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Posts posted by CTanGod

  1. This patch is indeed awesome and quite controller friendly but unfortunatly it's the most unstable and buggy patch yet. (constant kick out of the game, yeah servers can't handle this, Kubrow quest won't start when it should, planet segments bully their way to the navigator even tho you unlocked the planet it's supposed to unlock etc. etc.) So yeah bassically it's great and all but A CHORE to try out for the moment, best way till tomorow so they can fix some of the issues.

  2. Go to the market, access the equipment tab then go to gear, purchase the hidden messages thing, craft them, then check the codex to have the quests unlocked for acquiring her components. Now I don't how if this works (and I don't know how to get orokin ciphers for sure) as I'm constantly getting kicked out of the game after 1-2 missions and my navigation map constantly insists that I pute the nave segment even tho I unlocked the and completed the entire star chart... DE really need to stop giving (and subsequently) removing the planet segment for those people who already unlocked each planet... Also I seem to be unable to start the Kubrow questline despite defeating Jackal and accessing the codex for the respectiv quests (damn is this system buggy and confusing with no proper tutorial on how to do it...).

  3. HUGE Bug with U14: I've finished Vor's prize (as a veteran) with lots of dificulties mainly due to latency of mission transition (even got kicked out of the game after I finished it but wasn't supposed to because Lotus didn't tell me to go after Vor, needs serious fix there) and now everytime I try to access my Codex it freezes as in nothing works and then I get kicked out of the game with no warning screen and such and I can't log in again as it says: Login failed. Check your info.

    The only way around this from what I've seen is restarting my PC (how that fixes the issue is beyond me).

  4. Tenno and Warframes are not one and the same thing, a Tenno is a betrayer of the Orokin and balance keepers while a Warframe is the exosuit of the Tenno that went into the Void and returned altered, the reason some Tenno Warframes may look inhuman (i.e Nekros) is that they may have suffered diformancies that left some limbs weak or the structure of their limbs were altered by the void's effect this they may have been augmented/replaced.


    As for the undersuit thing that may be a possibility but since it is stated that the exosuit is built around the tenno there may be a void between the suit and the acctuall tenno, kind of the same as the nano suit from the Crysis universe,altought an undersuit isn't something unlikely.

  5. From what I've documented around the internet I've found that the canadian Goverment has some kind of law that prevents .ltd canadian companies from hostile buyouts and the likes by foreign companies and the only way for them to acquire the canadian companies is by convincing the canadian Gov. to allow them to purchase the company/companies but this is a leghty process (that could take years) and is very expensive, or if the CEO willingy sells the company.


    Altought I'm not sure if the law still exists but if it does then there is a slim chance that PWE can acquire control of DE unless the CEO of DE accepts. Why I think this law can protect DE is because the official document by Sumpo Foods Company says that they and PWE/PW (altought PWE and PW are not the same thing) want to purchase the outstanding shares of DE.


    So maybe we have little to worry about DE being acquired by PWE/PW (whichever it is since PWE and PW are offten confused with each other).

  6. We need keep buying plat to increase Warframe's sared value, like this it will be increasingly difficult for PWE to cover up the value of Warframe, besides I don't think the heads of DE are dumb enough to sell out this great financial and intellectually potent game if anything they are making a contrat with PW not PWE as to publish the game in China due to the corporal and spiritual morales and differences of the Chinese goverment.


    So in short: support the game by purchesing plat in such a way that the DE officials don't find it proffitable to sell Warframe to PWE (if this is the case).

  7. Untill DE says anything about this we have no way to prove or disprove this supposed contract with PW. Since WF won that contest against free mmo games it has gotten some media attention so DE would have said something about this if it happened. Besides looking at how the game is being developed and how pretty much everything is free it shows that this game is more a labour of love rathar than a means for income, however only time will tell.

