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Posts posted by Ishteen

  1. I am already 14 to15 (less than 1k exp to go), ranking up doesn't give me special snowflakes other than people calling me a no lifer or worse in PUG games.

    Heck I can't $&*^ around in pub games anymore as I am expected to do miracles even with a Loki. Derp !


    Except this is a problem affecting a lot of rank 3 people moving on to rank 4. So yeah, that's kind of an issue.




    Omnomnomnom photosynthesis.

  2. Calayne please understand that I mentioned about the level of interest the Lore can create.Copy pasting the name is a natural way to answer you/direct to you


    Why not just use the quote function?


    OT: My concern with the lore of this game is that it won't live up to the playerbase's hype. There are some very intriguing routes DE could go with this - many of them operating in the "morally gray" area - but, more likely than not, that simply won't come to be. I've yet to play any MMO that has a truly intriguing plot (beyond the obligatory mention of WoW).

  3. That being said, Nekros almost seems like a necessity to offset the RNG for Delta Beacons from my experience (getting another chance of a beacon drop from every praetor you meet essentially halves the amount of time you spend grinding), and I think that's a good sign of how ridiculous RNG drops like these have become in general. (Let's also consider the fact that this is all for the additional grindwall of Hydroid, which drops in three parts. Unlike Lephantis, where you can just go do a few vault runs for Corrupted Mods and then build another key if you didn't get the right Nekros part, if you get the part you didn't need for Hydroid you need to go back and grind for beacons with no side benefit whatsoever.)

    EDIT : I also find it somewhat ironic that the first frame to drop from a key-based boss has become almost mandatory to get the second frame from a key-based boss. Grind on top of grind, essentially.


    Amen to that. What makes the RNG in this game especially tedious is the fact that enemies and mission types tend to remain quite stagnant - at some point it becomes more of a mandatory chore to press 3 all day (leaving out the fact that Desecrate should also be reworked) than something you occasionally could do.


    And yes, the arguments that "X game is worse than Warframe" really doesn't hold a whole lot of water here. Justifying one does not justify another.

  4. I quite like this idea, and I've bandied around something similar before but never posted about it. I think it'd work especially well if our friendly neighborhood death squads were to receive an AI overhaul/balance pass, so that they're genuinely difficult to fight instead of relying on insta-gib weapons - thus mixing in anticipation (of phat lewtz) with anxiety (of getting brutally murdered). As it stands now, special boss assassins are merely gear checks.

  5. The Dark Souls AI wasn't particularly great so much as the game relied on enemy positioning within the levels. Were they still deadly? Yes.

    But once you figured out how to counter their limited script of movements and remembered their locations then it was easier. I have yet to see a game pull off solid adaptable AI. 


    What I have seen though is AI used intelligently such as in the Demon/Dark Souls games as well as Monster Hunter, Fear 1, and...hmm...about all I can think of for now. 


    Seems most game makers noawadays care more about neat gimmicks in game mechanics and shinier graphics more than truly smart and challenging enemies.


    This is just a little bit off-topic, but I do feel that this Experienced Points article about AI design might be relevant to this discussion of enemy balance and, ultimately, "fun" in Warframe. What are the chances of DE focusing on such a subject?

  6. Having this same exact problem. I've got plenty of space, so I know that's not the issue. It appears you just cannot delete pre-req halls if you have a larger version built. And on top of this, you can't build multiples of the same kind of hall, so if you've made a Great Hall to clear out your original base hall you're effectively SOL.

  7. What I don't get is why whenever someone asks for an moderately rare encounter's chance to occur be increased so the SECONDARY level of RNG is less ridiculous is met with resistance. It can have no downside to those with the weapon already, what the HELL are you guys trying to accomplish? Are you just making us who want the weapon suffer for your own pleasure? I've seen the G3 and Harvester ONE time each since they came out and always have a mark on me from one faction or another, could you ease your elitism and let us who don't want to wait literally months for two neat weapons actually obtain them?


