly one of the most powerful frames, especially for soloing.


    However, it has a learning curve bordering on ten minutes, which discourages a lot of people.


    And the reason it is not universally used is the average player has an attention span bordering on ten seconds.

  4. Pretty much if I don't insure constant LS by attending to the LS modules, then it doesn't get done.  The typical player is incredibly selfish or incredibly dumb... this behavior has increased in direct proportion to melee use.  I spend 30% of my time hunting down LS.  If I am leveling something, I miss out on XP that whole time.  they should up the reward for clicking on LS (for example give a mod... but only if the LS is pressed at 60% or less).


    What reward do I get for doing this.  Typically the same fools running around killing things without thought to their LS usually head early to extraction.  In survival missions, everyone should have to be at extraction before the mission can end.

  5. By dem cameras are you referring by chance to cameras with left leaning political philosophies.  If you are, I must point out that the vote in warframe has not been extended to common electronic devices.  I for one am glad.  Cameras own no land and would be a very irresponsible voting group.  Do you work for Nancy Pelosi... is this another scheme to pad the bottom tier of the electorate with democrat friendly votes.  Don't even get me started on the Osprey.

  6. The master race is not LOki, clearly.   The master race are the group of players with enough smarts to play Loki.  Perhaps, we should bring eugenics back... Loki style.  Only people smart enough to play LOki are allowed to procreate and only with other Loki players so as not to water down the master race.


    Yes, this final solution would solve a lot of problems.


    Note: On reflection this could cause problems since girls don't play this game.  I may need to rethink things.

  7. ......

    The issue with Eurasia wasn't that it was hard, but it was incredibly hard for a necessary node on Earth, which is supposed to be friendly to newbies. There's a reason it was called the Eurasia Difficulty Wall: newbies who could even solo the previous nodes suddenly found themselves in a mission where they had to defend against endless waves of Grineer while holding at least 3 different locations simultaneously, and they had to pass through that hell before they can proceed to the farther planets. Fortunately, they fixed that now by making Eurasia an Exterminate Mission, and moving Interceptions to Gaia, which is a side node.


    The way to maintain player retention is to make a GOOD GAME, with reasonable challenges and fun gameplay. They did succeed in making Melee 2.0 fun on a base level, but having to grind Stance mods to actually unlock all of the features of Melee 2.0 isn't.





    With all do respect you are not putting enough thought into the issue or you are incredibly naive.  Let's look at player retention.  You mention all that is needed is a good game.  Well have you ever bought a computer game that you feel was good?  The answer, I guess, is yes... certainly.  Now, how many times did you play that game?  If it was good maybe a couple of times.  If it was great maybe a couple times... put it away.. come back and play a couple more.  Great, that's what happens when you make a great game.  


    Now if you make a mission or set of mission great in the warframe MMO the same thing can happen.  Let's say you get people to like it so well they come back twenty five times to play it.  Well, I have news for you... this is not anywhere near enough.  They need a mechanic that keeps you playing, or wanting to play, every day, 365 days a year for multiple years. The problem is orders of magnitude more difficult than the video game logic you are imagining.  Now, grind is not the only tool they have to call upon, but it is a common one in MMO play.  And regardless of whether you like it or not, it does work.


    First off, Eurasia and Lua were not that hard.  Played foolishly like you suggest above they could become incredibly difficult.  However, that was not necessary.  I will not argue this point with you though (please refer to my past help posts on interception play and Lua for a more clear understanding).  However, you take issue that those missions (essentially the first missions that required a tactically complex approach to play)  were placed on necessary nodes.  No kidding they put them on necessary nodes.  They would not act to slow players otherwise.  If you can slow players with tactically complex missions, then you can reduce the grind.  


    It is a real shame these missions disappeared.  Mainly due to a vocal minority of unsophisticated players.  What do we have now ... we have one dimensional mini-bosses who are a challenge because they are immune to all (almost) damage but one type, and long grinds.   If you are pointing fingers of blame... maybe look to the player base first.