  8. Not sure if this is the right section but whatever.

    The cloth physics for warframes really need to be improved/changed since they constantly poke through your warframe. Now I know that Tenno are not considered solid objects when you want to run through them for obvious purposes of counter trolling but I believe items that have cloth physics such as a sayadana or Hydroid awesome beard tentacles should consider Tenno as solid objects (because we can clearly see that projectiles from weapons view tenno as solid objects since no matter how much punch through you have they will not pass through other tenno) since they constantly poke through tennos (Hydroid's beard) or move eraticaly (Zephyr's pig tails and sayadanas).

  9. There has been 1 major issue bothering me since I started playing Warframe and that's Mag's Crush. It's description says:


    Magnetize the bones of nearby enemies, causing them to collapse upon themselves.


    And when you look at it's statistics of what it acctualy does it's contrary to common sense. We all know that bones are very important structures in our bodies as they let us move bassically (toghter with muscles that is). So logically having your bones pulveried or even broken would turn is into lumps of meat yet enemies Crushed simply return to the way they were before like nothing happened also the damage type makes no sence it is magnetic which makes some sence but the fact that it is reduced by armor and absorbed by shields (which makes a very litle amount of sence) when it's supposed to do internal damage aka collapsing bones upon themselves.


     What I am poiting out here that although the ability is thematially correct the fact that it does not, for example, at least knock enemies down makes no sense whatsoever.


    I'd like so opinions on this topic since I'm sure some other players are interested in it.

  10. Not sure if anyone mentioned any of these bugs before, if so then sorry for the redundancy (not sure if I writed it correctly, english isn't my native language). So the bugs that I have noticed after a Void mission are as follows:


    - Dive Bomb only knock down enemies in Zephyr's imediate vecinity (kind of the same range as Torid gass clouds)


    - Tornadoes do not spawn correctly at time and do not seem to deal damage or proc anymore (neither does dive bomb and Tailwind, atleast what is obvious is that dmg numbers do not show up)


    If any of these have been mentioned  before or have been proven as isolated cases please forgive me for wasting some of valuable time.

  11. Valkyr's power only becomes evident when you fight enemies with armor that are above level 50 where your weapons will chew your ammo in a matter of seconds because using her Hysteria at any point before that is a waste since you are stuck almost a minute in a beserker stance for no reason as you have no enemies to kill and already have full HP. Also, if anything, she is BAD at staying alive withouth Hysteria spam, why ? Because armor is terrible on warframes, seriously, shields are better in everyway, even Ember lasts longer than Valkyr when under fire for prelonged times, you know why ? Because high shield values allow her to just seek cover, regen some shields and go back into it while Valkyr has to take like a pro and constantly get Health dmg also considering she has limited utiliy and only strong mobiliy (as she has no way to draw aggro other by her teammates letting her go first, which is a bad ideea in general since armor on warframes no matter how high against decent level enemies of 30+ and + medium number makes her go down faster than an unmodded frame is bad).


    EDIT: I forgot to mention that Valkyr, unlike other frames, NEEDS TONS OF LOVE INVESTED IN HER TO DO DECENTLY because the mods she needs eat up a ton of mod cappacity and that is only half the problem anyway.

  12. So I have been plagued by this thing ever since I saw and crafted Valkyr. The cuffs, albeit, fitting to her lore kind of ruin her sleek appearence for me (and possibly others).

    Since U14 is going to bring a massive change to Valkyr, is there a possibility that there could be a skin or option for removing the cuffs ? (very personal opinion, I know)

  13. Name: Infested Lancer


    Behaviour: Typical Grineer Lancer/Elite Lancer behaviour.



    Attack 1:

    Fires it's ranged weapon limb while on the move and from cover. Weapon fires bolts.


    Attack 2:

    Launches it's thorns while it's bolt synthesisers produce new bolts the limb. These thorns have a 60 degree arc. Will also fire the Thorns alongside it's limb when enemy target is close.


    Attack 3: Uses claw limb to strike enemies in melee range. This staggers the oponent. After it has used the attack it flees to a safe distance to use ranged weaponry.


    Environment restrictions: None.