    I am personally not hunting for the Brakk or Detron (got a bone to pick with Sally the Stalker), but I am indeed quite curious about this "shut up and deal" attitude from players who already picked up their weapons. This isn't the only thread where this sort of behavior appears, and OP is, of course, not the only person suffering from the whole RNG-upon-RNG deal. My belief is that, due to their rarity and power, such weapons are seen as "unique" and "special" - and increasing the rate at which players obtain them would be diluting this inherent value. Which is a valid point...but only to an extent.


    I have half a mind to suggest that weapon drop rates should be drastically increased per encounter (with the potential balancing factor of reducing the spawn rate on assassin bosses). Either that, or allow death squad weaponry to be traded between players.

  8. Then they'd make less money. Thats the entire reason there is a build time. Its not greedy they have to feed themselves somehow. Since people could then just say "Oh im going to sleep now anyways, come back tomorrow morning when it cost a 3rd as much."


    This is a good point. However...you could make the argument that, with this kind of reduction, more people may decide to rush with platinum than if it just remained its base amount all throughout construction. (I know dojo rooms do have this sort of price-adjusting system in place for rushing them.)


    I'd be interested in a foundry upgrade, but mostly to clean it up a bit and perhaps add the ability to create gear with pre-installed catalysts or reactors - it'd make my idea on Priming more feasible, at least.

  9. can't say I support this, it sounds like an interesting idea, but unless the stalker is really op (and only does the 100% appearance when you're solo) his "rare" goodies won't be rare anymore....then again, I had the fortune of having him drop hate the very first time i killed him, so I don't know the struggle :P


    The struggle is real, man. I've met people in dedicated farming squads who have been hunting for his weapons longer than I have.


    Kind of going off-topic here a little bit, I think it would also be interesting if the Stalker had a significantly reduced chance of showing up, and was a much smarter and more difficult enemy, but always had a chance to drop a blueprint on death. Still, I haven't put a significant amount of thought into this - I do know that one unfortunate side effect is that you won't be looking over your shoulder quite as much with this sort of change.

  10. No, I haven't, and I'll explain why.


    This is only a problem for you because your go-to weapon was unable to kill him fast enough; mine is not. If you pick a weapon that will kill him faster than he can kill you regardless of what tactic he opens with, it doesn't matter if he can insta-gib you because your insta-gib is better.

    As it is, the ONLY excuse I have at this point to die to the Stalker anymore is if a fluke occurs like the Pull spam he uses when he spawns with a large obstacle separating you from him. However, even if this occurred it is not a flaw with how encounters occur in the first place, but faulty AI and bad combat design.



    Stalker battles are, for the most part, as predictable as any other fight in this game now. You either have gear that's good at killing him faster than he kills you, or you don't.



    While you're not defeating your own argument per say, you are certainly detracting from it with this train of logic. The Stalker is a gear check at this point, nothing more. If you get to retry but are forced to use the same weapons, your result will likely be the same as before. If you get to retry and switch your weapons, you're basically guaranteed a victory if you have a weapon that is sufficient for this purpose. Either way you're defeating the purpose of an in-game entity that is literally supposed to catch you off-guard.


    I yield these points to you (and make no mistake, they are excellent ones). However, leaving aside the fact that the Stalker could indeed use a Dark-Souls-esque makeover in terms of AI and balancing, I am still in support of my suggestion. Here's why.


    There are many players who, if their screen starts flickering demonic red, may as well call it quits and leave the mission. There are just as many players who, if their screen starts flickering demonic red, they just plant themselves somewhere and prepare for some free loot. The former have no use for a rematch, because they'll just go down again anyway; the latter won't have the opportunity to get a rematch, because they've pinned the Stalker to the floor and made him cry Sally.


    But, there are many players who are in between these two "extremes" - that is to say, people of intermediate skill or equipment, like myself. These are the players in which a battle with the Stalker could really go either way. I can't speak for everyone, but I can tell you with the utmost confidence that my Soma can indeed deal with him. In squads where I wasn't being targeted, I've wiped him all over the floor in under a second; in a match where I was being targeted, I had a few very close calls before finally striking him down and finding out that DE replaced his Slash Dashes with Heated Charge. (Man, that was a kickass fight. Very chaotic too; lots of Grineer shooting in the air, stomping the ground, what have you.)


