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Posts posted by SFkenny

  1. The Ice Planet tileset is massive. It really has a Phendrana Drifts to it, which is good. The new dynamic Corpus score is also fantastic.


    The burrow locations can get very spread out though, taking minutes at a time just to get from the scanner to the dig site. Protecting more than one at once is a Herculean task and logistically challenging for all but the most well coordinated teams. Randoms aren't going to be able to protect all of the drills.


    I do like what you're doing with this mode though. It's a great mash-up of mobile defense and interception, and on the whole is quite fun to play.

  2. Optimization to the game has helped with low end since U14. When I first started Warframe I used to be able to run all graphics on Medium (this was when Open Beta first started). I stopped playing on my laptop when I got my desktop and decent internet, so my next time playing it after U14 launched was... an experience. 25fps in the Liset. 15fps in missions. Turning all graphics to low didn't help.


    14.5 finally brought the framerate to 30-60 variable, with only noticable chug when there were tons of Grineer fighting and dying on-screen on Phobos. So yeah, great work, Glen! You've made my vacation with laptop Warframe much less painful. (I admit, I'm spoiled by all those particle effects on my desktop.)

  3. Holy crap, guys. This is the best addition to the game since Specters. It's been a while since I've had such a hard time playing Warframe. These beefed up enemies are HARD. I love it, they terrify me. I'd never been a fan of Conclave restrictions but these maps solo are crazy. It's almost survival horror-esque because of how much I have to run from these bastards. GREAT JOB Digital Extremes for a well thought out addition to the game.

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