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Posts posted by -Hyperion-

  1. Well for that build you only really need to stack duration, Quick Thinking and an Intensify max rank.


    The deal is: Throw the Glaive (or any other throw weapon) to your feet and then cast Blessing, which will replenish all your health, not equipping the maxed Intensify will grant only 80% of the total health but still 99% damage reduction due to your health reaching 2 points because of Quick Thinking and then transfering the damage to the energy pool.


    The Glaive need to have a maxed Quick return and Power Throw (doesn't matter the rank). I'd suggest to mod it with toxic damage so it ignores your shields.




    Alright, so I understand what you're saying, but would you say that, given max duration+one intensify, her other two abilities are able to perform well?


    Also, thanks a ton. That'll be a gigantic help!

  2. Or they just release "exclusive" frames. Read: our regular frames with a different name and paintjob to fit chinese mythology.

    For example: Loki the norse god of lies, trickery and deception will be painted red and they call him ching chang ping pong after the chinese god of deception, trickery and lies.

    Pretty sure they'd just rename him "The Chinese Government" of deception, trickery, and lies.

  3. Hey guys, I was wondering if someone could help me with a Trinity build. I was aiming for a 99% Damage reduction blessing with a pretty long duration, while still being able to utilize link.


    I had a teammate who utilized a strategy where he threw a glaive with power throw and quick return at his feet so that his HP would just barely get to 2 (Quick-thinking) then cast blessing. Also, if it's possible to get this kind of build with rank 8/10 mods, please let me know, otherwise just post the specialized build with maxed R10 mods.


    If anyone has a build for this combo, it'd be greatly appreciated if you could help me with this.

  4. What the OP means and i can attest to that, is alad V on jupiter seems to not be dropping Neural sensors like he did b4. Like the drop table has drastically changed. I ran alad V 8  times and nada, not one single sensor. 

    Well I think that's just RNG being RNG. Whether or not neural sensor drop rates were nerfed, I don't know, but I've been getting neural sensors at least once every three runs, so it's been more or less the same for me.

  5. I see this more as a skill to win situation. As toasty has mentioned, people who have the pay to win mindset don't often have the skills that someone who has put in a thousand more hours of playing time into getting the same thing. Like this raid thing is doable by pretty much any frame as long as they have skills to utilize their equipment. In one of the raids today there was this guy with his ember and regular Paris and he was contributing just as much as people who had Boltor Primes and Nova Primes. Maybe not necessarily in damage, but in crowd control with his accelerant and even his fire blast to inflict the occasional life saving fire proc. He wasn't going down at every turn either, he was up and running for most of the raid.


    And note that these arcane enchantments aren't purchasable with plat, so even the paying players still have to go through an insanely difficult mission taking upwards of an hour to get a random enchantment. And besides, these aren't pay exclusive. That is pay to win. When the absolute best stuff was only available to people with cold hard cash while others watch from the sidelines, but that isn't the case here. If you wanted boltor prime, you can save up plat and buy it, farm it, or whatever. This game is definitely still nowhere near pay to win.

  6. I've had two very different experiences with raid today.


    First one was a PUG absolutely toxic. There was this guy on the mic screaming at us calling us headless chickens, retards, and children, guys sabotaging the mission out of spite for the aforementioned mic screamer, and then eventually everyone just leaving in anger.


    Second PUG was infinitely better. There were a few others who had no idea what to do and the others gave them advice, and if the person didn't get it they'd just keep trying to explain it. In the game we discussed tactics, whose role was what, etc. Sadly, we lost the match on the second round but we just tried again with more or less the same group with one or two changes, but unlike before we went into the mission with a pretty positive expectation. We just thought that since we went through it once, we would get it this time.  We ran it while discussing what to do, looking at the wiki for some tips of what to do next, and then we finally won. 


    In conclusion, raid is really a mixed bag of different people. You've got some who get really angry over failure and those who say we can do it next time, so it really all just depends


    TL;DR: Some good people in raid, some bad people

  7. Nyx is the only one where I consistently use all her abilities.


    Mind control lets me take control of an annoying eximus or just a heavy and acts as a great distraction,


    Psychic bolts with the new mod Pacifying bolts works great, especially since I can fire while reloading


    Chaos because chaos

    Absorb when I get in a bind and want to wipe out everything shooting at me.

  8. Limbo with a good team really isn't too bad.


    He banishes frames like Loki and Nyx, they cast Chaos and Radial Disarm while in the void. Also, they're relatively squishy and without having to worry about taking damage, they can save their energy for other abilities (e.g. Loki doesn't have to use invisibility in the void)


    IMO, a combo of Loki, Nyx, Limbo, and a frame like Mag in something like a defense mission would be pretty good.


    Loki to disarm, Nyx to get enemies to kill each other, Mag to pull any enemies who get too close to the pod, and limbo for giving them all virtual invincibility...


    Have yet to try this, but seems very possible.

  9. I have a lot of favorites.


    Nyx Noble: Super sexy ninja

    Valkyr Stealth: Raging sexy ninja

    Ember Noble: Sexy punk ninja

    Saryn Noble: Seductive sexy ninja

    Volt Noble: Kakkoii sexy ninja (trap)

    What about Rhino? He's the sexiest little thing on warframe.

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