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Posts posted by Rioma

  1. Returning player, Deimos was just released when i stopped playing, which was 2 or 3 years ago now. They've changed how Wukong's clone works. It uses ammo and if you have no melee it will always use your primary instead of swapping to secondary based off which one you're using. And it seems to get confused when you give it weapons with no ammo pool that self regenerate their ammo like the Bubonico, where it will shoot its ammo and then just kinda stand around and never shoot again.

    So if you guys could give me some tips on what's good with him and his clone now that would be great. New mechanics that work or don't work. New Arcanes, Meta, Non-meta, Primers, and fancy tricks/ interactions that would be great.

    I know the community enjoys this frame a lot, and it seems not many creators have made recent loadout builds for him.

  2. As someone who doesn't enjoy flying my railjack I'm using a NPC crew member as the pilot. The NPC seems to be doing alright but there are some things about using the NPC that really sucks.

    1. When you are in the laser cannon or slingshot it's pretty much impossible to aim at what you want to with the NPC driving. It would be nice if the game recognized a player was in one of those and the pilot would stay still and you could aim the ship,

    2. Also on the new volatile game mode at the end of it you need to fire the laser cannon at the weak points of the corpus ship. The NPC doesn't know to drive into view of the weak points so you still have to manually do this. And you have to reassign your pilot to another job for just a moment so that while you're aiming the laser the NPC pilot doesn't get back in the "seat" and start flying off again. It's a bit annoying, I'm not sure if there would be a fix for this or if this is just how it has to be.

    3. The Gunnery position for an NPC is pretty mediocre, but it is nice thematically. Same with the kuva lich as a defender! Unfortunately having a kuva lich as a defender taking up a crew slot (most likely a gunner position) is kinda not worth the lvl 8 command intrinsic slot. I would strongly ask that in the name of FUN & FLAVOR that the 8th command intrinsic allowed the host to have a 4th crew member slot only for a Kuva Lich seeing as they're already limited to the unmodded weapon they came with and being a defender is the least important roll since an engineer can do it.


    Also rip that guy in trade chat that was buying super specific kuva liches for weeks in preparation for this update only to find out they're defenders only. F

    Update Feedback: The update was better for railjack overall I think. I didn't really have any reason to do any railjack and kind of still don't. I still don't enjoy flying the railjack while I do enjoy doing the various tasks like slingshotting into ships and doing the various objectives. At least now that we have the NPC crew members I can feel better about doing some railjack content by myself, where as prior to this update when I heard Sevigoth and Lich content was moving to RJ I was very opposed to the idea of flying my ship solo.


    Hope this feedback was helpful.

  3. 3 of us went into OV to fight the orb mother. We did the entire fight and it went fine. The host flies ahead of us to Fortuna and I can only assume he left the party. Both me and my team mate got kicked out of OV and back to fortuna saying mission failed with no rewards. wtf, we had got the ephemera so that's a huge bummer. : /


    [edit] it appears we got our rewards but just kicked us out of OV with no rewards screen. 

  4. I would like to purpose for a gear item to summon our converted Kuva LIches. I convert some of my liches simply because they look cool or have funny quirks, and perhaps have a nice gun that could help in battle, mostly items with rad procs. But I find it sad that though I've converted so many they rarely come to assist me in my missions. I would simply like a gear item similar to specters to summon 1 of my liches. It can be a random lich, or perhaps a specific lich. In the lich trading menu the liches have an icon so perhaps their icon could be in our gear wheel. Maybe clan research involving X amount of kuva and other requirements. 


    I've heard rumors from my friends that our LIches might be able to be crew members on our Rail Jack. BUT I really don't like flying my rail jack. It actually gives me a bit of motion sickness to be the pilot, so I usually join my friends on their own rail jack. So even if this rumor were true I would still be missing out on seeing my liches as often as I would like. 😞 


    Balance? : Some liches have really good resistances / immunity to dmg. It might help the tradability of liches with bad weapon rolls. You could even just collect ephemera liches to have a shiny army. But maybe if 4 ppl summoned their lich at the same time it would be out of hand? I'm not sure, but currently liches do have a timer on them when they come to help you. I think I remember my lich coming to help me in mobile def and he only stayed for 1 console. But in a exterminate mission stayed the entire time.


    Or maybe just increased chance for them to spawn and help you depending on how many ppl are in your party/ being solo. Please DE just for a lil more fun into the grindy system that they are.


    -May everyone who reads this be blessed with good kuva lich rolls! 🙂

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  5. Twice today I've farmed some liches. First time I converted my lich and at the end of the misison I didn't get my stolen goods back. Few hours later I got another and killed this one, and again at the end my goods were not given back to me. FeelsBadMan

  6. So that cut scene after the loading screen when you kick down the grate and everybody jumps down I can't skip. I usually just jam space bar and you get the prompt to skip and it works just fine. But now all it does is keep giving me the prompt and it's really annoying. Everybody leaves me behind and in some cases can already be at the first objective. Any fix?

