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Posts posted by .Re-light.

  1. Yo, 

    got some mods for the Strun that is unofficial best crit shotgun in the game.. If you are headshot junky like me, I think you'll like them:

    1) 2w7k114.jpg


     Impact -  Gone! no useless knockback procs, acidic corrosion and cc-ing fire all the way! 

    Asking price 1100


    2) 29cqt21.jpg


    Note that with this riven 1 dual stat mod is enough.

    I don't have enough forma on the Strun W to show fully maxed but with 2 90 elements you can push the Corrosion damage to just change above 7k like so:



     This allows to go for pure corrosive damage.

    Asking price 800


    3) Twin Rogga that I just got through trade, sadly I don't use, but someone there might appreciate this sick! riven:


    The improvement it gives is rather silly..


    Asking price:  Not sure about this one.. but leaning to 4 figures. All reasonable offers in that range or close are welcomed.


    If you buy any for asking price: I can throw in two rivens as gifts:

    1qs874.jpg (275p) on it's own or 

    11j67oj.jpg (75p)


    No price is set in stone, there is always wiggle room. However I don't believe I went crazy with prices so do be mind full of that...


     As for WTB, I'll link to my original post:


    Thanks for your visit!

  2. 10 hours ago, (PS4)bountyhunter1551 said:

    I don't understand why people go around selling riven mods for any weapon for over 500  or even close to 500 platinum, it makes no sense. I had someone try to sell me a Vulkar riven with             [ - Reload (makes your reload take longer), +Critical chance, +Damage, and - Zoom] for 1200 plat. It's ridiculous to pay that much when you can buy it with a worse roll and use Kuva to get it to that point. personally in my opinion this really shouldn't happen (but Warframe is a free market, so there are those greedy people or people that over-antiquate items/mods) mods aren't really worth that much, unless you're Tigris.

    The reason behind what I'm saying is that the developers change the disposition based on how much use the weapon gets. This disposition can change when the developers do updates and i doubt its set in stone. Yet again it's my own opinion, you can agree and disagree, I will still respect you for that. The only things that should ever go close to 500 are OLD Vaulted Warframe sets, and mods that you can no longer obtain in game such as the acolyte mods (same with wraith and vandal weapons of course, some of the time they don't go over a couple hundred).

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, I just wanted to voice my opinion and see if any of you guys agree.

    ~bountyhunter1551 (PS4)

    If you got a - zoom, then you can't also have -reload only + reload, so that riven would be + reload, +dmg +crit chance -zoom (very very good negative for snipers). Kinda almost perfect for Vulkar. You could argue that since it's Vulkar after all, it's a bit pricey, but even then 800-1000 is fine and he'll find a buyer easy since there are enough Vulkar fans.

    People that have been trading a bit and rolling rivens know how tedious kuva farm is, how hard hitting a specific roll can be.. I dare you to go buy an unroll Vulkar and try to get those exact stats. I double dare you. 

    Once you realize it might be 20-50-200 rolls or it might never come you'll rethink what do you value more, your time or little (or a lot depending on perspective) ingame currency. 

    Now I am not saying there aren't greedy or dishonest ppl, but from my expirience, usually it's the new ppl that unknowingly or because they saw a similar (actually perfect riven) similar to theirs, overprice. New ppl in most cases are not the buyers of really expensive mods, not enough plat and it's them that laugh at prices. While Vets on PC at least have from few thousands, to few 10s of thausands to some even 100k +. At least those that trade a lot.


    Riven system is the perfect infinitely re playable hamster wheel with end goal of either getting rivens for all your favorite weapons or stockpiling plat or both

    Nothing in the game even comes close.  Some adjustments might happen, but I doubt that previously unused weapons that are now finally getting some play time because of strong dispositions will have those dispositions change. That would insert insecurity and deflate prices and that would be bad for DE pocket.

  3. Sorry, I need a riven with -recoil.. That is a must QOL stat for me on it.

    Yours is pretty much perfect but if I use steady hands I won't get as much -recoil as I want. I want recoil gonne completely before the head shot buff.

