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Posts posted by mpastor

  1. Creating a challenge by taking away player stats or abilities is not really fun.  Sure it's a challenge.  But honestly, we don't need the game designers to take away our shields to make a challenge for us.  If we wanted to play like that we could remove (for the most part) our shields ourselves.  Doing things like; taking energy away, taking shields away, slowing movement.... these are all lazy man design approaches to making things harder.  They result in lack luster content and creeping player base discontent.

  2. The only issue with low level play is that it can be difficult for players with below average FPS skills or those not very accustomed to MMO games.  The only way to counter this problem is to dumb down the game.  There are no issues with gun performance or advancement if you put in an effort to learn the game.


    If as a player, you are not typically one shot killing your foe (or pretty close to that), then you are not doing something right.  It is time to go to you tube and watch a video on how to setup your gun.  Go to the wiki and look at damage bonus vs foe types for damage 2.0.  It's time to learn to aim and hit the head of your target.  Sitting around wondering when your gun is gonna suddenly get better is not going to fix the problem.


    Mods are relatively inexpensive to buy from other players.  But this is mostly unnecessary.  Find out which you need and then where they drop (see wiki).  Play towards gaining those mods.  Once you are reasonably good at the basic planetary map quests then move over to run Derilick and Tower missions. In one focused weekend of OD and T play, you should be able to completely outfit your frame with an end game capable weapon and end game warframe mods, from which you can start the MMO grind for the uber loot.


    Outside of dumbing down the game, the only action the developers might want to take is to add AI advisors to the game.  You know, some clown pops up on your screen after a mission and analyses your performance and actions.  They might say, "Hey dummy... I noticed you only had 1 head shot the entire run.  You should practice shooting more and aim for the head."  or  "Wow, are you really going to run another mission of this level without putting an Orokin Catalyst in your weapon?"  or  "Hey, I noticed you were fighting Grineer last mission yet your gun is not setup very well for that.  Why dont you...."

  3. Instead of whining about difficulty, just take matters into your own hands.  Remove all mods from your frame and weapons.  Have fun.  Until you tell me you have been playing like that, then I cant take a thread like this serious.  It really just the OP making a self proclamation about how good he thinks he is.  


    Or, start the game over.  This time don't buy your way to the top.

  4. People who spend large sums of money on lottery tickets correlates really well with the same people who score low on intelligence tests.  In essence the lottery system acts a virtual intelligence meter.  This idea can be extended to people who spend large amounts of time or money on Prime Warframes.  What people don't realize is "they" are keeping track.  "They" are always watching.  When Gor finally appears and is on a collision course with our planet, "they" will arrive with their Arc to ferry the chosen off to Titan.  


    Lottery ticket buyers and WF Prime owners will not be invited.  

  5. I literally encounter these guys all of the time.  I have collected maybe a half dozen Brakk BP's, but most of the time they drop nothing useful.  This doesn't bother me a lick.  I cant imagine ever needing anything other than my Dex.  I run and gun baby.  Don't think I could do this near as effectively with a Brakk.

  6. I think this idea would fly if you required that in order to be eligible for a swap you had to complete a full invasion mission set with this eligibility as one reward and the opposing reward a lump of coal.   Of course there would also be a swap potato BP available in the store for 20 plat.


    Ok, let me dissect my comment.  This may help some of you understand my point.  It was very subtle.


    FIrst off I state, 


    "I think this idea would fly if you require that in order to be eligible for a swap you had to complete a full invasion mission wet with this eligibility as one reward and the opsosing reward a lump of coal."


    Now on the surface it looks as though I am offering up a solution to the problem.  Namely, the said potato as a reward for completing an invasion.  However, on close inspection we notice there are some issues (attention to details my friends).  You see, successfully following through with this suggestion becomes almost impossible.  Invasions with really good rewards create a run on mentality in the community.  The result is, few people are actually able to complete the series of missions in time since the invasion is withdrawn so fast due to masses of people playing it.  This dilemma is only further exacerbated by the "lump of coal" opposing reward which nobody really wants.


    As a final bit of icing on the cake I further suggest that the new potato would be, "available in the store for 20 plat."  Ok, now this comment takes a bit of game knowledge and may have flown over many heads.  Charging 20 plat for a potato that switches another potato into a different potato is a ridiculous suggestion.  It cost but 20 plat to buy the potato new.  A person really is not getting any reward here.  I suppose this comment was too subtle.  I should have suggest a cost of 30 plat.  I kick myself now for not doing this.


    The above comments individually and collectively can be know as a set of sarcastic comments.  You see the subtext is not that this is a good solution but rather that the entities in charge of the game are not really interested in giving away potatoes, or helping you get free replacements for ones currently of no use to you.  No, they control the rarity of this item to help generate cash... cold hard cash.  They aren't interested in ideas in this post unless they conform to those parameters.  Does this extended explanation help?


    edit: and no, I wasn't suggesting the BP be reusable.  That would actually be useful.

