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Posts posted by HalcyonH66

  1. 51 minutes ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

    The concept for the frame sounds quite interesting.

    But I'm not going to get hyped for it, or anything for that matter. (Till I get my hands on it anyways) because it only leads to salt.

    I have learned over many disappointments that this is very true. If his ability design is interesting and they're good I'll try to overlook his aesthetic design. If he's boring/doesn't scale It'll be as I expected and I won't be anywhere near as salty.

  2. 5 hours ago, DoflamingoGT said:

    I have studied all of the Warframes abilitites so far, there are many varieties that cover almost everything but we still don't have these basic 3. Equinox might be black/white but that's a different concept the day/night thing. We need 2 seperate warframes 1 that has powers based on Light/Sun and one that has Shadow/Darkness powers , maybe the Dark Stalker will eventualy be a playable Warframe at the end with shadow abilities.

    And also we need a Warframe with nature powers where it can summon roots, throw razor leaves etc

    Oh man. I saw that title and instantly asked my comp screen wtf Equinox and Oberon are meant to be.

    If you discount Equinox (though day and night or yin and yang is literally a light and dark concept) it could also be argued that Mirage is a light based frame as that's what she controls to form her illusions, she's playing off light and darkness with eclipse and she shoots lasers out of her disco ball. Though I would agree that we don't have a stereotypical (insert light paladin/cleric)


    In terms of shadow. Well there's less to go on there than light in warframe but shadow based classes (as realistically that's what a frame is) like your stereotypical fantasy nightblade or something tend to have powers like invisibility, backstabbing, teleporting, decoys and smoke bombs. Loki and Ash have all of these things. Ash's smokebomb could not be a more stereotypical darkness based power.

    I'm not sure what you're going for though. When you say shadow or darkness I think this especially as you mentioned the stalker.


    which would be covered pretty well by Ash whereas if you're thinking of some dark mage type deal I see your point.


    As for nature...I mean Oberon. He's literally a deer. No idea why he rad procs people though. You want flowers then Saryn, she's a poisonous flower. Finally Atlas is rock man. I feel like those three are covering the nature front pretty well. I mean do we really need a deer, flower, rock and a tree as well? Just for one theme?

  3. I feel like he's hard to kill to the lengths of being super f***ing annoying now though he poses zero threat. He turns up in those weapon levelling chill missions where I have the option of restarting or literally spending 25mins hitting him with weapons that have crazy damage reduction as I can't fit elementals on rank 5 MR fodder.

    Though the old stalker could spawn at level 30 when you have a rank 6 frame and one shot you at least I wasn't bored when I encountered him.

  4. The way they have the game in an almost never ending Beta cycle is great. It means they can make drastic changes to the game's systems (for example Parkour 2.0, Melee 2.0 e.t.c.). This means that for the better or worse the game is always changing. Change means that the game always stays interesting.


    I mean I'm one of those people at about MR18 and I literally have nothing left to do except level mastery fodder and $&*^ about. Despite this when big updates or a weapon i particularly like come out I still come back and play quite a bit for 2-3 weeks. I could see Warframe being around for a long time. Even if it never gets as big as WoW I don't see it dying any time soon.

  5. This game is already quite easy when you aren't fighting level 60+ enemies. You now want them to have no penalty for dying...really. Either don't die or revive and get to the exit. You do have 4 revives per frame per day so what's the issue (you have 1872 posts on the forum so you're probably not even a low MR player with only one frame)?

  6. Yes, exactly! thank you! these are all certainly interesting ideas and i agree that the survival/defense missions should be very hard (I'd even say you could include triggering certain bosses or maybe assassins like Stalker, zanuka, Grustag Three etc. to fight for either team if they manage to get an objective or something) Of course this would need further developing and a bit of re-balancing, but it does paint a pretty picture in terms of fun.

    Oh wow, now that's something I hadn't thought of, when you mentioned making it harder for the other team in your original post spawning assassins to go for the other team never crossed my mind. It almost sounds like a tower defense where you're sending enemies against another squad of defenders :P


    What kind of tasks would you reckon would be good to spawn one? A scenario that comes into my head is a competitive defense, both teams defending their Cryopod. Now a Hijack tile spawns through a closed door. Team One decided not to risk it while Team Two splits their squad into teams of 2, 2 for for the Hijack and 2 stay and defend. Team Two have a harder time defending their Cryopod due to the split and it goes down to half health but they have successfully managed to escort a Siege Engine to a Liset that then delivers it to be deployed against Team One. Team Two is reunited, the Hijack tile despawns and Team One now faces a huge Siege Engine that is coming for their Cryopod.

