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Posts posted by Ravtek

  1. With the exception of Infested and Ancients, a Vulkar hitting a level 200+ enemy will not do as much damage as a Snipetron against the same enemy and same mods, due to the ridiculous armor they have.


    Outside of that extreme, I really wish the snipetron had a faster reload speed.

  2. Removing the speed burst from slide or the slide melee combo in general should be done with caution. It would make pissing off the slower Frames even more angry when people rush with fast Frames and now they have zero methods of catching up.


    Sure, it would bring the speed mods back to usefulness, but what happens when a slow frame uses a speed mod and a fast frame uses a speed mod? I really hope I don't need to answer this.


    As of now, the slide spam may remove some of the immersion for some, but it's really nice playing as a Rhino or Frost to keep up with the fast folks and not having to beg the rushers to slow down.


    There's is a lot of factors to look at before tweaking the movement mechanics of the game.

  3. Not everyone wants this game to be so easy a 5 year old can do it.


    If you want something simple...go play tic-tac-toe...


    Some of us actually enjoy being challenged for once...


    This game is easy enough...especially when I soloed Hyena and Krill with a level 8 Excalibur today...it needs to be more difficult...



    First off, that is some horrible counter argument.


    Secondly, there's nothing wrong with 5 year old children playing video games.


    Rollers are not a challenge, it's annoying to deal with.


    Boasting yourself also makes you look arrogant. Frankly, soloing Hyena and Krill with a low level warframe is easy for many players.


    Insulting players by telling them to play tic-tac-toe for wanting something "simple" is not how you get your point across. That's wrong.


    I do not like rollers, but I don't care about them, because rollers aren't challenging as you play them out to be, they're just a nuisance.


    They shouldn't stagger on contact, it severely disrupts the momentum of the game. I don't mind if they stagger when they "leap".


    The way I see it currently, rollers are like lego pieces that you step on in your house, annoying and a nuisance, not a challenge.

  4. What wrong with playing Loki or ash of that's what your looking for? IMO the sex of the toon is irrelevant. You want to run fast you choose that toon. I choose my toons for the stats and play style, not for sex, color, or design.

    As for stealth, there's no telling right now if banshee can play a stealth style or not because for all intents and purposes there is not viable stealth game play in this game yet. It has been alluded to but as it stands now (especially in the later levels) the is no way to remain undetected for the entire level excluding a few of the starter levels. Set your stealth ambitions aside for now.

    What's wrong with choosing toons for their sex, color, or design? IMO the stats and playstyle are irrelevant.


    Perspective is funny in times like these.

  5. They both operate extremely well in my opinion. If you have the continuity mod (increased power duration), smokescreen becomes really useful when used in tandem with charge attack dual ethers, gram, or any other charge melee weapon that can hit multiple enemies.

    Frost with a continuity mod and a reach mod will slow all the infested to a crawl when they charge into your snowglobe domain, in which you can then use a gram or scindo and cleave all the enemies.

  6. I like your way of thinking, so here is one honest thing I'll say about you. 


    Even though you claim to not be nice most of the time, thanks for the helping the community with the glaive blueprint. 


    Oh, and welcome. 

  7. I feel like the slide-melee maneuver is something that should be used responsibly. I really like using it on Frost and Rhino so I don't have to tell my team to slow down for me. 


    But the people who are abusing it and leaving an army in their wake for their teammates to deal with is just not right.


    The only tiny issue I see for when this gets fixed is that the rushers who use fast Warframes will still rush, and slower Warframes like Frost and Rhino will no longer have this tool to catch-up. 


    Either way though, this should be addressed.

  8. Since we already have sentinels that can have mods put on their guns. I was curious if anyone was thinking about a melee sentinel that can be modded with, well, melee mods? 


    I feel like a floating melee sentinel would kind of look awkward, so maybe some sort of ground unit sentinel? 


    Due to my lack of imagination, some person was mentioning a sort of dog warframe in another thread, but I was thinking more in the lines of a dog sentinel that can be modded with melee mods, but it could be anything that can melee, just my imagination has me clinging onto the dog idea.


    I think that it would be really fun to have a companion that can hack and slash with you when you cloak as Loki, or Ash. Or maybe (although I'm sure this isn't exactly balanced), share the iron skin effect of the Rhino , where you both have the silver skin run over both of your bodies as you enter the fray? 


    If you took the time to read this, I really appreciate it. 


    If another thread regarding this was already addressed, I'm extremely sorry. 



  9. The recent nerfs to Gorgon and shotguns have indirectly buffed melee I guess. Although that's a really crappy way to go about it.


    Charge melee is fine.


