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Posts posted by Outdated

  1. I am not quiet sure on the issue but I seem to remember that certain tests for warriors in different cultures were allowed to be taken only once, you fail?

    You Fail.


    So letting you retry only once every day gives quiet the impact and is good for the game, even if it bothers some,

    and acutally gives having these titles their Value.


    Without the waiting time you could just remove them from the game.

  2. Are we?

    I hope not.

    I really REALLY hope not.

    Were wasting a valuable resource!

    Were not just blowing them up!

    We can't be!




    Don't worry she is just saying that because everybody knows the enemy is listening, too.


    Simple setup

    1: steal the enemies power cores.

    2: tell everybody we will destroy them on a coded but not unbreakable channel.

    3: divert the enemies attention by threatening to blow up his whole shipyard while the others make their get away.

    4: blow up a few of the reactors at some safe point so if the greenier should come looking for them non the less they can find the residue.

    5: keep the rest of the loot somewhere safe.

    6: play witht he fire and ask ember for a dance.

  3. I see a ton of people reporting fighting G3 squad, and even a few have finished the Brakk.

    Well, I got a warning from Hek as soon as I logged in after patch. After I helped Corpus in 1 invasion mission against Grineer, I get another mail which should be the mark.

    25 invasion missions later (5 invasions in total, all in groups), I killed 3 stalkers, but never seen a G3 yet.

    Does G3 share spawn with Stalker? Just terrible RNG? Or is this a bug?



    I know no one wants to hear that but stastics say you might very well make a few hundred matches without seeing them.

    There may be some methods to improve your odds a little but in the end it changes little.

    They may come after you or not and thats a good thing when a bounty hunter is on your trail he pics the timeing not you.


    So if you'd take the advice forget the G3 and just play.

  4. Well if we are already going down that road...


    it is obvious isn't ist?


    Lotus, the woman in our live, bossing us around watching us kill thousands, oh ever so cold as if she didn't care at all, and then when we kill one of those nasty, evil, vile bosses she can't..


    We get a note from a mysterious person  promising punishment.

    Offcourse the waiting is the worst, never knowing when and then suddenly Lotus is gone and stalker is there.



  5. The internet while accesible from all over the world is mainly based in the US, europe and ofcourse the far east.

    So conections are usally build with a primary focus going there.

    This in mind in the internet europe might be closer then your neighbour country.

  6. I think the two main point we have on the nature of Lotus are:


    a: her relation ship with the tenno and that is one of very strong loyalty.

    While our outlook is limited by the gameplay we can safely assume that there is a lot of social action going on behind the scenes ( especialy considering stalkers lore meaning that we can assume that not all tenno suffer the same memmory loss).


    There are Tennos sneaking through the solar system, meeting other groups, talking, planing and she is right in the center.

    How could she maintain that position with out sincere Loyalty.


    b: remmber the nature of the tenno, how they were created and if there is anything human left in them how that shaped them.


    They were sacrificed, either by their own people or even worse used by their own enemies, they were twisted tortued, expermiented on.

    How many did survive? How many died horribly?


    There are only two kinds of people a Tenno could be loyal to another Tenno, the only who have seen the same as he, or maybe a "mother" a scientist for example, a doctor, Trying to help them. Someone who cared, someone who so you, when everybody else saw just a thing.


    So thats what Lotus is: One of them or the only one who cared.


    or maybe that is what she once was for maybe she is the one who died for them.

  7. To be fair gunblades do not fire bullets, and bayonet's were around long before that fantasy was finalized.


    not sure if we are talking of the same thing here but meele weapons that are also firearms are a concept older then rifles.

    I remmber seeing a mace that also was a oneshot pistol in a museum, it hink that was in venice.


    The real issue is how effective these weapons should be, a very limmited magazine, bad accuracy...



    edited for wrong word

  8. Another thing that has always bugged me, why do I get email from the Stalker and Harvester(Alad V)? They clearly want to operate stealthy, so why are they sending me email? I feel like the Stalker and Harvester announce the mark in email more because people were getting mad then because it made sense. I don't know why it isn't the Lotus telling us about the mark because it'd make a ton more sense. "Tenno, your actions have attracted the attention of an ancient foe. Be careful" or something like that. I mean, she is kind of our handler and should know these things...


    Thats how it should be, technicaly all contacts should be going through her hands (for example Payment notifications ).

    If we were to find and contact so easily stalker and his buddies would drag us from our beds. 

  9. Here reaction is quiet logical.


    The Operations the Tenno engage in are selected for a simple risk/profit balance.

    Remmber the Tenno are allways engaging in very precise, well planed and limited incursions.

    That allows us to maximise our effect while keeping casualties to a minimum.


    Part of this meticular planning is that e the Lotus acts as Commander, keeping an eye on the overall development, constantly updating informations ( yeah thats what the minimap is), chosing routes, finding ways to overcome obstacles, so the tenno can concentrate on what they are best at and come home safe.


    Now what do you think the appearence of the G3 mean?

    Quiet simple your mission is a setup, a trap! How else could they be there waiting for you?


    So the moment she has them on her screens, she aborts the mission, telling you to retreat. Because you, the tenno are far more valuable to the overall effort than achieving the mission could ever be.

  10. I am new to this so correct me if I am wrong.


    When you kill somebody in survival there is a chance he will drop small life pack restoring your and only your life support.

    Now if you are one of those super fast super powerfull players buzzing around in a low level the following happens in my exsperience.


    You are killing everything and picking up all the stuff. Now for most things thats no problem but when it comes to the life packs the situation changes for those can be picked up only once and the bonus goes only to you.


    So you may be at 90% but who says your friends are.

  11. Hallo Freunde ich bin neu im Spiel und würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir ein paar Fragen zu den Mods beantworten könntet ( oder mir eine entsprechende Informationsquelle zeigen könntet).


    1: Wenn ich mir einen Mod z.B. für mein Gewehr anschaue, fallen mir mehrere Symbole auf.

    Die sehen aus wie Kästchen oder Zähne welche Bedeutung haben die genau?


    2: Einige Mods liefern spezielle Fähigkeiten, beim Einsatz scheinen die irgendeine Art von Energie/ Ausdauer zu verbrauchen. Wo kann ich sehen wieviel ich davon habe?


    3: Wenn ich mir ausserhalb einer Mission meine Mods anschaue, gibt es da eine Reihe von Optionen unter anderem verkaufen und fusion.


    Was hat es mit fusion auf sich?

    und dem entsprechend die Frage: Ist es eine gute Idee Mods die ich nicht brauche zu verkaufen?

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