  7. If you ever do this again please don't do the whole clickbaity title thing.

    Not entirely sure why people are getting angry at you calling yourself a pro gamer, if you've competed in paid tournaments then you technically are.


    I'm not entirely sure how I feel about your idea. On the one hand in the past I've greatly been into the competitive side of games (In my case it was stuff like COD4 Promod and then later Dota 2). In Warframe's case, however, I've not really enjoyed the PvP aspects of the game (though admittedly largely due to every one of my experiences being characterised by lag, lack of matchmaking and such) though I'm not against the idea of say a unique syndana being awarded to the best player while they hold their title.


    Your idea of competitive survival and defence type missions seems like it would be quite tedious unless they were specifically endgame missions with say multiple nightmare mutators and tons of the bullS#&$ enemies in the game like nullifiers (this would be done in order to make typical game lengths shorter. I'm not sure about you but doing a 2+ hour survival match between 2 good teams kitted with endgame gear and strats doesn't sound like much fun to me). Things like competitive capture or exterminate, on the other hand where both teams progress through the same map and have the same enemies sounds like it could be quite fun, it would be like team speedrunning competitions.


    In short yeah, okay I'm generally on board though I feel some of your statements such as "Competition is the key to a successful game" are more of an opinion as I know multiple people who don't enjoy competitive games, but instead much prefer purely coop and PvE experiences.

  8. Honestly he only thing they've ever needed to do is

    1) Make the claws have their own base stats and have your melee weapon's mods affect them.

    2) Give the claws a stance that isn't absolutely awful.


    My main problem has always been that the claw attacks are just too close range and I end up resorting to multiple slide attacks just to hit things.

  9. - Ash is literally a ninja. In the game files his title was ninja, his skills are based off mythical ninjas.

    - Loki is the next best thing as he's based on deception and covert operations.

    - Excalibur deserves a mention as he seems quite similar to a samurai when the game's Eastern influences are considered.


    No other frame seems at all based on any aspect of ninjas.

  10. Weapon Swap Speed

    Increase it. In pretty much every game we're told in the tutorial that switching weapons is faster than reloading. This is often not the case in WF. It is true that our secondaries are often near in power to primaries but still. It's a quality of life change that doesn't hurt anyone and would make the idea of an aoe status secondary to weaken enemies with primary to finish them viable.



    I'd say just give more warning that you've been targeted. I don't really have any problems dodging or rolling through rocket blasts but sometimes you don't even know one's coming for you or the rocket is yellow from a corrupted bombard and is in a yellow nullifier bubble.

    Apart from that their fire rate is absurd. If we can only shoot one ogris rocket every second why can they shoot 2/3?



    No. Just No. The reason people are always angry about forma drops are that so often you do long missions only to get forma at rotation C. Let me try to get across the feeling to you.

    - You get together with 3 other friends

    - You decide to go for a long T4 Survival

    - You mod up your specific team comp and go to work

    - 20 mins in you get forma (okay minor grumbling let's go to 40)

    - 40 mins in you get the wrong BP (game faces lads we're going to 60)

    - 60 minutes in you get...forma again (this is when the expeletives start flowing liberally)

    I mean it's just a game design thing. If someone decides to spend a whole hour of their time playing your game and supporting it as they like it; keep in mind they could be doing a multitude of other things like playing another game, going to the park, watching a movie or say rock climbing; don't make that hour of their time have counted for nothing. If you're in that scenario (and I have been many times) you feel really annoyed and shortchanged. You've just spent ages trying to achieve something, actually had to watch out due to decent enemy levels, say been intensely concentrating on keeping your team alive and full on energy as Trin and now for your hour of commitment you've recieved a slap in the face. Another forma, you have 50-100 forma BPs by now.


