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Posts posted by Jfalz

  1. 1 hour ago, Oreades said:

    fighting my own team mates for damage initiative

    I can deal with all the other annoying things in this fight, except this one!  How sad do I feel when it cycles to a damage type that I have lots of, only for someone else to immediately cycle it back to a different damage type that I have not much of?  Very sad, indeed.

  2. Rather than spend time & resources re-doing his entire kit, here are some easy Vauban tweaks I thought of while bored at work:

    1) Bastille should also act has a bullet shield similar to Frost bubble, Gara glass, Volt shield etc.

    2) Tesla can interact with Bastille similar to Khora's whipclaw on her dome.  Throw the grenade at Bastille to damage all enemies caught in it.

    **Updated - Tesla damage should increase based on the number of enemies affected.

    3) Tesla can also interact with Vortex similar to Nidus' synergy with his 1 and 2.  Throw the grenade into the Vortex and damage all enemies inside it (scaling like in #2).

    Nothing revolutionary at all, but I think these changes make Vauban a viable Defense frame with tweak #1, and also give him more damage potential with teaks 2 & 3 along with his current passive. 


  3. 1 hour ago, RistN said:

    I don't  think anyone  is forcing anything .You have whole week to finish this tasks and you only have to do about 60% of all missions to reach lvl 30,meaning you don't  have to do anything  you don't  like.This is how I  did it and I  reached  lvl 30 + 4 extra ones.

    Same here.  I've been ignoring the 8 bounties and the hunting animals ones in particular, and I still hit level 30 fine.  I also consider myself someone that "has a life"....Kind of.  Not to say that the system doesn't need some tweaks/changes, which have all been well-documented in a thousand other posts.  But these threads about people burning out on nightwave are getting pretty ridiculous.  

  4. Hey, don't be so hard on yourself 🙂 

    Arcane Strike is another option.  At max rank, it provides a 10% chance on each hit with ANY weapon to increase the speed of melee attacks by 40% for 12 seconds.  

    It drops from the Eidolon Gantulyst (either kill or capture).  But it's much easier to buy from another player, as a fully ranked one is currently selling for as little as 50p on the warframe market!

  5. 1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    I got it done in the end by doing a run with Ivara in which every enemy died completely unalerted, 100% stealth kills. My actual first attempt was when I did the Sortie III in the Void, where I killed everything with sleep finishers, no gunfire and no direct sightings of me, but for some reason the enemies all started in semi-alert state, before I even made contact with them. So the lesson I took from that was that undetected means undetected.


    I am...grimly amused at the fact that I apparently am playing the game on a harder difficulty to everyone else, due to bugs and glitches.

    Loki and the Hushed Invisibility mod works wonders.  I roflstomped a grineer map with arca plasmor and still got credit for completing the challenge 🤷‍♂️

  6. I don't know, I'm pretty antisocial but I didn't find it too difficult to get a kuva group going in LFG chat, add everyone as a friend and then do the mission.  We had a really good time actually.  Maybe I got lucky with getting a good group.  Plus I can use the kuva to roll the Zaw riven that DE gave out on Friday =D.  PLUS I knocked off a bunch of the other challenges while doing the mission.

    That said, the "with a friend" step does seem pretty unnecessary.  Having to add a random friend just to do a mission, then say BYE after and never speak to them again, does not add any value, challenge, or fun to the mission.  I mean you never know, maybe some people will actually gain lasting friendships out of this, but I doubt the majority of players will.  

  7. 35 minutes ago, Tinklzs said:

    So you cannot use them for their life support feature, but you can use them for kuva towers. Correct?


    You CANNOT hit the use key on the towers to get life support

    You CAN bring kuva drops to the towers to siphon kuva

    You CAN pick up life support that drops from enemies

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  8. I loved PoE when it came out because it was so new and different from anything in WF.  Unfortunately Fortuna does not have that same initial WHOA factor, since 90% of the systems are carried over and routine by now.  Fortuna even launched without some of the content PoE had, like a killable giant boss and the Operator faction containing new gameplay stuff (not just cosmetics).  The other big new addition, K-drives, also launched unfinished, with the races still not providing standing rewards and therefore not worth doing. 

    Certainly Fortuna has had a MUCH better technical launch then PoE.  But other than that I'm pretty lukewarm on it.             

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