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Posts posted by Lord_Datastorm

  1. Before I started today I was Tier 15 with 1,000 points. Completed Sortie Mission (3/3) and got the 150 melee kills mission. The Score above still says Tier 15 with 10,000/10,000. It should be Tier 16 with 1,000. Did They not having allowances for people to get all the requirements done and have credits after 15 like they did in Season 1 after Tier 30? If it just tops at Tier 15, it kinda gives no reason to do more till Season 2. Makes me miss the old alerts to come back to give people something to do other then some of these missions.

  2. Might you look at this website about how many users Warframe has up to March 2019. https://www.pcgamesn.com/warframe/warframe-player-count

    Also remember Digital Extremes is not just Warframe, they have other projects. And they have a Staff of over 200 people.

    And if you are only look at Steam users, https://steamcharts.com/app/230410 you probably don't know that you don't need steam to login to warframe on PC then add in the 3 consoles as well.

  3. After Hotfix ... the Dark Red color that I have been using for 5 years on my accents on all my items got pulled off on every frame/item and the color was removed from my favorites. The Color is from the lower left position on the Valentine Color Pallet.

    I replaced the colors back on the current frame and items, logged off then back on and it still removed them.

    Any ideas on how to fix this since I still own every Frame and Items that I have gotten in the game and I do not want to have to go through and recolor 507 items.

    Ran verity and optimize and re-logged in again, on login screen it showed the correct colors, but once it opened it removed them. Also it has now also changed the setting layout on Front/Back on the Regalia area.

  4. Just now, (PS4)Cargan2016 said:

    you dont pay attention much do you if your implying that it could be years away.  Considering they have already basically announced that it should be by Friday this week

    you cant catch the "lol" at the end that is was a joke to lighten people up!

  5. 8 hours ago, PAW.Predator said:

    Have the exact same problem and already deleted every thing in my main hall and even removed the Observatory that was attached to it

    i just can't find it logical

    Like most if not everyone i had all other halls built already so i don't know if it has requirements

    but it should be easy and simple as writing the simplest code to make it require other halls to be built and give it the spawn room option

    Should be real simple to add "Spawn Location" for this hall.

  6. 15 hours ago, Azriel. said:

    im in the same boat; destroyed and relocated most of my dojo for this only to find there isnt a thing i can do to make this a spawn area. i was hopeful i could make the clan spawn point even putting the labs on it because it was such a nice open space. now i have to wait for all costruction to finish to destroy it. DE please make it a spawn point its such a great room for it.

    Sometimes I don't think they care as long as certain people have that area for whatever they wanted to use it for. Every Item called a "Hall" in the Dojo has a spawn point till now.

  7. 13 hours ago, Nachtmarv said:

    The only thing we can do is keep this topic relevant.

    What is this gigantic empty hall even for, if 99% of the visitors won't go in there?

    Probably for those who build things just to show on Prime Time.

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