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Posts posted by Gmacedo

  1. Can confirm, this happened to me too. To combat this I just used Madurai next run and blasted them before they could get corrupted. Also I'm not sure if this has happened to anyone else as I haven't really found anything on this yet, so I might've just had a bugged mission, but Lua Thrax Plasm and Steel Essence didn't seem to be affected by the stacking endless mission boosters. Almost 1h in I was still only getting 1 Plasm/Thrax enemy

  2. On 2024-02-25 at 8:02 PM, Snowy.Rajini said:

    My friends and I ended up with the same thing. A Kexat followed one of them into a defense. We enjoyed having it around and got a good laugh until the mission didn't progress. Realized pretty quickly it was the Kexat because it had the angry red glow to it. I found your post roughly a few hours after you added it and we did try jumping over the edge but to no avail. We ended up repeatedly leading it over the Trauma Clamps and activating them until it died. The mission did progress after. Something to also try if anybody else experiences this and the jumping doesn't work.

    That's actually a great idea with the Trauma Clamps, I didn't even think of it! Although looking back I guess because it was immune to regular damage I just assumed Trauma Clamps wouldn't work either. Glad to see I'm not the only one this has happened to though, it's a minor but very annoying bug to have to deal with

  3. So yesterday I was playing steel path duviri in a public squad when we encountered an unusual and pretty annoying bug. After I entered the undercroft I noticed a Kexat had followed me in, which I found funny at first, even making jokes with my teammates saying the game was trying to turn me schyzo because it would spawn behind me and despawn a few seconds after I looked at it, but it got annoying pretty fast. It followed me into the defense mission in the undercroft and caused us to get softlocked after we cleared the first wave of enemies. We thought we had missed an enemy somewhere, but soon realized the cat was to blame. Apparently hostile animals in duviri are unkillable, count as an ally when you ping them, but for some reason the game's code still counts them as an enemy. We were stuck, with no enemies to kill besides the Kexat and were debating for a few minutes on what to do, until we decided to jump 1 by 1 into the void to see if it would follow us, which it luckily did, releasing us from our torment and allowing us to complete the mission. Wasn't really game breaking because we did eventually find a way out of it, but it was rather annoying to experience and some players may not think to jump into the void and might end up forfeiting their run to get out. I do have a screenshot of it with me in the undercroft, but frankly I don't know how to upload pictures here and I can't be bothered to research how to

  4. I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this as I haven't seen anyone mention this yet, but it seems like the acolyte spawns in alchemy missions are broken as well. I completed a 1h steel path alchemy run a while before the PSA and not only did I lose my rotation rewards, not a single acolyte spawned during the entire run. I submitted a ticket mentioning this too, hope they patch this soon 🙏

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  5. So a few days ago, I was hunting Eidolons like you do, when suddenly after using my K-drive my warframe completely turns invisible. At first I was ok with it because all it was was me being invisible but then I start clipping through the map and falling endlessly while dying and instantly being revived back up to the surface and falling again. Using my K-drive I managed to get back up but when I got out of the K-drive I couldn't move at all and I was stuck there looking at a ragdolled me stuck standing up. After a few K-drive spams I managed to break free from the bug but remained invisible. This only stopped when I died and respawned.

    Here's a video of what happened: https://youtu.be/U_cl_ZbvYAo

    Warning: I was listening to music when this happened and I don't have any video editing software so be careful with the audio when watching the video 🙂

  6. Hello. Today I was doing Fracture runs and came across a very annoying bug. While doing Fracture runs, if my Vasca Kavat were to be downed I was unable to revive it. Happened multiple runs and I even tried restarting my game but it had no effect. I'm unsure if it's caused by the fractures or not but I noticed that during my runs it was happening to some other players too and if our kavats were to be downed we had to wait for another player to revive them.

  7. So sometimes, when you shoot the Synoid Gammacor, the FX of the 3 beams that come out of the weapon, sometimes get stuck on terrain and sometimes even mid air, even when not shooting. Happened to me a couple of times already and it can be quite distracting if you run with a bright energy color.


  8. I also have an issue with this. 2 days ago i got a riven mod from a sortie and tried to unveil it, but there was the un-equiping bug and  i couldnt complete the challenge. Today, i was so happy to see that they patched it, but when i tried to equip it, it said that i didnt have enough mastery rank (remember, it wasnt even re-rolled, i got it from a sortie and didnt even open it for the first time) and this is really bugging me, because i cant do anything with that riven mod now, since i cant unveil it and sell it for a decent amount of plat. I just hope DE fixes this, because i find it really fun to get a riven mod, completing the challenge and then be able to sell it so i cna have plat to buy more stuff, and have more fun, and so on.

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