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Posts posted by TychusMechanicus

  1. Radiant finish... well yes, an augment to give back the old utilty of Radial Blind. 300% base damage multiplier and opening enemies for finishers. Basically depending on your power strength it now gives 300% damage with armor ignore against anything that was hit by Radial Blind.

    Hard to not love that mod.

    Back in the era of 10 Warframe mod slots I modded for max range and efficiency Radial Blind with Natural talent and Quick rest and just went crazy with going melee only with a 1 skill build. It was rather dumbing down Excal's kit I'll admit but sure as hell it was fun on all levels of available content.


    Excal was never bad, he just had rough edges because he was one of the very first warframe designs ever. Also, I still use him for fun.

  2. Excal is very good. Even after all the nerfs they gave him. He got back some his utility with an augment so you can be even better with him even with melee only.


    And now he will be completely revamped soon which will further improve him in my opinion.


    Please do these with Ember Prime, that would be much more impressive.





    Just to elaborate my point: There are a lot of very good frames and even more strong contenders when accompanied with an appropriate weapon.


    Just because people started realizing Mesa is a good radial damage dealer and swapped to her instead of Excal to do Ceres/Draco  ad nauseum doesn't mean that Excal is not good anymore. This is also true to guns: just because you see Soma primes and Scindo primes everywhere there are quite a few good ones besides those.


    Flocking to the "flavor of the month" frames can trigger overnerfs and blandness in the recruiting chat but doesn't actually take away the value of the frame.


    I remember the odd looks I got when I specifically asked for Mirage, Limbo, Mesa and a Speed Nova to do a T4D to farm for a part. Back when Mesa was still fresh out of the oven and Limbo was already established as a "lame troll" frame. My satisfaction was even greater when I found a few cool Tenno to join in the adventure and them realizing what a killer combo that was.


    So far the only frame I'd actually feel I'd start struggling in a T4S around the 30m mark is Ember as she has no CC, healing or durability. Raw damage runs out of power quite soon and you cannot max her for every stat she would need as she uses power, range and duration and direly needs all of them and some efficiency to keep her going.

  3. A few snippets of information from devstreams:


    -The phrase "blowing up the void" means to drastically alter the key and drop system there and how you access it, not deleting the entire tile set.

    -Also, they do want to have Void Spy missions.

    -It will be a thing after Parkour 2.0 is finalized as Orokin Spy Vaults will be very parkour heavy.


    In my mind these will be like the current treasure rooms with increased difficulty and far better loot.

  4. Dear DE and fellow Tenno!


    As the title already says I am just wondering when can we expect the Braton Prime to get a PBR work-over?


    The 4th colour channel on the gun isn't really colouring anything as far as I saw so it is almost begging me to turn that gold into a nice chrome.


    If we could get an approximate answer I think a lot of us, Braton fans, would be very happy! :)

  5. To chime in on OP's ideas:


    1: Shooting the tornado to deal damage to enemies within it would be a very nice buff indeed. Right now I am only using Tornado as a form of CC for breaking up and ragdolling enemies without actually expecting them to be killed by it at all.


    2: Yes, very much yes! Turbulence is now very wonky against Grineer units.


    3: Again, all of my yes. Although the biggest visually bothering issue are the grey lines between the colourable patches, not so much the gray fins on her. Then again, an immortal skin or even more so that proto-skin by Liger Inzuka would be amazing to have!


    More power to Birdframe ! :D

  6. I haven't noticed this issue in a while now, mainly because I'm in love with my Glaive Prime recently throwing it at things instead of meleeing. But the Kubrow tactical alert indeed was very wonky with most of my melee weapons - I ran it with swapping melee weapons between runs to keep it interesting -I was barely hitting the damned dogs with most of the previously well tested and reliable weapons, including my Jetkitty with 9/10 primed reach: only the ground slam combos seemed to hit consistently.


    I know this isn't much info on the matter, but it's good as a bump on the thread.

  7. Actually in the last devstream, almost 3 weeks ago, they mentioned an acquirable upgrade to the Liset to improve the handling of Kubrows as well as the new Kubrow type. I think improvements here will be made around U17.


    well its quite more realistic hey, its a sci fi type game if you outsmart or outclass others it shouldnt be much of a big deal, i mean nyx has the most destrouctive power in warframe, her absorb is absolute defense and offense. loki has to be on constant move to survive unlike nyx she can just go in zen mode and kill everyone in few seconds. so ya.


    About that Absorb...


    I already commented on this in the thread about Nova's AMD changes that made AMD ignore other AMDs damage as a damage source: 


    Nyx's absorb just used to be good. It took all incoming damage and shot it out as Slash damage. It completely overpowered the infested and two Nyxes could bounce damage between them indefinitely so a number of changes took place:


    It now deals magnetic damage and absorbs only 10% incoming magnetic damage to prevent bouncing - magnetic is pretty much a useless damage type on infested and grineer units although not a specifically resisted type by infested. 

