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Posts posted by The_Red_Death

  1. Good afternoon when you disable blur reflection setting the function continues to work

    Perhaps somewhere the function will be disabled but definitely not 100%

    I apologize for poor English and hope for a quick fix thanks you all for your attention

    Function is disabled (game is restarted)

    Function is enabled

    Function is disabled (game is not restarted)

    Just in case i attach my settings (sorry that in Russian language)


    P. S. If you enable and disable the function and then apply it the reflection blur will be disabled but if you then just go to settings and exit the function will become active again

  2. 37 минут назад, Atsia сказал:

    You really don't want to base your argument on Excal Prime OP, he's a special case where I think there would be actual legal ramifications of they bring it back. But other than him, nothing else in this game had ever been advertised or said to be exclusive, so this really is mostly whining about losing Epeen.

    This is whining about these Canadians grow rich sipping Beers in the stream (Just kidding but still it's true)

    They don't care about how much and for what I paid (The Same slap in the face)

  3. 57 минут назад, Pay2Win сказал:

    Excal Umbra was a way for people to get something similar to the Prime without removing that exclusivity but if DE do decide to release excal prime again, my feelings won't be hurt. It's a basic looking skin and one of the least flashiest of primes.

    Well said

    I consider that already upon us it is time

  4. 48 минут назад, Gnlstorm сказал:

    Alot mean how much?

    At the moment 270 US dollars

    (Pay though millions It's everything equally) but I understand that this does not make me special because personally on my part these investments were as sponsorship

  5. 24 минуты назад, Pay2Win сказал:

    Don't think anything should really be exclusive in this game. It's PvE so none of it matters in the end.

    I agree that this is PvE but you yourself wrote that your exclusive can not be eternal)

  6. 1 час назад, rand0mname сказал:

    - "Founders mastery gives them unfair advantage!"

    I understand you're not the founder.

    As I already wrote theirs exclusive is the same as our but with us so, and with them so

  7. 14 часов назад, --Q--Stryker сказал:

    They were never intended to be permanently exclusive nor a status symbol, people need to get over themselves about it.

    Prime Vault was originally not in the plans but alas appeared and why not shove into it Excalibur Prime ?

  8. 2 часа назад, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff сказал:

    OP you realise I'll be paying £50 for this? Really not for you to say what my hard earned £50 is worth.

    Personally I paid much more and others too

  9. 8 часов назад, Sleepuinox сказал:

    We're all investors, that's true, but it's not the same thing. Founders are exactly what they sound like, they helped build the foundation of the game. It's kind of a leap-of-faith thing, you know? I mean when a game is new, you have no idea whether it'll end up succeeding or not. DE would not want to go back and re-release those exclusives at the cost of losing good will and faith from the playerbase, so they're doing right by the people that supported them in the early days. Founders items will not be released again, feel free to quote me if it ever happens.

    Alas, as I wrote their gratitude cannot go on forever time goes on, the game grows money multiply (Something like this(-_-))

    P. S. I should add that the founders have the appropriate logo in the profile (Let it be theirs exclusive and distinguishing feature) and why not do with (Excalibur Prime) what they did with Vandal ?

  10. 2 часа назад, Sleepuinox сказал:

    Because founders exclusives were a special thank you from DE to those players that contributed money to Warframe in its early days. Things were tough back then trying to get the game on its feet. I'm not a founder obviously, but I appreciate what they did for the game and want their exclusives to remain as such.

    Prime Accesses & Unvaults are just a way to generate more income with shiny goodies... especially concerning players that just want the cosmetics or don't have the time to grind for the frames/weapons due to work/life constraints. They were never stated as being exclusive items that wouldn't return in the future.

    I do not mind the exclusives founders but they are the same investors as we are (in this case, I) but passed already 5 long years and was not said that Excalibur Prime will be forever exclusive until the end of the game (at buyers Prime Access* exclusives is not eternal but and not short) so let and they've them be enough these five years of exclusivity

    hope I made myself clear

  11. 1 час назад, AlMcFly сказал:

    I'm sure you walked around relays just to show other people that you had those exclusive pieces of gear.

    Alas you are wrong

    The fact that I bought the kits cost a lot of money that you can buy licensed games and it would be nice that it was exclusive

  12. DE officially slays exclusive armor and sigil (Especially sigil)

    But the really frustrating thing is that the price is minimal yes and still kit in such composition(

    Looks likes decided to have a good new year (But I don't mind)

    But why was do such a slap to old buyers ?

    In the end, all are equal and no matter how much time you played, and when it started(

    But why not do it with (Excalibur Prime) ? times you don't care

    The result, i have no desire to buy new Prime Access and all thanks to you DE

    If you have any questions about how best to implement these suggestions do not hesitate to ask (This is me to you DE)

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