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Posts posted by ArbitUHM

  1. You should provide some video and at the very least provide your build. I took my 5 forma synapse with a riven up against the "Brozyme test" and I felt it ripped through them quite quickly, but I have no idea how that stacks up against your perception. ViS4GE's gif at least lets us see how it performs, even if it is against idealized circumstances.

    A split viral/corrosive build works well with Hunter Munitions. Yes, HM being ubiquitous kinda sucks for build diversity, but it's silly not to use it on a weapon that can get close to 100% crit chance with a single Point Strike mod. I tried it without HM, subbing in the +60% multishot mod, and it worked fine too.


    there's hunter munitions under that riven

  2. I would hazard a guess that the 40% damage decrease combined with the 60% fire rate and crit stat increase means the DPS is actually superior. It's going to be harder to keep the ammo supply up, as you note.

    That is, they are hitting it with the least fun balancing mechanism - ammo restrictions :(

  3. It would be nice to have autofire at about 75% of the maximum firerate just so you can give you fingers a rest, but the max semiauto firerate is still there for when the S#&$ hits the fan. A weapon like the Tysis is miserable to use for a mission that lasts more than five minutes.

  4. I've had bad streaks before where I got two or three rivens in a month. Now I seem to be on a hot streak where I've been getting one every other day. I actually wouldn't mind picking up a couple sculptures* or endo rewards now. I also have only had two shotgun Rivens drop... both for the Sobek.

    It's just RNG. 

    * One thing I think we can all agree on is that the handling of the glorious pineapple sculpture reward sucks. Getting the first one was awesome, plastering them all over the orbiter was amusing (for a while), now they irritate me because I'm not really getting ~3.4k endo since I have to stick a bunch of stars in it. The fact that it is a sculpture and not just raw endo is a drawback. Sculptures should be a cool and rare thing to get, and maybe even make you feel a little bad for grinding an ancient and beautiful artifact into endo. Now I can't stuff the things down Maroo's endo grinder fast enough.

  5. 1 hour ago, Soldier1312 said:

    Shhhh let it be forgoten. I guess rather than buff for Magnum Force we're gonna get nerf for Augur Pact. :x

    When has DE ever nerfed a mod simply for the sake of consistency? DE has a clear record of releasing a new "fixed" mod rather than adjusting the old one.

    This is your fixed Magnum Force. Enjoy it, I guess.

  6. TBH I'm not convinced that Riven dispositions are (or were ever) actually set strictly by popularity. If that were the case, Opticor should have a 1/5 but it's still sitting at 4/5.

    Frankly I think DE set them just based on a gut check i.e. "No one uses Sicarus Prime right? And it's vaulted so we aren't going to see copycat builds all over the place? 5/5. Oh, Vaykor Sydon is a pretty good syndicate weapon and we (DE) tend to overrate the power of the syndicate explosion... 2/5."

  7. Is it a big deal to do SD or TWW? Like is it time intensive or resource intensive? Honest question, I don't remember.

    IMHO the lore-based missions are some of the best and just experiencing the story is a reward in itself. Just... do them.

  8. On 11/23/2017 at 8:58 AM, BlackCoMerc said:

    Kuva should drop from the Fortress.

    Void traces should drop from the Void and Lua.

    Free roam mode in the Plains should actually grant Rep for both Cetus AND Quills, and Set mods, Materials and fish should drop from containers there. During ops, killing operational enemies in free Roam should grant Operations rep.

    For the work DE put into these areas, they sure go out of their way to make us NOT want to play on them...

    It's pretty obvious why they don't do this. A few reasons (not comprehensive of course)

    1. When they gate those resources behind missions, they control how quickly the player can gather those resources. No matter how powerful your weapons and gear are, there is still a minimum amount of time you need to spend running around the map completing objectives. (the exception here is Cetus standing, because you can catch unlimited amounts of fish, but even that has a standing cap).
    2. On the other hand, if Traces/Kuva are tied to enemy kills, then resource gain becomes extremely variable with the power of your gear. DE now has to balance resource gain so it's reasonable for casual players, but also not so easy to acquire that powerfarmers start accumulating Traces and Kuva like nanospores.
    3. They want to keep people from running the same endless mission types. If Kuva and Void traces are tied to kills, it would exclusively be farmed on endless nodes (probably just survival and defense). You can see this in how bounties and kuva missions are structured i.e. random mission types.
    4. They want to break up farming team comps. If Kuva/Traces are tied to kills, then it's Nekros/Hydroid all day, every day.
    5. They want to differentiate these resources from endo and not give them out as a rotation reward on (again) endless missions.

    Note I'm not necessarily saying these are good reasons, just that these are probably the sort reasons going through their minds.

    I also think it's pretty naive to think that flooding the market with Rivens by making them a more common item is going to make platinum flow like water. That would drop the bottom out on the market which is going to hurt their income from whales/powertraders, and people that like to farm stuff on their own and generally avoid trade chat are probably going to continue doing just that because they just prefer doing that (or the lawless frontier that is trade chat scares them away). Devaluing items and the resources that make them powerful isn't going to get people to spend more platinum.

  9. I hate to be a killjoy, but it's a videogame. DE selectively follows real world logic as they please. People like to make fun if stuff like what the OP is talking about, but nobody makes threads mocking DE for foolishly allowing us to carry like 30 latron magazines and 35 lex prime magazines simultaneously. Sure, we probably have the strength to carry them, but we would be festooned with magazines.

    Also I lied I like being a killjoy

  10. 5 hours ago, TKDancer said:

    well they already mentioned a possible nerf/change to slash so, hunters munition could become useless on non-slash crit weapons if that comes thru



    I would hope not. The whole point of Hunter munitions is to proc slash on weapons that don't have much slash damage and/or have a low proc chance. If the slash proc from Hunter Munitions scaled off how much slash damage the weapon does, the mod really would be useless. I have to hope that DE realizes that.

