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Posts posted by David_Ryder

  1. Since AMD Catalyst driver update 14.7 beta i get messed up character shadows in Warframe.
    It looks like my Warframes are getting stalked by a giant square.
    Now the only driver availiable at amd.com is the new stable 14.9 WHQL driver and the problem persists.
    I play on a radeon r9 290x. 
    I think this will affect more and more people now so I hope there is something that can be done on the games side because it will take amd at least 3 months to fix this if they even care.

  2. I started playing this game a few days ago and I wanted to say hi to the community.

    Warframe is one of the best F2P games I've ever played. A few more variations in map design for the planet systems would make it even more awesome.

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