    Regular melee does desperately need buffs. Digital Extremes should know (they probably do) that the players who praise how well the zorens and fangs rip through trash mobs have probably never used those weapons on high health bosses.

  10. 1a. What was your most used weapon (Pre Nerf Period)?


    -Gram, Dual Heat Swords


    1b. Why?


    -Kills all the end-game bosses within 15s or so.


    2a. What is your current most used weapon (Post Nerf Period)?


    -Gram, Dual heat swords


    2b. Why?


    -I look more amazing now that I've been indirectly nerfed by the changes to Hek and Gorgon.


    3a. What is your ideal weapon but it just didn't perform well enough to become your weapon of choice?


    -Dual Zoren


    3b. Why?


    -New players think it's good since it kills trash easy, but in reality, it's DPS is crap on high health targets. I'd RATHER use the Hek in it's current overnerfed state than the Zorens.

  11. No worries, just like how the best DPS for melee is charge attacks, leaving regular melee only good for killing trash mobs, I'm sure shotguns will get charge shot next patch. Then it's only a matter of getting a charge shot damage mod and spamming it to do damage at yardstick range.


    In all seriousness though, I'm sure DE will fix this.


    Because as of right now, there is zero incentive to level mastery rank past 2.

  12. It's useless because you can't farm one boss with little effort? Try putting effort into playing like most people do.

    That's funny. Considering there isn't much effort needed to do any of the content in this game right now.


    @OP, Yeah the Gorgon did take quite the hit. As of right now, it's so inaccurate to the point where it doesn't even fill it's niche of "close range, wind-up and destroy." I'm fairly sure they're doing this ahead of time for future rifle mods (maybe increased accuracy and reduced recoil mods).


    Ranking up mastery has less incentive than it did before, and the concept of character progression is lessened since ranking up mastery doesn't reward anything special or niche.


    At the moment, and this is just my opinion of the current state of the game, the only sense of progression one experiences in this game is currently leveling frames, mods, and weapons. Mastery rank itself does not grant any feeling of progression at it's current state.

  13. Have you guys ever played counter-strike and have you ever used a machine gun there? It is as it should be now.

    At least in counter-strike, the ak had a standard, and predictable 'T' shaped recoil (along with many other weapons). If you watch any of of the competitive stuff, there's a reason why after the first couple shots aimed at the head they start aiming at the feet since the recoil goes into a predictable 'T'. Gorgon, as far as I know, does not have a predictable recoil that lets you control where the bullets land as reliably as your comparison to CS.

  14. They should of implemented it as a Defense mission reward, since the rewards on those past 20+ waves is kinda underwhelming.


    And yeah, there are a couple of weapons that are ? Alert only. And it made sense to make the glaive one of them (unless you have plat).


    They knew it was hyped up, and took advantage of it.


    It's business. Do I like it? No. Do we have a say about it? We do, but it'll probably be changed after the hype is down.

  15. Why did you draw a moustache on Ash?

    Don't hate us! We see the reaction to this artwork, maybe one day folks. For now, Ash remains the same.


    Those that want the female Ash design somehow implemented into the game should definitely voice it on this topic. And maybe that "one day" will be sooner for them.


    *signs* I want it :( The wallet is ready o3o

  16. I really don't understand the down votes that people receive for decent warframe concepts. It's like the community want the warframe to have the same monotonous abilities of the other warframes, but at the same time, be unique. 


    It's seems as if players are jealous if we finally create some warframes where all 4 skills are relatively useful. Sure, some of the abilities may be similar to others, BUT the similarities that people seem to point out are nearly unchangeable. 


    "It does damage, so it's like x frame, not original" (Not in this topic, but other frame suggestion topics)


    "It has utility, it's like x frame, not original" (Also not in this topic, but other frame suggestion topics)


    Wow. Simply amazed. 


    I'm sure even DE is working on making all of the abilities of all the other warframes become unique and useful. And some of these players are offering JUST that in their concept ideas. 


    I feel that the only people who downvote don't, no wait, probably can't give a coherent and reasonable argument to why they downvoted. I barely see any constructive criticism, only down votes, and THEN upvotes on people wanting a water based frame. 


    @FrostWolf, I like the idea, the skills are unique and seem to actually have some use at all stages of the game, including late-game (I wonder if the down voters have even reached that point). 


    tl;dr - The down votes on these frame topics have no reasoning behind them. 

  17. Dual ethers are not overpowered. 


    Any melee weapon can kill trash mobs easily, so I hope people can please refrain from using them as examples of how well they can put out damage. 


    I severely doubt dual ethers can out damage any of the 2 handers or DHS on any of the bosses, except MAYBE the infested one. 


    I didn't read all the comments on this topic, so excuse me if someone already addressed this. 

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