    Resource BPs

    Not really. I have 2 of them already and I've never used one. They just aren't worth it. You put in so much and wait so long to get say an Orokin cell that you could just go and do a few boss runs for which would be 15 mins max.

  11. No one would dare scream at me when I play Mother Trinity...you don't yell at the person who's got the team on their back and is the only reason that most squads can get to at least say 40 min in non camping void survival.


    My appreciation for Trin can be summed up by her loadout slot name - "Pub Carry".

  12. 1 - Lightning Dash

    Honestly I would say Battering Manoeuvre is #2 being better than any of the other Elementals as it has a knockdown proc.

    Is anyone noticing an increase of bullet jump range when using it forward with these mods?
    I still cannot notice any difference...

    I believe bullet jump range is increased. from a test I did with a friend I went farther than him when using Piercing Step while he had no utility mod. This would be invalid if different frames have different bullet jump distances. From a non empirical standpoint it seems like I go farther or at the very least faster. Movement speed overall when chain bullet jumping is increased for sure.

  13. I feel neither of those builds are optimal, now can I honestly believe the results of those tests. I've done many a long ODS as Valkyr with a friend running max armour chroma. Excal, even with the new ult doesn't have the survivability that chroma has unless he's going to sit there and chain blind and execute people all day. In those missions I have NEVER gone down and I don't even use quick thinking, just Vit and Steel Fibre. As a valkyr you should NEVER go down, you have no excuse, you have immortality. As to getting energy drained it happens rarely and if you're on your toes and have any form of decent target prioritisation as an eternal war Valkyr with a maxed build, Scindo Prime and warcry you should be able to kill/stagger the hell out of disruptors before they get you. I think in your case your valkyr isn't as good as you are with their frame.

  14. Coptering/Parkour 2.0


    I never felt like stamina had any place in a game like Warframe. The entire feel of the game seems to be focused on the flow of combat and seamlessly moving from area to area. I always felt like stamina was an out of place limiter on that ability. Additionally as a staunch lover of going Sword Alone I feel it made even less sense. When you go melee only (the time when movement is the most critical to your survival) you are least able to move because you're constantly out of stamina. In order to try and counteract this you need to sacrifice a slot for a stamina regen mod which a player with a gun(guns are far superior to melee in general currently) would not gave to sacrifice.


    I feel our current speed of movement is good BUT I would not mind at all if it took a lot more skill and focus to achieve say the speed that one can achieve with a Tipedo and coptering/aerial melee. I think if the movement system is overhauled as it seems to be coptering could take more of a redirectional role and be used more for adjustment than propulsion. I do think, from what was shown on the devstream, that the new movement system is too slow. I'm greatly looking forward to it and the subsequent change in gameplay for the better but I was worried due to how slow it was.


    Spy Missions


    I may be different from the average player in that I had a group of friends to play with from the start and subsequently much prefer running missions with people I know than pubs. Spy missions are the pinnacle of that behaviour. It's just that in any given game you can't trust random strangers to be competent or to have researched anything. In say an exterminate it doesn't matter if my teammates are competent or not as if they aren't I can revive them and carry the mission. In a spy mission, however, if I am at point A extracting data and my teammate trips alarms at point B I have no input on that situation, I can't help them, I can't correct the mistake by ciphering my way through all the locks to brute force my way to the final console, I can't speedrun through the obstacles to get to the end. This inability to influence the situation especially in missions where all 3 extractions are required mean that I can fail a mission due to no fault of my own. This (in my opinion) is the worst situation in gaming. If I do everything right, I should not lose. Therefore I find it much more rewarding to do spy missions either alone or with friends that I can trust to be competent and able to fix their mistakes.




    I'm a completionist in that I feel one of the end goals of Warframe is to try and complete everything. I feel completing the starmap is the simplest and most direct form of completionism. In other games you want to beat all the levels. Then came beating all the bosses. Somewhat in line with this  I decided with about 7 months played that I wanted to get all of the frames and therefore be useful no matter what was needed or what the situation was. Next is trying out every weapon possible. Linked to but secondary to those is gaining mastery. Finally I suppose would be completing the codex. In my case I never cared about the codex (the simalcrum has reversed that situation as the codex actually has a use now. Well done DE.) but I have a friend who's been taking pictures since the beginning and was enraged by his codex data being wiped after switching computers and going from non steam to steam.




