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Posts posted by Pakon3ds

  1. So, OP... it feels like you are very unlucky. A Hek-wielding GMag user who loved the old AW... you must admit that there's not many players like you in this game. You are an extremely specific demographics.


    I guess thats a really good point. I didnt though about it that way

    My suggestions to you:


    - Take a break. That's not to say "stop", but rather take one or two weeks off.

    - Shake things up a bit. Try new things. There's hundreds of guns and twenty-something frames: take something that you never really put time into (but people told you is quite good) and learn to play that. U17.5 is for me the Ember update: never has she felt stronger.

    - Shake things up. Help new players doing silly missions (without using overpowered weapons). Take a mission type that you never learned to do correctly (for most people this would be Spy or Rescue) and master it. Everyone can do Spy with a Nova, but can you Spy with a Frost?


    And so on.



    Thank you for your advices. I really like the idea about helping new players. Really appreciated. 

  2. To be brutally frank i don't really see the point of a topic like this one.


    If you have so many issues with this game, maybe it would've served you better to create a big lenghty discussion on what's wrong and how you would fix it in the feedback section. No matter what feedback IS important. If you care enough about the game that you were considering about buying the Prime Access i'd personally, as fellow Tenno, encourage you to do so right away.


    Something like this though... No, i can't get behind, sorry.



    The point was to find an answer like " It happened to me, or its happening to me too, or a friend of mine is thinking about this, or quitted the game a few months back, blahblahblahblah, but i kept playing becouse i found that doing "blahblahblah" was fun"


    I was looking for fresh ideas i guess, thats why i edited the post and explicitly asked for it.


    About the feedback... yeah well, maybe i will write one. 

  3. So... 17.5 was a really hyped update. Tons of new things, improvements, etc etc. For me it was the day where i started to play the game a bit less each day... untill today. 


    The reasons:


    Gpull nerf: Even if i love the concept of Mag, i just cant keep playing a warframe with one single ability, and that is good against one single faction. The Gpull nerf didnt just affect the ability Pull, it affected my whole play style. 


    Hek new sound: The weapon i enjoyed the most playing, that i used almost exclusively since update 17, recieves a new sound that breaks all the "immersion", all the fun, the power, call it how you like. Sure, there are tons of guns out there, but it feels so wrong to have your favourite thing in the game suffer a change like this... again. 


    Atlas: A warframe that seems to have been made in a hurry to realease it and delay some other thing, overlooking some parts of the design and copying warframes abilities in a really poor way. Even if i find his 1º ability fun to use, its complete trash and i would put it easily on the 1º place in the "worst warframes list".


    Archwing: The new missions turned out to be extremely boring, at least deffense. Mobile deffense is still kinda good since you dont spend there the whole day. Interception turns from a stupidly big map, to a stupidly small and claustrophobic map. I was one of the persons that enjoyed archwing, now i avoid it. Seems that DE doesnt know how to find the "middle ground". 


    And yesterday goes live Trinity access, my last hope to keep playing the game, just to find that if you want to support the game and get some exclusive Kubrow stuff, you need to buy 2 Prime access packs, effectively doubling the money investment. 


    So... yeah, ever since 17.5 i started playing less and less each day, yesterday i only logged in to see if my new kubrow was already mature. Today... i dont even know if i will log in. Its kinda sad, i have like 1000+ hours invested in the game, a lot of work done, but at this point a just feel completely dissapointed. 


    Anyone else in a similar position ? Feeling dissapointed and really close to just leave the game for good ? 



    Edit: Reading some answers i would lilke to ask: for those who almost quit the game at some point... what did you guys did to keep playing it ? where or how did you found the reason to keep playing? Maybe a fresh idea makes me keep going for another 1000h. 

  4. I created yesterday another topic with the same question about the two packs. I didnt know that this post existed. 


    My opinion: Its really sad what DE has done. If they did it becouse other packs are not selling (only accesories) its becouse the prices are stupidly high. 


    Whats in the packs ? a warframe, a weapon, and a few cosmetics. The price? 125$ ?. Its @(*()$ ridiculus. So yeah, most people tend to buy the accesories if they feel like supporting DE. 


    What DE has done this time is just really really bad. 


    And as i said in another post: "This might be the first time it happens with Prime access, but not the first time DE does something to heavyly affect money investment from the player. I recognize that this is a f2p game and the workers of DE dont feed from air. But it is happening way to often and in way to obvious ways. Its a bit sad. "


    That said, i wont argue much more about this, ill just chose to not waste money in this black hole. 

  5. What ? This is the first time this has happened.....how is it not surprising for you ?


    Well, its the first time it happens with Prime access, but not the first time DE does something to heavy affect money investment for the player. I recognize that this is a f2p game and teh workers of DE dont feed from air. But it is happening way to often and in way to obvious ways. Its a bit sad. 


    Thats what i believe he was reffering to. 