    Also, Ancient Healers make infested immune to CC thus Absorb doesn't even knock down units while Ancient Disruptors give damage mitigation for radial and ability damage.


    How this plays out in effect: I absorbed about 50k incoming damage from chargers and some ancients - rather quickly - and they all survived, barely even damaged, when I released it. Yet I was still easily oneshotting them with my Vaykor Marelok (about 3-10k damage per shot as displayed in the game) So it seems they effectively ignored over 95% of my damage from Absorb.


    In the same game Chaos only mitigated 30% of their attention on me. - EDIT: here I mean the attention of enemies that were already targeting me before casting Chaos. E.g.: Out of 5 Chargers rushing me 4 continued to do so until the 5th started hitting the 4th and only the remaining 3 continued attacking me.


    I'd rather have Absorb balanced out to deal physical damage again and just simply ignore other Absorbs' incoming damage and that aggro recheck on Chaos should be looked at than have a band-aid augment.


    I love Nyx and she is absolutely powerful and it would be silly of me to say she isn't, however, I have to say that her kit is wonky currently in certain situations and not as reliable as you'd expect.


    PS: I am currently "maining" her again simply as she is a frame that let's you solo any mission in my opinion but this is coming from someone who could pretty much solo anything that came since Breeding Grounds so newer players' milage with her may differ based on the above...




    Edited in to not double-post:



    Pacifying bolts, it does a 10 second stun but there is no disarming effect.


    The chaos augment was already datamined and its more of a duration based augment.


    QFT, you can fit it into most of her builds but I'd simply pick a quality of life mod over that one anytime.


    Think Ember's Ult + Nyx Chaos



    While that something not released yet if that augment would happen it would make a lot of sense and would actually be something I'd like to fit in my build. (Although I have no idea which to drop for it: Handspring or Natural Talent - the mods that I valued over Pacifying Bolts above :) )

  9. Sorry about the necro but I just have to react:



    Should really inform people better about these offers, you should be able to get a popup about a unique deal going on or to see it in the MARKET, i log in every few days but i missed this because of poor advertisment, gg.


    According to your profile you registered on the 14th of May, 11 days ago. That was two weeks after this promotion ended.


    And as Myscho mentioned: there were in-game messages about it and everybody was talking about this. It was practically impossible to miss.

  10. I Tail Winded up to the top with my Zephyr and used my Vectis to take the enemies down as the triple stack slowly disappeared below me.


    On a side note since I only spun around to shoot I didn't fall as the platform disappeared below me. But even if you move, use an accurate gun and start at the center on the triple stack and you can do most of the kills before you need to jump off to the outer platforms.


    For mastery tests Loki is always a great frame and since you can test yourself at Simaris' place you can come up with a bunch of tricks to do them.

  11. If I can craft a Vaykor Akmarelok too for double the mag and double the reload time then all of my yes.


    Most idles have cooler animations for dual secondaries but since there is no Aklex Prime either all of those dual secondaries are lackluster compared to the available single handed ones most of us rarely see them in our top set ups.


    To those that would cry OPness: this is PVE, there are a lot of brutally powerful primaries, why can't we have brutal secondaries too?

    I like running with melee and pistols and I rarely use my primaries nowadays.

  12. for the ones saying no heavy cal, i have it on mine and can hit things from 35-40m away without much fuss.


    the numbers are fun :>


    Same here, I use a 9/10 HCal and the grenades barely deviate from the projected path. Works like it does on the Penta. In fact with Split Chamber it makes it a bit more easy to hit enemies. 

    An interesting theory to the mix though:


    I toyed around the idea of tossing out Split Chamber since in most missions the enemies don't get so clumped up that when one grenade hits and kills the target the other can hit anything else. For the most time I had the extra grenade just bounce around harmlessly until its timer expired effectively wasting the damage potential of Split Chamber's effect.

    It really only does anything special in level 80+ enemies where one grenade doesn't necessarily kill them.

    Also note that if the targeted enemy is killed by the grenade most cases the blast clears out the crowd around it so the second grenade has a clear path to a corner.


    Truth be told I haven't really used the Tonkor in any high level missions that would require the double grenade so for the most part a QoL mod may fit into the regular star chart / alert running build like a Firestorm or even Critical Delay to max out the single shot damage without actually making the gun feel less potent. The builder will show a massive 90% drop of calculated DPS when you take out the mod but that is just a theoretical number since in my experience in regular missions and regular level 40-45 alerts the second grenade was almost always wasted.


    Although, the above idea is only good when the Tonkor still massively overkills anything in a single shot.

    Any multiple hour long endless mission would warrant the usage of Split Chamber as at some point even the highest single grenade damage build will run out of oomph and Split Chamber gives the best possible damage output in a single pull of a trigger compared to the mods you can use instead of it.

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