    If these players fall to the Stalker - for whatever reason, perhaps they're under too much fire, or they're in a narrow corridor with no barrel-rolling room, or they just happen to be stuck waiting for the defense reward screen timer to count down - I feel it is only fair to give them an option to fight him once again, especially since it might be months until they get another visit. It's their revive, but it's also their chance at a few knuckle-chewing brushes with death and maybe some cool loot.


    Your point that the Stalker is, effectively, supposed to catch you off guard is (as I'll reiterate) a very good one, and I really have no way to counter that. It would be awesome if the Stalker was less of a gear check and more of a truly engaging miniboss, but DE's lips are tightly sealed as to whether or not they're tinkering with his code. (Wandering along this tangent, it would be very interesting indeed if the ambush Stalker was his typical OP self, and challenging him again would perhaps see him using fewer cheap tactics but much more advanced and responsive ones - "genuine difficulty", so to speak.)


    Still, as it stands, I feel my proposition at least alleviates some of the RNG-based nature of his appearance.

  11. You can't delete a Level 2 Hall before deleting a Level 3 first.


    Thought as much. Does the base Clan Hall count as level 2 or 1?


    Edit: For that matter, is it possible to build two Great Halls and still be able to delete one of them?

  12. Had exactly the same issue. Have you set the Hall to be your spawn? If so the spawn counts as the Hub, try setting the spawn point in a lower tier hall.


    I have not. I'm not entirely sure how to do that - I saw the option for it in another clan's hall once, but it used the old tileset and such, so I'm not sure if that affected things.


    Will marking a hall as the hub allow you to delete other halls however you see fit?

  13. A question for all you clan architects - how exactly does deleting clan halls work? I've heard that you were to, say, build a Clan Grand Hall, you can't delete any of its prerequisites - that is to say, you're stuck with a Great Hall, a Greater Hall, and your new Grand Hall. Has this been fixed?


    Also, is it possible to, say, build a Clan Great Hall in another location, delete the original Clan Hall you've started out with, replace it with a new Great Hall, and delete the older Great Hall?


    Terribly convoluted, I know, but sadly there's no option yet to just upgrade your preexisting hall.

  14. Which is about as valid as wanting a rematch when he drops nothing of value. His AI randomly decided to instantly kill you with Dread, and you were unprepared. What you're saying is that you want a rematch against something that's supposed to catch you off-guard in the first place.


    You have, in a sense, defeated your own argument. My suggestion does indeed imply that if you were to re-challenge the Stalker, you would be better prepared (unless doing so meant going through an in-mission portal to fight him with your current gear) - however, the only thing that is guaranteed is the fact that he will show up. Whether or not his AI decides to, as you put it, randomly insta-gib you with Dread again is still an unknown factor.


    There is no random surprise spawn, but my suggestion still carries with it an unpredictable battle (although, granted, it might be rather one-sided).


    Further, you mention how the figurative I was "unprepared" for his AI to instantly kill me with the Dread. How, then, am I to "prepare" for this kind of tactic? The only way to do so currently is to preemptively strike - which, while a valid method, also seems largely like the only method. Is that to say, then, that if you don't get the drop on the Stalker you're effectively SOL unless he decides to whip out his melee weapon?

  15. I carry my maxed-out Paris Prime for two primary reasons:


    1. Bows are awesome.

    2. Bows kill stuff, including the Stalker.


    I don't play his game of trying to dodge heat-seeking arrows anymore. I bring max Redirection with me on every mission and calmly line up one shot for him when he appears. A weapon that requires many small hits (however powerful it is) is not going to compare to one really good shot if you are good at landing it. Don't give him time to kill you and he can't.


    My proposition has nothing to do with nerfing him; that is a discussion that is being held by other people, on other threads. My proposition is to allow players who have been killed by the Stalker an optional way to have a rematch with him. These are two completely different things.

  16. Hmmm the portal thing sounds kinda "off" but i agree about Stalker/Harvester/G3 spawn rate being able to "stack"


    Stalker marks already stack, or at least that's the common consensus.




    If this happens I'd date you.


    Hey, at least he drops you blueprints. He's given me a Heated Charge. Sometimes even two.

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