    That's a hard one. In all honesty I feel this game isn't very balanced at all.

    - In terms of frames, all should be useful. I feel it's absolutely fine for a frame to have a niche and therefore say be amazingly useful in a defense say frost and be much less useful in a different mission type, say exterminate. I simply want all of them to have a use. Similarly I'm okay with a frame like Loki being useless early on with no mods and then becoming amazing with the lategame disarms or Rhino being amazing early and falling off later due to being a jack of all trades.


    - Primary Weapons...where to start. I feel that there should be tiers of weapons. We have the starter weapons for new players, as they move through the starmap they'll get latrons and karaks and so forth and then eventually they'll get their hands on the somas and boltors and quantas. I like the progression there. I feel the main lack of balance comes in with how small that super endgame weapon pool is and how some weapon classes are much weaker than others. The obvious one here is shotguns and snipers. Shotguns I feel have a very solid role and should be good in this game. We have tons more mobility than most games with which to get into their effective range. And then damage falloff was introduced. I feel this mechanic has no place in the game at the moment as the shotguns already have a balancing factor for their damage over range in the form of spread. It doesn't matter if I'm hitting you at 100 damage per pellet if only 2 pellets hit, why make them do 20 damage as well? Snipers too I feel need more bang for their buck. In Warframe the engagement distances are usually low, the gameplay is fast and it is a horde style game. You need weapons with waveclear, nor precision target ones. Due to this snipers have no place in the game. This can be offset somewhat by doing a few things. In terms of engagement distance I don't want some super fancy scope thing, just give me slightly higher zoom than a rifle with the normal reticle (have you ever tried hitting something with the awful vectis reticle at long range, the dot in the middle is literally bigger than their head.). The gameplay is fast, err on the side of more DMR style weapons, 10ish round mag, decent fire rate for followup shots. Waveclear, just give them punchthrough, it's a sniper rifle, IRL those things have good penetrative ability, give them all the innate punchthrough. [in terms of pointers here I've heard people who have it say that the Snipetron is the only sniper in the game that functions as a sniper should and from what I know about it It follows pretty much all the guidelines I laid out there.].


    - Secondaries. Erm I mean I don't have a huge beef here or anything. I guess try and make a weapon of each category endgame e.g. Dread, Aksomatis, Synoid, Magnus, Vaykor, Telos, (Personally I want a dual pistol to be here too, imagine aklatos but actually good). I guess my 2 beefs are that the Vastos are just inferior to the Magnus and the Akjagara sucks so much. I feel the Vastos should be crit based and have say a 25% crit chance and the Magnus could be the status beast of revolvers, why just make the magnus so much better? The Akjagara...well reduce that terrible recoil for starters, decrease the spread and maybe up the damage a bit. For how annoying they are to build they suck ! when they should kick it.


    - Melee...let me just quote a post I made before here:

    Melee wise I feel like the building blocks are there for something great. While MGRR has one of the most satisfying melee combat systems out there, especially based around swords, it's a pure hack and slash spectacle fighter so I don't expect that level of brilliance from WF. I feel like melee at the moment is just in general weak compared to ranged weapons. I mean any good ranged weapon user is going to out DPS and out kill enemies faster than a melee user of the same skill (Yes you can get absurd damage with savage silence, blinding finish e.t.c. but it's slow and single target). I feel like the game doesn't really reward you adequately for the risks you're taking with melee.

    1) Stamina - This is a stupid system currently. If stamina was tied purely to melee and not to sprinting it would be fine but if you're going sword alone you need to be able to manoeuvre to get out of tight spots far more than a gun user needs to and you can very easily get in a bad spot because you used your melee, are out of stamina and now can't run. The stamina regen mod solves this issue but then you're losing a warframe mod slot that you could use for a more beneficial stat if you were using a gun.

    2) Danger - Consider who's more at risk, the guy standing 50 metres away from a Corrupted Heavy Gunner, Bombard and Nullifier with a gun, cover nearby if they need it and the ability to GTFO at any time or the guy who's sword alone, has to go inside that nullifier bubble into range of all the stuns, where if he gets blast procced by the bombard he's dead.

