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  1. The emissive colors selected in the pictures are the same but appear different. Not sure if this is intended but it's very disappointing not being able to color match Dante's emissive colors with his own attachments.
  2. +1 also having this with ultrawide 3840x1600
  3. DE has been absolutely killing it with their recent updates but the line of sight restriction is probably the worst thing they've done since Rebecca took over. Loved every single update for the last couple of years but this nerf is ridiculous and far too heavy-handed.
  4. The line of sight change maybe wouldn't be as bad if sometimes enemies didn't register as objects and prevent tragedy from hitting anything behind them. Hope this is just a bug and gets fixed.
  5. Honestly fine with everything except the line of sight change as now it seems like enemies act as obstacles occasionally and prevents tragedy from hitting anything behind them. Hope it's just a bug but if it's permanent I won't be playing him as much as I'd hoped to.
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