  11. The name should be changed from "pool" to something more evocative and lore friendly. Why is it called "pool" anyway? If they're going to call it something generic, it might as well be something functional, like "capacity points" or something.

    Personally, I call them cookies, because the icon next to your... pool... looks like a little stack of cookies.


    edit: fun story, when asking you to confirm focus changes, the game actually calls it "capacity"

  12. 2 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    What am I doing wrong? I'm testing it out in the simulacrum and I'm not noticing anything OP? I have a 200% crit amprex and the mod doesn't seem to make that much of huge difference. 

    There's still a lot for me to learn in this game because I wouldn't have thought twice about this mod until seeing a post like this. I thought it was niche

    In my own testing I've noticed I need something that jacks crit damage way up (like 8x or more) in order to get really good results. That means I need a Riven with +crit damage, because I don't have argon scope. +multishot also really helps because it makes the munitions proc go off more reliably i.e. if you fire three bullets then statistically you are likely to proc munitions. You also need a weapon that crits very reliably and can get headshots. Obviously, big +damage modifiers from Rivens are going to help as well. You don't necessarily need all three (+damage, crit, and multi) and the individual weapon stats will influence what you need, but you'll probably need two of the three to get the sorts of "OP" numbers people are talking about.

    For weapons with rivens that meet the above criteria, you can see bleed procs that take off a quarter of a high level bombard's HP with a single tick. For weapons that don't meet those criteria, you're probably going to get results that are as good or actually worse than your normal build.

  13. Commanders really just need a completely different ability. What the hell is commandery about switch teleporting an enemy into the midst the grineer squad he is supposedly "commanding" while he teleports out, potentially placing himself in the middle of a tenno cell?

    Commanders should have a (non-stacking) buff aura or something. Just copy-pasting an ability from Loki (the trickster i.e. one of the least commander-like frames) doesn't make sense.

  14. On 11/17/2017 at 7:21 PM, IceColdHawk said:

    I can't recall it ever being close to being the best melee weapon in the game. I think you're exaggerating HARD there or just overlooked so many better melees. 

    It was considered the best for a time. I think it was not long after stances were introduced, and Dakra prime was the only decent long sword that could take advantage of Crimson Dervish's 3x damage multipliers. This was, of course, long before we came to expect all weapons to be berzerker viable and have a constant 2.5 or 3x multiplier due to body count.

  15. 13 hours ago, (PS4)CannaWhoopazz13 said:


    As the son of a farmer, farmers DO have to pray that the crops they're growing are of a good quality when it comes to harvest.  There's a lot of "randomness" when it comes to nutrition, weeds, rain fall, harsh weather, insects, fungus, equipment malfunction, bad seed quality, etc.  While farmers know what they're planting, they don't know the QUALITY of the crops that they will harvest.  A bad hail storm can destroy an entire crop, wasting 10's or even 100's of thousands of dollars. 

    Irrigation can help with lack of rain, but flooding is also a huge problem!  Too much rain in the Spring prevents planters from going out on time, meaning the harvest is pushed back and weeds get a stronger foothold.  If that goes on too long, the yield will greatly suffer.  

    The list goes on.  Farming is VERY far from a sure thing, the amount of luck in farming is greatly underestimated by anyone who isn't a farmer.  

    I realize this wasn't the purpose of your post, but your claim that farmers aren't at dependent on luck triggered me...

    Haha thank you, this was both funny and informative, despite being completely off topic.

  16. 13 hours ago, rapt0rman said:

    Yep, slash proc Arca Plasmors and Lankas.

    Though the reliability goes down with fire rate and pellet count, bullet hoses and high pellet shotguns have the best results.

    If you have a +multishot Riven on a 3/5 or better disposition weapon, Hunter Munitions is quite reliable on a slow firing, low pellet count weapon. I have a ~100% multishot Riven for my Rubico and combined with Split Chamber I'm getting about three bullets per trigger pull, which means statistically one of those is going to get a slash proc. And the damage is disgusting, like taking more than 25% health off a 115 corrupted bombard per tick. With a really good Riven you could achieve some crazy numbers.

  17. 4 hours ago, Anthraxicus said:

    Oh, you will want to do it solo. No risk of people bailing out and the thing instantly failing. You also don't need to wait for anyone. There is no risking of dropping the toxin when you get on your archwing. And in the last stage of the bounty, the exterminate mission will run 10x faster with speedva and all the infested running exclusively towards you.

    Yeah, as long as you have the resources to craft the gear thingies that increase your standing, there is little reason to run the operation in a group. The only part that is difficult are the lephantis bosses - these actually DO get harder the more catalysts you use. The fourth one is level 55ish and can soak up some pretty serious damage, in addition to the corpus head occasionally oneshotting you. 

  18. Whoa whoa, some of the rewards are complete trash but overall this is a huge improvement. Getting multiple rolls on the reward table makes getting certain things like Gara parts, lenses, and the new set mods much easier. It's just some of the rewards are... well not even bad so much as insignificant. 

  19. 300 endo is good IMHO. It's a decent supplement for someone (i.e. me) that doesn't farm endo except what I acquire from the weekly Maroo ayatan expedition and sorties.

    100 kuva is a joke. It takes 800 kuva to reroll an unrolled Riven.

    5k credits is pretty awful too. DE is really stingy with the credits for some reason, handing them out a few thousand at a time, except when it comes to Dark Sectors, then you get 20k+ for a few minutes of effort. It's really inconsistent and weird.

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