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Posts posted by SSI_Kryptix

  1. It would be better if you go with game designing, first of all you should take courses and learn the programming languages, like C++, C#, JavaScript and etc, choose the one you most prefer, then engage yourself at home trying to design games yourself using the Game Designing software's, most easy for you if you are new to game developing,Unity3D should be your first, its a pretty easy game developing software which has many cool features, you can get the software from unity3d.com and when you have it then you can go to lynda.com and get courses related to Unity, Once you are pretty familiar and know how to play with it then you can go for the most advanced software's out there like Cry Engine or Unreal Engine, But before you do any of these things its essential you learn a programming language from scratch either by attending a course in real life or taking language courses from lynda.com as I mentioned, Unless you can't afford to attend a course Internet is your best friend.


    Any more questions or advice its best you add me.

  2. I don't like that idea much because then there would be no use of it if our primary weapon loses all its ammo's, then we would just have to carry out a healing weapon that does no damage to enemies.I agree Its completely up-to the players to choose what they want but a healing gun is 90% useless at the moment.

  3. A GUI for trading would be a great fix for this, which then we can put up our items that we want to sell or which we want to buy, then give a small description of what you are willing to give or take in order for the trade to take place beside it, It would be much better then spamming trading with WTS/WTB.

  4. I was going to make a thread about this myself but you saved me the pain of making one, thanks for that, I completely agree with you on this, if Codex is to give information to players then why not give every information that we want instead of opening your browser, streaming the web, It would save the problem to those that have less RAM installed, they can play the game if it has a decent graphics card installed but with about 1/2 they cannot minimize the game as efficently as they want,  Minimizing takes a lot of time for people that has a small amount of RAM, and even if sucessfully minimized when they open another application the game itself tends to crash. I know of many friends that face this problem.So I suppose it would be better for the whole community if everything that we need could be obtained from the Standalone/Game itself.

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