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Posts posted by Nocturnex

  1. 3 minutes ago, Postal_pat said:

    You must consider the current state of conclave, it's practically abandoned. Then you must consider what was happening last time darksectors were pvp:

    • Hate practically flowed through the community.
    • Many players burned out instantly due to the high levels of grind.
    • The many connection problems and people bailing at the last minute.

    Having been through the complete experience of darksectors from when it started as pve and seeing the sorry state of conclave at the moment. I really don't want to see darksectors be pvp.

    Being burned out of constantly grinding out PVE missions against Cosmic Specters at 3am, compared to actually fighting human opposing forces, isn't my idea of fun. What needs to happens is limit the time of a Conflict so that folks don't spend most of time fighting in said conflict.

  2. 1 minute ago, StormFighter117 said:

    If Dark Sectors where to contain PvP and PvE at the same TIME?!?! Ohh Mahh Gawwd its the end of the world! Then maybe our problems would be solved and everyone would be happy :)

    That's basically what I suggested earlier. In war, everyone plays a role. Some roles require a form of sabotage and infiltration. Others require fighting in the frontlines. Por que no los dos? Adding both aspects and both being equally significant will change the entire discussion.

  3. Just now, Cara360 said:

    Can someone help me out? i'm confuse about this conflict about dark sector talk and PvP in it.

    I'll try to break this down as simple as I can. Conflicts were, in its simplest form, the end-game in Warframe. Clans would battle other clans for ownership of a node in the Star Chart. This node, you can run taxes that your clan would receive as income. When introduced, it was a PVE Sabotage mission. Later, it was changed to PVP to make the conflicts feel like actual conflict. When Armistice was engaged, the mode was put in hiatus to rebalance PVP. Now that there will be no PVP, a lot of folks here in the PVP sector is in a tizzy. PVP is end game for lots of folks, hence the topic at hand states that there is no longer a point to play PVP because it would currently play no role in New Dark Sector Conflicts.

  4. Oh..I played a few matches of Dark Sector PVP, brother. Some of it was cheesed, but some matches where everyone played with the intent of completing objectives, it was a full-scale war. The only problem was the balance, in which Conclave 2.0 was the response. It was Warzone in Halo 5 before Halo 5, hence why I enjoyed playing that mode. That mode in Warframe had potential. I would hate to see it scrapped.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Lordricker said:

    So the only reason you play the pvp we have now is to be good when dark sectors come back? I personally like the pvp, i wasnt even around for the original dark sectors

    That was the motivation for most of the PVP in Warframe. The assumption was, once Conclave was at its apex in balance, that the Dark Sectors Armistice would be lifted. Now that PVP will not play into any element in DS, a lot of folks will feel like they wasted their time in honing their skills here. I would like PVP to be an option in Dark Sector Conflict while other operatives(PVE participants) fill in other roles of Sabotage, however, DE wants inclusivity in Dark Sectors 2.0 than cater the mode to a niche group. I do feel less motivated to play PVP, to a certain degree. I still dream to get Vengeful Revenant.

  6. I feel really horrible. DE touched a game mode that just did not needed to be touched. The original premise of Excavation was already there, in the context of what the objective was. The new changes just penalize the players with more of their time. I'm one of those Tenno who enjoy Excavation with 800 Cryotic is extracted because that's when the game mode gets serious and it gets more fun. Now, I kinda lost desire to even play Excavation for more than 200 Cryotic. If this is what they intended, congratulations. You have done it.

  7. Two things need to happens with Mesa. One, her Peacemaker needs to be like Ivara's Artemis Bow where her energy is expended for every shot she fire out of her Regulators. I say about, 0.3 - 1.5 energy per shot. Two, Mesa needs to move. While on Peacemaker mode, she need to go full-on Robert Rodriguez-style Desperado shooting. Look at video below , for reference.



  8. I dunno if that's a bad thing, really.  You have only 4 in a 'magazine'.  You either lay them all out and wait for someone to hopefully run into your nades (which have a 10sec timer), or you have to perfectly aim all 4 projectiles and detonate them...and if you miss just one, you have to reload.  The Talons may have a 5.0 fire rate, but people are certainly not detonating them as fast as they throw them...lest they blow themselves up.


    Unlike the Pentas, it seems the Talons do have damage drop off from center of explosion.  I know I've done as little as 8 damage to someone I didn't hit directly enough.


    I concur. I just made an observation. What I wasn't sure whether it was intentional, in the context of explosive weapons getting a buff. I should have been more elaborate. 

  9. You wanna know how you kill a game, this is how. After the grind I dealt with getting the Day and Night Aspect (each needing a Helmet, Chassis, and Systems) to create Equinox, no...I'm not killing myself AGAIN for your senselessness(I have another word, but I'll be nice). The unnecessary grind for this stance is beyond reprehensible. You'll make cash for 13-24 year old Tenno who don't know how to manage their money yet, but keep at this and you guys will eventually lose the players that made you where you guys are today. Eureka.SeveN is on the money on this and I really want you guys to reconsider your model.


    Actually, play the game with me, [DE]Staff. Grind for this stance mod with me. I'd be more curious to see how long you last than I ever will trying to get this stance.

  10. I am not completely sure if this issue has been addressed. But I do have an issue when, in this particular game mode, the timer does not count down when there are more than 4 players in the lobby. This is a gamebreaking bug where some players have no choice but to leave the match. It's rare to be in a lobby where 4 or more players developed good polarity(not sure if this is correct phrase) towards the match. Having this bug ruins my feel of the game. It is bad enough that players who participate in Conclave deal with Host Migrations. Enough Oberons have been sacrificed for the sake of a few players. :)

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