  7. Except it won't work that way, because you won't get everyone to organize and protest, ever. You won't even get everyone on the forums to do that, and everyone on the forums is probably less than 10% of the people who actually play. So at best, you'll get 1-5% of the people doing the invasion to follow your suggestion. And guess what that does? It does the exact opposite of what we want. Instead of a protest, it turns into the "protesters" just helping more players be able to get in their 5 runs before it's done. So the current invasion system becomes less of an issue and less people complain. Yep, sounds like a great solution.


    If you really want to help, try to get as many people as possible to try to do the invasion so as few people as possible are actually able to get in 5 runs so a lot more people complain about it. Then maybe the voices will be heard.


    Wow, so you mean if people do as I suggest then it will be possible for a few to get the reward (myself included as stated in the post).  Holy Cow... I had not thought of this.  My GOd you are smart.  Has it ever occurred to you that you currently are in the wrong profession (i.e. video gamer).  You should run for congress.   

  8. In all non-snarky, unsarcasticness.  Probably the best thing you could do for new players is create a squad recruitment system that surpasses late 1990's technology.  Microsoft's gamezone of that era was better at putting people together to play than what we have in this game.  This is quite an indictment when someone points out that Microsoft of almost two decades ago was doing something better than you are currently.


    The subtext here... we need a better squad recruitment system and GUI.  <--- actually this is not even the subtext of the above statement... it's the text plain and simple.

  9. I think this idea would fly if you required that in order to be eligible for a swap you had to complete a full invasion mission set with this eligibility as one reward and the opposing reward a lump of coal.   Of course there would also be a swap potato BP available in the store for 20 plat.

  10. New players... bah.  Let them eat cake.  


    Learning to play the game is like an intelligence test.  High learning curve helps weed out the field.  Smarter more capable player base means less melee enthusiast spinning like over-energized dradles in front of you obscuring your shots or hoping like juiced up rabbits into the air only to knock down a line of ten Grineer whose heads (moments ago) were all lined up for a quick burst of fire and instant death, but now you have to individually shoot and target each half dead one laying on the ground.  Ugh... you're not going to do that this whole mission are you?  This mission is gonna take us at least 90 seconds longer to run like this.

  11. I find the hyena pack to be the toughest to solo (and that include the ODA boss... big pussy).  But everything is easier with the judge.  That's right... bring along the honorable judge Dread bow.

  12. I believe in the dollar.  Let's face it, this game is a a business.  Is it good business sense to alienate a majority of your customer base to appease the minority?  No, it definitely is not.  I do not believe (as many seem to imply) the people responsible for the direction of this game are morons.  My guess is they are intelligent folks doing what they love and intend to make money at it. So, I really have faith in their decisions. 


    But don't kid yourself.  I have no real emotional attachment to this game.  If a paradigm shift does occur toward melee necessity in this game, My interest in it would probably wane.  Don't get me wrong... I have no problem with melee in general.  It's just cartoony over the top melee with goofy looking over sized weapons that makes me role my eyes.  I'd be happy to play a realist technique oriented melee simulator.  However, I don't see that being an option here due to game pacing, player capability, or desires.


    So, don't focus on my face if the sky falls come update 13.  Rather watch my shoulders for the shrug as I quietly exit the facility.  Maybe in six to twelve months when an email arrives advertising new guns and gun mechanics trying to entice me back to the game I might come.  More than likely though I will have other interests.       

  13. Taking guns out of the game would probably take 2/3 of the player base out of the game.  I for one have very little desire to run around like a neanderthal on steroids carrying an over sized cartoonish looking melee weapon.  I laugh out loud at those people when I see them in game.  That is when I am not cursing them for doing some spinny thing in front of me, obscuring my aim and making it take a few mico seconds longer to kill all of the mobs.  Sometimes when I see someone melee'n a lot, I will follow him and one shot shoot every bad guy just before he can swing.  Perhaps I should start the medication again.   


    So no, I can't imagine they will be that foolish.  Of course once the neanderthals on steroids who have no issues carrying ridiculous looking over sized cartoon weapons around realize that melee still falls short of gun play they may whine still more... However, what can be done.  This begs the question why... why even bother funneling resources into melee modification in the first place?  


    I cannot answer this question.  I suppose if I don't like it, I can create my own game.

  14. funny thing about Warframe RNG, it feels your inner-most desire. So it instantly knows what NOT to give you at any moment.


    Take for instance, the Void; while you are farming a specific tower for something, you get Forma BPs or keys. If you start farming the Void for only credits, all kinds of parts drop.


    I got the Detron on accident 2 weeks after i stopped farming invasions. I was just in a random alert and Madam Zanuki came after another cell member and i walked out with the barrel (last part i needed for ages).


