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Posts posted by Nopy117

  1. New kubrow bug not yet noted, this has been happening since U14, not just latest hotfix.


    Kubrow will randomly change sizes from being as tall as the warframe to only half size (About up to hip) during missions.

    From what I can tell its easily reproduced, just enter a few maps with your kubrow and record height differences each time

  2. They need to just give us our gear, this horrid, "You get things as you progress", COMPLETELY ruins it because as soon as 1 team gets and advantage, they cannot be stopped.


    Plus, we have no powers for 50% of the game, and that basically means no one will use utility frames like loki because he is a squish fest until u get invis, and ive never even been able to get that because of the horrid dis-advantage of being a squishy loki in the start


    DE plz fix now

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