  8. I think you guys should try and look at this from their perspective.  They are interested in player retention.  At present, you can fully level a WF in a matter of hours.  I don't know any MMO where you can go from cradle to end game so fast.  And what happens to most people once they get to the end game.  Well, they leave, just like the OP's friend did.


    They are only trying to get more retention in their game.  Outside of grind, how are they supposed to do it.  They tried making missions more tactically challenging.  The community had a fit.  Notice, you don't see Eurasia and Lua interception missions anymore.


    What else is there to do?  My guess is, if you have a good idea, they would do it.

  9. I have no trouble killing these guys in one to three shots.  


    However, having written this, I have to empathize with the OP.  Making a mini-boss tough by making him immune to everything (almost) but one element is really not that imaginative.  One might use the word lazy.  I won't though.  Not to mention, there really is no mechanic enabling us to put more than one pure element type on our weapons.  What really is happening here is the developers are taking advantage of a weakness in weapon modding design (namely the inability to put more than one pure element type on a weapon) and using it against us.  

  10. I saw an increase in speed and performance of my melee weapon and an increase in damage.  I don't miss charge, especially with the higher damage.  It just slowed me down anyway.  Melee for me is very secondary to gun combat.  It was before the mod, it is now, however, it  is incrementally better.  And I do use it a little bit more because of that.


    Having said that, I must agree with the OP.  Do you know how much damage I can do with Dex pistols in the amount of time it takes someone to press a button three times?  And those are just my pistols.  Honestly, if you expected more out of melee you are pretty naive.  


    1. Melee can't deal with ranged foes like gun play with almost instant target switching at range.


    3. Melee can't kill as fast as gun play.

    4. Gun play is safer.


    All of the above things would need to be addressed before melee could expect to compete with gun play as a viable option.  Only nerfing guns, and nerfing them heavily would come close to achieving this.  Even if that was done, melee currently in this game suffers wrt to gun use in another major way.


    1.  Melee is not really simulated.  Gun play in this game is a simulation of real gun play.  There is more to it than pointing and shooting.  There is targeting (i.e. head shots) and tactical sense (i.e. using cover, strafe firing and moving).  In other words, gun play is more intellectually stimulating.  Melee on the other hand is not simulated,  Instead the current system of melee is analogous to a trained monkey feeder.  That is... a monkey is trained to press a button repeatedly a bunch of times and then he gets his reward.  


    This type of system will ultimately bore any human with average or higher intellect.  It may be fun today... but it will become really dull for most in the future.  So the second thing melee needs to be viable is an interesting mechanic.  I would suggest a mechanic based on real melee weapon combat.  However, there is a catch-22 here.  Any system that realistically models melee and is enjoyable to perform will slow down the pace of this game.


    So, unless you break the gun side of the game, melee will never be as viable.  And, unless you are will to deal with a slower game pace, melee will never be as intellectually stimulating.


    It's too bad they decided to spend their programming resources on something that in the end really does not change things much.  

  11. Stance being behind an RNG wall kinda sucks and seriously, why did they need to put the new Vay Hek behind a grind wall? I just wanted to go fight him, not jump through 40 hoops and then fight him!


    I guess its because they wanted the new content to have a shelf life of longer than an hour.  I feel for them actually.  The player base in this game is not very sophisticated.  Could you imagine if they put it behind a mission that required tactics and teamwork to complete.  The forum would explode.  So, without the ability to challenge folks with missions like interception, what choice but the dull old grind do they have?


    Result:  mission = incredibly easy to complete = incredibly grindy.

  12. I wish they would have increased the number of loadouts up from three.  Swapping is very tedious.  Killing the prosecutor and then being forced to $&*^ around in the mission for another three minutes is also tedious.  Not to mention, the act of killing the prosecutor is ... well tedious.  Are these guys anywhere other than Nuovo?  If I have to run another lame survival mission I think I my brain will explode.


