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Posts posted by (PSN)MANNERLESS

  1. This post is created for the sole purpose of enabling myself and the many other users to voice their extremely painful concerns, being posted infinitely and literally, on every channel in the game regarding the new update, specifically the UI.


    The patch that happened last night is the latest in what I like to call “are you even testing this?” Phase of stupid choices; and for us console customers, if you’ve visited a public channel recently, you’ll notice you cannot lament enough.

    As if having the ability to melee through walls and objects (something thats been here for 5 years and was a signature of the game) being taken away wasn’t enough, we now have a ludicrous new UI, one that forces us to become PC users... only, you know, we’re not.

    The new and idiotic mouse cursor design significantly slows and impedes any and all actions you take in the game, and while being able to directly click on a players name in trade chat is great, it isn’t worth the loss of a perfect and functional UI that again, we’ve had for 5 years.

    It’s slow, clunky and flat out dumb, making everything overly painful, from simple tasks like picking accessories and colors (shoot me in the face) to customisation of gear and modding.

    Especially unfortunate is the fact that this wasn’t an optional addition, as you cannot turn it off. Why would this be forced upon us? Who even saw this coming? It was a complete surprise, the kind thats on fire on your door step when you answer the door.

    It is one thing to continue to force unwanted gameplay changes on your player base, but in my opinion, unacceptable to break a user interface, one that has been perfect for years. Would you draw on the Mona Lisa too?

    And also, the lighting in the dojo and subsequently, my orbiter has become incredibly jagged and weird, the final result being janky shards of black and gray shade and a loss of resolution on many of my collection items, the kind i paid platinum for. This makes them look like they were rendered in PS2 graphics, so an extra “yay” for that.

    In conclusion; however good, good intentions seem to be, perhaps gauge the opinion of your player base before doing anything drastic such as this. People look forward to updates, new content and bug fixes, etc. However, when we go from a fully working and fun game an hour earlier to a broken and tampered experience an hour later, people feel deflated and question their continued support of the game.

    Especially true with a major content patch arriving around the corner.


    Please leave your thoughts and opinions, be they positive, negative or whatever is on your mind. If you can, try to keep stupid and troll-like remarks to a minimum, as the purpose of this post is to try and rapidly resolve the issue for us all - at the very least, making the UI changes Optional.


    Thank you.

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