    If I was looking for just max dps like yours I could offer 1.5  but I know it could be worth more with right buyer..and I don't feel like going broke again already.

    Thanks for the fabulous riven picture tho. If nothing pops up and you have it in a few days I'll pm you if our ranges are close.

  4. Hello all,


     I am looking for these exact stats:

    1. ( - recoil + multishot ) -must have,

    2. ( +damage +fire rate + status + toxin + electric) -this is optional

    3. must have negative that can be -zoom, -max ammo, -max clip, -flight speed)

    My budget is 1k, but if someone presents me with exactly what i want, we can talk it over and maybe raise it. 


    I also got dmg, cold, multishot -crit damage that I could offer to trade + plat.. If someone is reluctant to let go of their only dual tox riven without a substitute. 


      If you got the -recoil + ms with a negative feel free to pm me here or post below..

  5. No, melee while invisible is now a lot weaker. It's a change from the last 24 hours and last hotfix. But yea, still hoping it's a bug.

    And if it is and changes a part of game play in any major way it should be brought to attention sooner rather then later.

    Could the topic be titled different, sure. But to just delete or lock it instead of maybe moving it to weapons feedback category is censorship.

    Hopefully we will get a comment soon from DE.


  6. 3 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

    Maimimg's just a problem for a select few cases, and it's much more sensible to nerf those(Atterax,Shadow Step/Invisibility in general) than to remove crit on slide attack.

    Maiming is a problem on all high damage, high range weapons.. I would prefer fixing just Maiming strike and how it works with bloodrush where it's just a 1 shot after certain multiplier is reached then to leave it and go and change: 1. focus school skill tree effect. 2. invisability 3. all whips, all good polearms, gelatine and the likes..

    Seems like less work or do you like your macro spam that much?

  7. 1 minute ago, rapt0rman said:

    There are much more logical things they could be doing to nerf melee damage, like fixing bloodrush/maiming strike calculations (which are actually broken) resulting in +500% crit chance after a few casual spins.

    ok, i'll clarify. I meant it as in they searched for a way to make naramon weaker but not kill it completely. If the damage was such a problem, still slight less multiplier would be a better solution, not dmg - then 4 seconds of nothing.. Oh and it's funny someone above mentioned rivens.. I was just thinking how they didn't as usually use binoculars when introducing rivens and what strong disposition on some weapons will do, so this come as a "balancing" nerf.. Oh and you better go and get a riven for your favorite melee if long invis melee survivals are your thing.. Btw, Lesion is now weak haha.. Takes 3-4 times longer for the same job it did before..  

  8. 3 hours ago, -CP9- said:

    Boar will be 200p on its own being a boar riven, and the soma's will be worth a lot more due to being soma's with decent stats.

    EDIT: The Boar Riven has been sold. 

    Going by that logic, 200 for "V" kohm will be acceptable? same ign

  9.   If you want a discussion, pm the owner here (in case he made an account, hope he did, for simplicity and future trades..) or ingame.. Dive_Venom

    I gain 100p if it brakes 10.. Just met the guy today in trade chat, so only curious how it goes and agreed to do it since he didn't know how and it takes 2 minutes.

    Good luck all!


  10. Hello all!

       Today's menu is a juicy one:



      Is there anything else I should say about this?


    Auction will last 72 hours from this moment or untill B/O price is reached.

    B/0 - 15K

    C/0 - 5K

    Please for the sake of fairness and transparency, post your bids bellow, no pm's and also

    this is not my riven, the person that's selling it is  Dive_Venom


    Thanks for the visit! 




  11.  6m inate warframe vacum  would fix everything, or would at least be a fair compromise. Why are they stuborn about this that much is beyond me.. Who ever said that once you are vet, you don't need mats and can use whatever is no vet. You farm mats by passively farming them while playing the type of mission you like on a planet that has them. Any other way leads to faster burnout. Less playtime _less money for DE. Less pets used, less sold cosmetics, catalysts, forma.. Beside limiting choice to just sentinels current state of affairs has no other effect.

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