    I have to ask myself.  Why am I doing this again... what's the reward here?


    do you know who im even fighting? i only used melee it litterally did 0 dmg a fully ranked dual ichor with crit build and a few formas on it.

    0 dmg for 781 combo hits im saying you cant melee only this guy i dont care if soma can kill him lol so my hind can kill him easy as im saying the "players can play melee only now" cannot be done here in this

    unless you use a melee wep with 1 elemental so you have 1/4 chance of completing a mission


    Honest man, it's real easy (like Mercury level easy).  I am not going to tell you how to do it.  You will just have to figure it out.  The hardest part of the update is if you want to stay in survival for more than 15 minutes.  There are so few mobs around, that getting dropped LS is really hard.  It is kind of laughable.  Nuovo seems like it should be on Mercury, not in the outer system.


    A mission like Nuovo is what you get when the player base is too unsophisticated to deal with the now essentially retired interception mission.  In interception the difficulty presented itself through complex tactical play.  This style of play, required too much thought and perhaps skill for the community to accept (at least the forum community).  In Nuovo, difficulty has been dumbed down to the level and concept of a simple blanket immunity(s).  If you can't figure out how to kill those guys... I am not going to tell you.  



    Design by forum committee.

  14. I find solo'n these guys pathetically easy... pathetically.  Three hit, at most, kills on all of them. in fact, solo play is really the only way to do the survival mission cuz otherwise you end up having to wait for players to head to extraction.


    I don't think I should be surprised how easy the up date is... after all its set to around level 20.  My 30th frame with 30 equipment should make easy work of anything ten levels below.   But does this mean the update was created to the level and experience of someone who maybe has 5 hours or so game time?  After all, this is when you hit 20th level.  Are they designing the new content to be challenging for a new player of approximately 20th level?


    NOt complaining, just confused.


    BTW, I heard some comment they felt LOKI was getting nerf to melee.  Perhaps I am missing something, but to me it seems like a buff.

  15. Ya, that part of the concern too, it just a few pack of charger, suicidal runner, and headbanger runner. After 5 min mark , ancient will start to appear.

    i will give it couple of try more. hopefully i can kill fast ,spawn fast and run around activating life support.


    is there any website for the ODS layout? or map?

     The best way to get used to that map is to play it.  I ran solo exterminate on it until I understood the patterns.  But the issue with ODS is again those life support pillars.  As you travel to each you cross all sorts of twists and turns and changes of level.  This will confuse the heck out of the mobs and they wont be able to converge on you with enough mass to drop the extra personal LS that is needed to go beyond about ten minutes of play.  It's a catch 22.  You can stay in one place and have a good size horde to fight or you can go activate LS.  You can't however do both... at least I never could. 


    The only way I was able to get my burston prime was to recruit a group and then coach them ahead of time to follow a simple plan.  Three guys fight in a nice room, while one guy head out invisible (so as not to disturb the horde aggro) and activates LS when needed.  In this way, we were able to stay thirty plus minutes.


    When I was farming it, I used a tetra with Corrosive and Cold spec.  It was plenty good enough to tear everything up.  Currently, when I fight infested, I use the dex furis with the same mods and the addition of pistol ammo mutation.  The later so you don't ever run out of ammo.  Using the dex you can sprint and fire (un-zoomed) at same time mowing down everything in your path.

  16. weapons are not the problem solo'n ODS.  THe issue is life support.  There is not enough of it.  You will be lucky to get to ten minutes.  THe problem is running to LS pods causes the infested to string out and lose track of you.  So, not enough go after you to drop LS and the pods don't come soon enough to replenish what you have.


    THe only way have been able to get long times in ODS is to have a squad of 3 stay in one room and fight the mobs, while an invisible Loki roams the map for LS.  This way mobs dont get pulled away from killers.  

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