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Posts posted by Karlox

  1. come on guys all you do is grinding and using it to farm items and warframes could they make something new that no game has never seen before like explore galaxies and go to that person in the galaxy to the relay lets just say its a dark planet and have a side missions and travel through a black hole thats gonnab e awesome if other companies supported de


    Explore galaxies thru black holes and find new missions on strange planets? That exits. The name is EVE Online.

  2. you can farm 300k credits faster elsewhere? where?

    Even t4 capture keys will take a while to reach 300k and i'm pretty sure some players outthere can get the rewards in 15 minutes


    Sechura or Akkad (same spot everytime) > Join > Camp until wave 5 looking at you phone/tablet/double screen/whatever you have if you're bored > It won't take more than 5 to 6 mins with a good vortex + torid or mesa > Get 20 to 23k depends of the Dark Sector > Repeat everytime > Repeat > ... > Profit > ? > Boredom > Death.

  3. O _ o

    You get about 400k credits for a normal raid within 45 minutes to an hour, given you get at least one rare crate.


    And you can get 200k in 45min without any booster (414k with boosters) just farming Sechura till wave 5 not even moving from a single spot... So go figure how bad is that the best reward of the raid you can get it so easily with barely only pressing one button on a dark sector.

  4. That doesn't even come close to making sense.... If they can't have the banana and the banana has no other version then the collectors will be straight homicidally mad....Because that one piece of fruit is unique to all other fruit makes it MORE desirable not less.


    The problem is, with that thing they only would like the banana.


    With the current situation, they want the yellow orange and the BUFF to be opened to them also.


    The desirable level on both is the same because they're exclusive in both situations.

  5. so you're telling me that you'd prefer founders having an entire frame family belonging solely to the founders? with said frame getting augments and a potential prime variant that also belongs to founders only?


    You just need 3 exclusive things. The primes of the exclusives aren't necessary. And yes, I want you to have those exclusives not involving anything from the game that the players can actually get, the why's down here ↓


    I understand you are frustrated. I feel for you. But you will NEVER get excal prime anymore. You missed out. Just like I missed out on primed chamber, or braton vandal, and the lato prime. 


    Your frustration should not stop others who have it to get their prime warframe on the same level as the other prime warframes. 


    I'll try to explain to you with oranges. We've both an orange, but yours is yellow, sure no problem. In the market there are some apples with their respective yellow version, melons with their respective yellow version, pineapples with their respective versions and so on.


    We all have access to the yellow version of the fruits except for that orange, and that's a really bad move. Because the so called buff on the orange you want it's a necessary one for everyone, not for your exclusivity. Do you copy? That's the problem here. If they had make an exclusive banana only for you the rest couldn't care less because they never used the banana before.


    That's what most of their jealously, frustration, whatever you want to say come.

  6. yea. an exclusive frame that absolutely nobody but a founder could get? yes everyone would cry about that. especially if it looked cool and is a really good frame.


    Don't you see that they don't want you to get more buffs over your exclusive prime weapons to not get a gap to the normal weapons even more because your items are exclusive, that's enough, and they should remain as they are?


    It's more frustrating to see that you cannot get the enhanced version of a warframe you use and you like than to see another warframe where you cannot even use it from the start.



    EDIT: Not everyone is jealous, but frustrated, because there's prime versions that aren't reachable, and you see all the content getting his prime version and then the prime you want cannot be obtained cause the founders thing.

  7. Bro, Tyl skipped leg day.


    I was talking about Tyl Regor before the overhaul. Anyway we could talk about a normal grineer bombard then, it's pretty much the model I was refering to. Buuut anyway, you think that a female Tyl Regor (imagine a sexy girl with your "skipped leg day on the gym" legs which could be some kind of cyborg attachments) would be discarded by most of the male players around here? Well, that's cute, you're pretty innocent then.


    He's also locked within a suit of metal. I think the mistake is assuming his body IS his body, like he's wearing latex or something, and not augmentations that have been shaped to look like that - Immortan Joe's armor from Mad Max, anyone?


    Yeah, well, mostly. I can expect anything coming from them after seeing our lovely Vay Hek that is barely a head, trunk and two arms. It was a quick example anyway. But well, eventually they will find any kind of experiment to get rid of that thing and the Sisters pretty much will be the first to use it officially after a lot of grineer guinea pigs. But don't expect it any time soon, they're so stupid... just look how many times we assault the same spaceships and they still do nothing about their security so far... Sometimes I think they just breathe because it's an involuntary action.

  8. Yeah, because, like, all of the Grineer females are so hot, right?


    That's like saying all of the Grineer bosses are as ugly as Vor implying that all go on a cloning rampage and here we have Tyl Regor. I don't know face-wise, but body-wise he's pretty well shaped.


    They're the bosses of Grineer, as in like all games or histories, they're different from the rest, I assure you. Well... implying that DE are creative tho.

  9. then what will happen to those players who get 100+ fps? 


    We are on another league than the rest of Mesas. We evolved further than the rest of all. We're an entity that could bring God down if needed. We cannot destroy the Grineer, Corpus, Infested or Orokin spaceships because they aren't targeteable, but if they would... We have so many fps that instead of bullets we could throw our guns to kill a whole bunch of waves. We are so strong that we are the ones that buff Mirage. In fact, we are overpowered...

  10. I'm not the only 1 who thinks like it.


    Are you still trying to convince people that are following someone for her cute face? Oh well, in some updates, her body also. But anyway, I don't know any other reason why you would help her than that. Oh, and don't bring here the thing that she saved you from stasis and Vor. In fact, I would do the same to some precious tools I had found to fight by my side and do all the dirty work.


    Bah. Just look at them, they call you blind for not supporting her when they know about Lotus the same as Corpus or Grineer: Nothing.


    I hope they release some janitor along that room in the relays, we will need to clean all the drool from the floor.


    If any day they release the Twin Grineer Sisters as a pair of sexy naughty girls, we could make a lot of mops with all of this pride and honor non-sense we're talking about now, because we will be cleaning the floor with it.

  11. Out of the 14 million of us, only a handful are disgusting heretics. And "all of us" means all of us loyal to our glorious Lotus. All of us willing to cut them down like that heretic leader from Halo 2, no hesitation... Unless Lotus wouldn't want us killing them, which would be a conundrum. 


    Hah. Funny fact is that if Lotus were a boy 14 millions of yours would be against him.

  12. A lot of people are really confused between veteran and expert concepts.

    Veteran is someone that has a lot of playtime on his shoulders and has experienced a lot in his warframe life.


    To me, someone that has 100 hours and plays good and knows a lot of checking solely the wiki is not a veteran, he's just a good player, that's all.


    Veteran =/= Pro

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