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Posts posted by Adrenochrome

  1. Completely agree with this - if you don't mind, I would like to incorporate it to a big thread I am preparing (with proper credits).

    Sure thing.

    1, 3 and 4 I agree with, the rest not so much. Although I have to say that 5 is sometimes triggered when I think it shouldn't. I'd also like to add that wallrunning sideways seems to have a moment of pause when connecting and disconnecting from the wall which is kind of annoying.

    That and you have to repress sprint and/or crouch after pretty much every move which in itself is another problem.

    I'll add both of those to the list. Thanks for your input.

    I do agree with all points except 5.) and 7.).

    Actually it would be neat to have multiple/random timers at the doors, so you can't really estimate the time how long it will need, making up for a more interesting approach, when your getting chased by a mob of enemies and face a door which needs more than 5-10 secs to open.

    Could be also a very nasty surprise for a rusher, and I love nasty surprises.

    and well... That animation... it's too stylish to remove it. Don't take away ma immersions yo.

    But yeah, I agree, sometimes the fall is a bit too low to make it that dramatic..

    So much hate for rushers everywhere, even though I just rush on private lol. I equally hate extremely slow people.

    I do like your idea, but my current issue is that it's not made to be like that as far as I know, outside of the big planet surface door. They're suppose to be a set speed, but they aren't. Sometimes they open up immediately, sometimes you have to run around in circles in front of the door for it to notice you to open, et cetera.

  2. As with the other topic I posted in here, this is not game breaking, just annoying.

    In countless animations, there is an unnecessary downtime where your Warframe simply stands around scratching his &#!.

    1.) After getting up from a knockdown/knockback -- The Warframe takes his sweet &#! time to get his weapon back out, and you have around a 1 second down time after visually recovering before you can actually do anything again. Maybe all of our Warframes are lazy. I don't know.

    2.) Finisher -- The finisher wastes a lot of time, ignoring the fact that half the time the Warframe won't actually perform the finisher, the actual animation is very long and drawn out. Even when using incredibly light weapons like Fang.

    3.) Security hacking -- On the end of security hacking, you have no control of your character for a good amount of time. I believe that is unnecessary as well. You're in the middle of battle. You shouldn't be taking your time while getting stabbed in the back of the head.

    4.) Sprinting -- I believe this is due to the method of activation, not the actual animation, but sprinting takes a good half second or more to activate after you press the button. This makes sprinting feel very unresponsive and sluggish.

    5.) Falling -- Sometimes it happens from 2 feet (usually when falling from a low zip line) sometimes from 300, but getting staggered from falling seems ridiculous to me. You CAN'T take fall damage, unless you just jump into an endless chasm of suffering. This would make me think that Warframes aren't hurt by falls. So why do they stagger when they fall? Are all Warframes just dramatic *@##$es?

    Doesn't make sense to me.

    6.) Wasted animations (primarily finisher) -- This issue arises from animations being performed that have no use, such as a finisher on a dead enemy, or even on nothing.

    7.) Incredibly slow doors -- I play volt. I use speed. When using speed, many times the door can not open fast enough, and even for the ones that do, they don't seem to register your presence until 1-2 sometimes 3 seconds after you've been sprinting into a door. This is especially annoying with the very large planet surface doors, and the double wide elevator type doors.

    I'll add more as I come across them in the game.

    I'd also like to add that wallrunning sideways seems to have a moment of pause when connecting and disconnecting from the wall which is kind of annoying.

    That and you have to repress sprint and/or crouch after pretty much every move which in itself is another problem.

  3. So this issue is, when in a group, selecting the planet you want can be a massive pain in the &#!.

    I would suggest some kind of side bar that allows you to select a planet, or even possibly a "favorites" bar, that would allow us to set favorite missions (such as boss fights, defence missions, other commonly farmed places) to be selected at a later time

    Of course, when in solo, you can just back out and go to what you want, but while in a group, you can not back out to the planet select. You have to go through each planet separately to get to where you want.

    Of course this isn't game breaking or some kind of horrible thing, but it would help to make the whole game feel much smoother and more intuitive.

    Or, you could simply let us back out to planet select while in a group.

    So yeah.

    Didn't feel this fit in map/level, or UI, which would be the two closest things, so I put it here.

  4. also another tip on lancers, aim literally at the top of the shield, it tends to give a headshot regardless.

    Tip for lancers are to hit them in the grate or above their shields.

    I can kill them fine. My fang tears through them, but when I'm solo running I just want to sprint through everything without getting shield bashed from a mile away lol.

  5. I don't know if one would consider this a bug or not, so if you believe this is in the wrong section, please feel free to relocate it to the appropriate section, thanks.

    There are two things that I have noticed that kind of destroy an aspect of the game for me.

    First, a bit of an introduction. I play Volt, and I do use speed. It's a wonderful skill for speed runs, and keeping up with those damn Loki's (I hate you Loki..)

    Now, the first two issues occur whether you are using speed or not, and are quite annoying and disorienting, as well.

    Let me set up a scenario; you've just captured the target, and you're primarily running the mission for the completion bonus.

    But oh no!

    A wild shield lancer appears!

    You proceed to run past him, and DO manage to get past him.

    Too bad.

    15 foot shield bash. Game over.

    This scenario has occurred to me many times. It doesn't always happen, but it seems my tactics are irrelevant, unless I drop kick him in the face.

    If I try to jump over him, I either get shield bashed out of the air, or shield bashed in the back even though he swung forward after I landed behind him. Also happens using Speed on volt.

    I consider this a definite flaw, and a possible bug if it was unintended. I don't mind getting hit, but he should at least actually contact me to knock me down.

    This same scenario is interchangeable for the heavy Grineer and their knockdown grenade of doom and irritation thing.

    Part 2

    This has been mentioned MANY times by MANY people, but I figured I'd collect all the issues of Speed (volts mod) together. If you notice any issues that I haven't listed, let me know and I'll add them.

    1.) Perfect Grineer targetting - I realize this may not be a bug, and may very well be intended, but when I can hardly see where I'm going because I'm moving so fast, I feel that the Grineer (who are generally stupid to begin with) should not be able to have perfect aim on the blue streak of light passing by them. I would understand if heavy units and bosses had proper aim in this situation, as they are genetically superior, but the Grineer marines are the Warframe equivalent of storm troopers. Their accuracy is like 0.1%, until I use my skill, then apparently they become master marksmen.

    2.) ARGH. QUIT GETTING STUCK. - There are many things and places that cause speed to get stuck, essentially wasting the cast. These include many sets of stairs, small rocks, small differences in height of the ground (without sloping), and so on.

    I realize this one isn't an AI bug, but I figured I'd add it too.

    So yeah.

  6. I would say the dev team for warframe has quickly become my favorite dev team. (I'm not sucking up, I'm being honest here.)

    Fully explained informational posts about downtime (where as in the other games they just say, "WELL S#&$. GAMES BROKE.")

    Free credits for downtime in a beta (where you would absolutely expect downtime...I'm actually surprised at how stable the game has been for the most part.. the last beta I took part in went down like once a day.)

    Also very hardworking even on a weekend.

    I said +1 on facebook, but you know what, +10.

    You win the internet.

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