  7. It has it's pros and cons so I'm polarized on the topic.

    On one hand I have made a number of weapons "stat sticks" so the change made those stat sticks wasted forma. But I had to forma the exalted weapons a few times (1-2) to get them back in working order since they had quite a few polarities already. 

    but some frames still need stat sticks. On the other hand every frame that doesn't have an exalted weapon but use melee mods for an ability like Qhora, Atlas, Gara ect. we still need stat sticks for their skills.

    I'm ok with losing the forma on the stat sticks of the past but finish the job. Don't eliminate half the stat sticks but be like oh by the way some frames still need them >.<

    The change is pretty good now though especially in sorties. X weapon only mission? You can bring a frame with an exalted ability and have full modded potential.


    TLDR: I like the change and don't mind having to reforma the exalted weps to get them back to normal. But some frames still need stat sticks like qhora and atlas so finish the job DE >.<

  8. So i killed MANY Teralysts when PoE first came out so I was already done grinding when the 2 other ones got added. I've been away from warframe for a while so I would like to know what has changed to farm a couple.

    --Things I noticed:

    • The shape of the eidolon lures have changed. Have their mechanics changed? Do they still require 3 small eidolon souls and still take a long time following you? 
    • I know chroma got his dmg changed a bit. Is he still the preferred dmg frame outside of really coordinated groups?
    • Do ppl still take 4 CP aura?
    • Any special mod or focus gimmicks to use?
    • Crit Cat still best companion for hunting them?


  9. As she is currently (may 28) I feel saryn needs some sort of energy restore back in her kit if her spores will continue to no longer spread on death. She is in a spot where she can still be strong but simply put map / spawn density can't keep up. You run into the situation where you kill like one or 2 tiles in front of you, and behind you (in a survival situation) you may need to reapply spores to that side of the map. And you keep flip flopping between reapplying a killing each side making you be quite energy hungry. This is especially apparent in void onslaught mode. 

    ---if she were to perhaps restore a bit of energy if an enemy was killed due to spore tick, or have the duration on toxic lash increased when something died to spore ticks it could help solve the problem. Toxic lash is pretty mandatory to keep on at all times currently and with no duration on spores now you can afford to drop duration out of old builds. But you still require some to keep your toxic lash. But if you gained some duration when spores killed you would in a way be able to use the energy not spent on recasting toxic lash on reapplying spores to various packs of groups.

    TBH though her current state is quite stressful to play. The dmg ramp and the feel of urgency when your ramp starts to die off because you did your job to well. The up time on toxic lash but energy requirements of reapplying spores to unaffected / newly spawned packs. . . She is worth it for the effort you put in but man does it feel off.

  10. After applying some forma to my Zephyr Prime I've had a couple thoughts to help out her kit a bit. 

    1-- After you've cast tornadoes if you shoot 1 tornado it will apply the new dmg type to all tornadoes. But if another player shoots a tornado that can overtake your current element than that single tornado will change.

    --------- Reasoning is due to how unpredictable the tornadoes can be. Even on first cast they can be fairly split up and go around terrain fairly quickly. Even with punch through or weapons with a wide radius like the ignis if you're using the mini tornadoes augment funnel clouds it's difficult to hit them all while still focusing on dealing with the enemy. The dmg of individual tornados are not very strong, they're relatively slow moving and tend to spread out quite quickly. At no point could you consider zephyr to be a top tier damage dealing frame so easily spreading your dmg type shouldn't be much of an issue. Sure in the simulacrum if you have all funnel clouds on top of a small pack of enemies the status procs can be good, but in practice it's unreliable due to their nature.


    2-- When you cast airburst on tornadoes for all the tornadoes to grow in size or at least in a radius around the ones that were hit. 

    -----------Reasoning: Airburst is already a very meh skill in the first place. It's slow to travel meaning it's easy to miss, it's radius isn't very large, and If you're using a tornado build I guess you want to be using the airburst synergy. But it really feels awful to use especially with funnel clouds augment. Even if you're airborne and cast Airburst at half energy hitting even 6 of your 12 tornadoes without colliding with terrain or straight up missing doesn't feel worth it all. Even if your tornadoes are relatively close together they it's still going to require quite a few casts for not much gain.

  11. Was playing with melee weapons and I couldn't get slash,or gas to proc. I played multiple missions with different mod set ups. I could occasionally get a viral proc. but the only thing I see really working is impact at the moment. For a melee with 32% base chance to proc status there has got to be something wrong.

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