    Art or reference image:





  14. Valkyr already got a hefty nerf for no reason: Hysteria lost over 50% of it's damage after U13 and didn't get anything back, while you can channel during, however, it's far inferior to Ash's Smoke Screen and Loki's Invisibility because, after some testing, the ability does not receive multipliers from Steel Charge and the ability itself aswell as the base dmg (with pressure point and spoiled strike, only scalling from crit chance and crit multiplier, is however affected by melee combo metter but it's too much work) of the weapon. Besides, how the hell did everyone make a 180 with Valkyr as she was considered, even after U12 the main change for her, useless and terrible and suddenly op matterial worthy ? You have to bust your &#!(sorry for language) to make her effective as she has no press *insert number here* button to win. And she already has a 89% damage reduction by using max steel fiber and max power strength warcry.

  15. I'm posting this here because I think it is the right tab for Warframe ability bugs (if not I would appreciate if someone told me where to post bug reports for the DE saff to see).


    Well I may be repeating here what,I asume, a considerable amount of players have reported that Valkyr's Hysteria doesn't do as much damage as it used to. Through testing I have found out that the skills melee multiplier does not affect it (subsequnetly Steel Charge does not affect the claw dmg aswell) and that the weapon equiped again does not affect the ability (as it was supposed to ever since U12). Also the ability, since the latest hotfix, has a very slow attack animation if I have not pre-equiped my melee weapon (once I do so it adjusts to the weapons speed) and also upon the ability ending all the finishers with whatever melee weapon I have equiped are replaced with Hysteria's ones (also Hysteria's Finishers only do 10 damage by base).


    These issues have occured ever since U13 and subsequent hotfixes were dropped. I hope this can be addressed in the next hotfix.

  16. The best solution I have found for fixing this issue:


    -put local reflections on off


    -put geometry level on medium or low


    This is what has fixed my issues with Drivers crashing and I can run every mission smoothly. However you might consider upgrading or reverting to Windows 7 because ever since I did so I can use local reflections and max geometry level with no problem from my drivers but that might just be me. You can also consider lowering the graphic detail from your drivers. I hope this helps.

  17. Loki.

    He is supposed to troll enemies and can force them to melee but since he is invisible all the time (atleast a good one is) doesn't mean he is meant to melee (back before melee 2.0 nobody really meleed with Loki unless they used Galatine, but since he was invisible enemies would run away so...) besides he can shoot with weapons even while stealthed so it doesn't mean he has to melee (now it's just more appealing).

  18. So, I think everyone here knows that Valkyr is probably the only trully melee dedicated Warframe in the game and pretty much everyone who played her during her "POS" period got really excited with U12 changes on her and what Melee 2.0 would bring yet Melee 2.0 has done nothing but cripple her.


    Yes, I do know DE had some DDoS attack and other things but they could have fixed Hysteria, since the only problem with it is the fact that it isn't affected by Power Strength and the Melee weapon you have equiped, with a simple hotfix.


    Of course I do take into the consideration that DE believes she might have been too strong with Melee 2.0 melee combo metter and channeling but let's look at it this way: now Valkyr can only score like 1858(regardless of weapon equiped) crit on Infested Enemies, not that bad, and with combo metter it can go to around 5-7k but then you look at Ash and Loki who already have 4x more melee dmg with their stealth (the 4x was also the multiplier on full power strength Valkyr which implied higher energy cost on an ULTIMATE yet they got 4x melee dmg multiplier for only 50 energy and the freedom to use ranged weapons aswell).

    So, my suggestion to make things up is this:


    - Replace Rip Line with a pounce like ability that does dmg on take off (impact maybe) and deals dmg once it lands (direction based on cursor position and deals impact dmg on landing and slash to enemies hit before landing). Like this she maintains mobility and has a more thematic ability.

    - Warcry could be made spammable so she can have a sort of CC

    - Paralisys remains the way it is

    - Hysteria gains new animations (no doubt already in the works) and gets the bugs fixed (assuming they are bugs) and has a 3x crit multiplier and and multiplies weapon dmg by 200% instead of 175%.


    I'm sure most players don't mind never seeing Valkyr anyway because they are still probably stuck with the whole mentality of use what's most damaging etc. etc. but that doesn't mean it should spoil the fun of other people.


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