    Grind some mastery fodder weapons, or forma what you have to make it more godly... all will come in time


    Yes, this may be due to quantum entanglements built into the drop random number generator.  Here is the key to farming.  One must first meditate for at least 30 minutes prior to a farming session.  It is critical... and I repeat critical that you clear your mind of what you seek.  In fact, think fondly of orokin cells or thousand credit drops... pine for those common mods.  This my friends is the key to getting what you want.  This and by building good karma up by abandoning the mission without notice when your desired drop does not occur, thus unwittingly saving others from their own mania.

  15. There really is nothing wrong with the mechanics of invasions.  The issue is the reward and the run on the bank mentality it creates. To me it's obvious that OR and OC are intended as rare rewards.  Making it easier to complete the invasion and gain these items (essentially that is what most are you are asking for) may be a noble request, but it kind of flies in the face of the idea of hard to obtain reward.  Besides even if some changes many of you suggest are made, and the obtaining of these items made more common dont you think the drop rates will just be adjusted down? Not to mention, if one wanted to give out these rewards more often instead of spending time reworking the invasion game mechanic one could just increase the frequency of offers in other ways like alerts.  


    Here is a suggestion.  Protest the drop situation by not participating in invasions that offer OC's and OR's as rewards.  Or better yet fight for the opposite side in protest.  If everyone is organized and does not participate, eventually these items will be offered elsewhere.  Oh, and be sure to PM me when you are not participating.  I will go ahead and run the invasion just to be sure that others are not participating and to verify that OC or OR's in fact were actually obtainable.  I volunteer for this duty as a sacrifice for the good of the community.

  16. Plats are more comparable to arcade tokens IRL, usable in only one place and cannot be traded back to standard forms of money.


    Yes, I think this is a good analogy.  Bit coins are setup to be mined from computers.  They actually are similar to the in-game currency we collect for doing missions and stuff.  One thing to keep in mind though.  Arcade game tokens are more regulated than bit coins.  There is typically licensing and taxes to be paid by the issuer.  And the sort of mischief I alluded to above has been occurring recently wrt arcade tokens in China.

  17. @mpastor

    Only issue with your hypothetical is that already happened with bitcoin (and all of its derivatives such as dogecoin).

    And IRS so far hasn't done much for it......



    Actually this is not true.  The IRS has weighed in and declared it would tax bit coins and declared that "General tax principles that apply to property transactions apply to transactions using virtual currency,"  They can be taxed as ordinary income or as assets subject to capital gains tax.


    So, if you claim plat is like bit coins then I would definitely be concerned.  Especially since bit coins are not generated in exchange for real money (they are mined).  Unlike plat in warframe.    However, I am not a tax attorney but I do know that a company may have you sign terms and agreements but this does not automatically make these terms necessarily legal or legally binding.  This plat is associated with real money so therefore falls under various laws.   They issue plat for money and allow trades without any real oversight (I am not talking just the player base here either).  Serious issues could occur.   Why on earth would you want to involve yourself in that potential mess?




  18. Agreed on Ice and Squads. 

    I actually have the exact opposite problem with Jupiter: I really like the new tileset, but I never have a reason to GO there. I'm legit curious what you've been building that needs Neural Sensors.

    As for Trading, I don't really understand your problem. I could see the argument if DE wasn't CONSTANTLY locking vital mods up in super-rare enemies, but they do, so trading is pretty much necessary. As for trading for plat, it gives F2P players a way to get more slots, which I wholeheartedly support.


    You might have misunderstood me.  I am not against trade.  I am all for it and look forward to a better GUI, that's all.


    I am building warframes, weapons, sentinals, sentinal weapons...  Each require a reactor or cat and these require neural sensors.  Each forma used to upgrade the masses of polarity changes requires NS.  If you get bolted by the G3 you need Ns's.  There are also some melee weapons and helmet sensors that require them.  Pretty much anything really useful uses them.  Have you really not noticed this?  I guess you buy a lot from the store.

  19. Lets see...


    4. Player trading. - I think that allowing plat to be traded was a bad idea. I also believe that removing it now would be a far worse idea. It worked, and while some of us do not like that plat has become the standard trade currency, changing it would cause far too many problems at this point.


    Also: Did this devolve into arguing rather or not this TPS needed the MMO prefix?


    My concern about plat trading is not so much good or bad idea but rather is it a legal idea.  I mean essentially what is done is people give real money in exchange for this unregulated "plat".  Now, this sounds fishy to me on a number of levels.  


    Imagine if I started giving out some fake currency lets call it MPs in exchange for real money.  Suppose people started trading their MP's for things like cars, houses, .... Suppose other people started to accumulate lots of these MP's through trades.  I would think an organization called the IRS might have some issues with this.  


    It just seems like a risky move for the company to make (plat trading).  It seems to open up the game designers up to legal and liability issues.  But, maybe I am wrong.  if it was my game... i would not allow it.  You can only buy from the game store and then items are bound.  Trading between players occurs with in-game currency and in-game items.

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