    3) Damage - If you're using melee in normal scenarios with your melee out and channelling e.t.c. you will not do more damage than the top tier guns even with the top tier melees (bar maybe Volt/Valkyr with the Obex and a macro).

    So to sum up I feel that melee just doesn't offer enough for the risks and disadvantage you're putting yourself in. I feel like its DPS should honestly be higher than guns as using a gun is a much safer and easier option as well as being able to switch targets effortlessly rather than having to run across a room to hit the next guy.

    That's just my long winded and overly in depth 2 cents but I like to think about this stuff :P


    - Enemies. Tone down that Grineer armour gain, holy damn. For real though remove that buff to ancient healer damage reduction stacking. It was manageable before but now you have situations in high level void where you have multiple healers in a nullifier bubble and thus you can't kill the nullifier (who can 1 shot you with that lanka at these levels) until you kill the healers and even killing the healers is hard + they're in the nullifier bubble so you can't use your powers...it's just silly. I've literally been in a situation with 3 healers in the bubble along with a bombard and a heavy gunner. At that point I just want to toss in the towel and say you win. It's extremely aggravating. Infested are mostly fine. Corpus are mostly fine, tone down the detron crewmen, they can empty their mag in a split second and instagib you, this is mainly a problem for new players trying to complete their starmap.


    - Mission rewards. Increase some of the void prime part drop rates. For example both I and a a friend have been farming both Loki Prime systems and Odonata Prime wings for a month now and haven't seen hide nor tail of either, that's ridiculous. Put some of the void drops into the Derelict, that;ll help with the table dilution. Make the reward cycles go ABC not AABC. Remove forma blueprints and cores from being given to you beyond the first reward cycle (have you ever done any T4 endless mission to 60 waves/minutes and received forma blueprints for your rotation C reward after getting forma blueprints before that? I love this game but it's stuff like that that actually makes me want to just stop. If someone commits and uses up an hour of their time that they could be doing something else don't waste it and make them angry as hell.).


    And that's about it, there's my super long winded in depth 2 cents.

  15. Regularly Played:

    Excalibur - Mah main man. Always loved this guy and he had the potential to be my favourite frame by far. With this update he solidly takes that lace and has retaken his place as top played in my profile.

    Zephyr - My second most played, love her to death, do you even mobility bro, Jat Kittag = Hammer of Dawn.

    Mesa - My space marine, solid frame, tanky with shatter shield, good solo damage boost, ult = Gunkata from Equilibrium.

    Valkyr - Eternal war minigame, infinte infested survival, screw ult builds, revive master, angry cat, scindo prime masterrace.

    Trinity - Mother Trinity, Pub Carry, Beastly tank, Put Team on Back.

    Mirage - Only frame I ever rushed, aerial bombardment, glasscannon, I need to F*** some S#&$ up with guns.


    Less Played:

    Nyx - Nyx prime looks soooooooooo goooooooood, not a fan of the whole mind control thing.

    Ash - I love ninjas, don't get me wrong but I love samurai more and Excalibur is the Honourable Samurai to Ash's Ninja.

    Banshee - Closet awesome frame, every skill is useful, viable with many builds.

    Chroma - Does the same thing as Valkyr but can't make me swing my Scindo at Mach 9.

    Ember - Not even bad anymore but in my head she still sucks.

    Frost - HATE his basis on defending a point as Globe is prety much his only skill ATM, slow as all hell, amazing trenchcoat.

    Hydroid - I don't like pirates.

    Limbo - Not a fan of the stage magician thing, mage sure stage magician no, interesting skillset as it can be detrimental with a stupid player.

    Loki - Invisibility makes game easy used for spy missions and nothing else.

    Mag - god tier against corpus but otherwise not my thing.

    Nekros - DE-SE-KRATEEEEEE.

    Nova - Eh.

    Boberon - Irrational hate of this guy.

    Rhino - Carry people through Vay Hek boss.

    Saryn - MI-AS-MAAAAAAA.

    Vauban - Laser grids can be fun.

    Volt - Sanic.

  16. And I'm just sitting here hoping for the Supra buff.

    That's likely not coming any time soon. U17 at best. 


    On topic I hope and pray for wednesday (in an interim period at uni, waiting for a date to go start the holiday) and I've been waiting with baited breath since first announcement for this.

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