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Posts posted by imaxium

  1. The ragdoll riot shield looks like a lot of fun, but the dodge to opt-out imo is a bad idea. I feel players will be opting-out unintentionally a lot because of how the parkour and dodging becomes like a reflex/impulse to escape enemies/damage. I play volt quite a bit, and as a veteran player, I'm constantly rolling, dodging, bullet jumping, gliding, and sliding. Its also a little essential with volt cause he is a little squishy at times.

  2. Just buy them. If you don't have plat, then sell stuff. Mods, primes, keys, Syndicate stuff, kubrow imprints. Selling prime sets works well. Don't have a set? Buy the last piece you need for cheap, and then sell. Buy low/sell high. I did this with Loki p. I had all his parts except sys, so I bought sys, and then sold set. No ones buying? Try a different region. I'm in NA usually, so sometimes I trade in Europe, if nothing is selling. Trading for plat is more about patience than anything.

  3. I would love an auto run. I've often wished for an auto run since certain actions cancel running, I'm constantly using shift to toggle run on, .. and it gets annoying. I like to try and take advantage of enemy aim penalty by moving a lot, but a lot of actions cancel run, which makes this hard, and I've died sometimes honestly because run turned off. Yep, I totally meant to crouch into that rocket so I could meet it face first. I didn't want to slide under it, at all...

    Would really like an auto run option :)

  4. 1. I usually only activate LS below 50% or so, that way i wont be wasting picked up LS from enemies


    2. Try to find a medium room and stick to it, dont go running around to other rooms because then enemies hv to spawn in other rooms, if you stay in one room or two, enemies will be spawning closer and getting to you faster.


    3. Kill, stun/use some CC, like banshee's 1st, or get out of there using parkour like rolling, bullet jumping, or worm hole.


    4. I dont use banshee much, but for nova I go for around 150% eff 175% strength and then duration/survivability in other slots. 

  5. I agree with OP. I really want to use kubrows more but the switching and rushing is a pain, even w upgrade. I agree that the realism is kinda neat but also kinda dumb. And if DE wants realism why dont sentinels hv maintenance costs? They are robots, they should need an oil refill right? NO! Bad idea! this is sci-fi space ninjas with magic powers. Screw realism, and stasis/recovery times. 

  6. My IGN is: imaxium

    Post here or pm me your offer

    Prime Sets/Parts:
    Frost, -350p
    Loki, -125p

    Braton, 45p
    Burston, 45p
    Paris, 40p
    Hikou, 50p
    Lex, 15p
    Bo, 50p
    Dakra. 35p
    Glaive, 40p
    Orthos, 40p
    Reaper 150p

    Syndicate Weapons:
    Vaykor marelok 40p
    telos akbolto 40p
    Synoid Gammacor 40p

    toxic dual stat mods 10p each
    frostbite x12 - 10p
    frigid blast x4 - 12p
    Vicious Frost - 10p
    thermite rounds x12- 10p
    Scorch x4- 10p
    flow x7 - 10p
    intensify x4 - 12p
    continuity - 10p
    quick thinking - 15p
    natural talent - 10p
    hells chamber x12 - 10p
    thunderbolt - 15p
    whirlwind - 10p
    terminal velocity - 40p
    barrel diffusion - 15p
    blind justice - 15p
    cleaving whirlwind - 15p

  7. I wish a tint 5 was implemented for Loki prime tintable gold, instead of taking away a customization option by combining the detail of tint 3 & 4. Not a fan of losing an option to gain an option, an option which I won't really use honestly.

  8. I completely agree with you OP. I appreciate DE's hard work, but I'm not a fan of losing options to gain options. What I mean is they combined Tint color 3 & 4 to make room for tintable gold, (now tint 4). Now my loki prime have less color options in my opinion.


    Pre PBR:



    After PBR:


  9. I personally have a strength and efficiency build on him, with steel charge aura and scindo prime. He can basically perma exalted blade and recks everything. Havent really tried how far I can go with the build, but I was still cutting bombards and gunners like butter at 40 min in T3 S. I should do some experimenting with him though.




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