  6. I tried to search and read the Prime access information. Still not clear. 


    Since the Kubrow armor is on the Accesory pack, and the Masking gene kit is on one of the other packs and does not drop in game (only the collar does)... Do you need to buy the two packs to get everything for the Kubrow? 


    I hope i am wrong. 

  7. Am i missing something? I still have the option to use that in my display settings. I turn it one when im using my jatt kittag. 


    One thing is having "PhysX" option in the Options menu. Another thing is having actual PhysX. I dont know the exact details of what happened, lets just say that .. the effects were nerfed to the ground. Maybe someone else can give you the details about this. 

  8. On my 1000+ hours of gameplay i found 1 container on Sechura, 1 container on Apollodorus, and 2 containers in the void. 


    Assuming the spawn chance remains the same and that i find it when it spawns, it will take me about another 1000h of gameplay to farm the Mantis. Thats assuming i never get a repeated part. 


    So... yeah, F/$! Mantis. 

  9. Well.. just to give you an example, i have been playing Trinity a few months now. I have builds in mind that require reveral forma... but i never did it couse i knew trinity prime was close. 


    So... yeah, i dont waste too much on warframes that i know they will get better versions soon. Its already enough dissapointment to 5-6-forna weapons and then see how they get nerfed. I dont want to create a similar situation on my own. 


    Also another example... i was never a huge fan of Excalibur, im using it now, but with the upcoming Umbra version, i decided to just wait and dont bother with formas. 


    So.. yeah, a transfer system could be awesome. I would even accept to "eliminate" the non prime version. In the sense that, if i have a warframe with multiple resources invested, and a prime version comes, i would accept to "fuse" the warframes,  losing the non-prime version. 


    Its also true that if i think that a prime version is still far away, i dont even think about it and i just forma and potato everything. 


    Edit: Also true that a transfer os fuse system will never happen, as it is a lose of money for DE, and it is understandable in a f2p game. 

  10. Yes, they could give us the chance in halloween.


    Why dont wait ? becouse who will want to use that skin in a few months when we will have Umbra... And who knows what we will be doing in the next aniversary, maybe we are not playing anymore, maybe we died becouse a huge meteorite impacted on earth and half the planet blew up.

  11. Speaking as a Mag user (She is (was) one of my favourite and most used warframes): 


    Pull: I like your idea. Nothing else to add. Seems legit, as you said. 


    Shiled polarize: this is Mag's caracteristic move. I dont like your idea. I am completely against the idea that every warframe should be good for everything. I think that having Mag as a corpus destroyer its just fine. Specialization is the reason to play certain frames.


    Anyway, if you still want to make Mag viable for every faction is so simple as to make shield polarize act to shields AND armor, its not like armor its not made of metal, right ? or is it that the grineer armor is made of plastic ? 


    Bullet attractor: Brilliant, i like your idea, very nice. 


    Crush: Also, i like your idea. 



    Anyway... at this point, with all the mutilations that Mag has suffered, she is not the warframe i fell in love with anymore, so i wouldnt mind a complete overhaul. Your rework is reallistic, so... yeah, nice. 


    No frame should be able to trivialize an entire faction regardless of their level to the extent mag does.



    Vauban and Equinox are telling me that they dont agree with you. 


    Also, i deffend the concept that there shuld be niche warframes, warframes that are really, really good doing certain things, in the case og Mag, that is fighting Corpus. But i cant understand why you guys deffend what DE has done based on this argument. 


    Mag is 1 warframe with 1 ability good against 1 faction. Holy S#&$, at least she had 2 abilities before. The fact that she is able to kill any corpus doesnt justify the fact that she has been mutilated... several times. 

  13. If you talking about rift sigil, i know how you feel, ive been farming for it the whole weekend, i still dont have it. And i wont have it.


    Edit: A bit off topic but: can you guys recommend other games "warframe like"  in the sense of... several characters to chose, personalization, weapons, etc etc ?

  14. I agree on practically... everything that you said, OP. I was trying it as soon as i build him, and i was kind of enjoying him. After getting him to 30 i said "ok, lets see the real power, with a real build" i stoped enjoying him. He has absolutely nothing to offer. 


    1º Ability: casting it 4-5-6 times on the face of the enemy, i dont see their health dropping, until i see that they are dead, i wonder.. why? then i realize... thank you sentinel, your weapon seems to kill something at least. 


    2º Ability: As you said, there is nothing to add. It does literally, nothing. Absulutely nothing, cero, nada. 


    3º Ability: As you said, a copy of the worst Chroma ability, and here is where the fail is, the just recycled Chroma ability instead of creating a new one, and again , another failure. It should be a radial AOE petrification: IF you are gonna copy an ability, at least copy a good one (Frost).


    4º Ability: Nothing to say, just... plain bad. 



    Abit off topic but: Anyone knows if the design team on DE has changed recently ? 

  15. Wasn't it just greedy pull that was nerfed? I thought it stopped pulling items through walls (which makes complete sense) and enemies still get pulled?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but that's an augment nerf stopping mags from just sitting in one place gathering all the loot from everyone elses kill, not a mag nerf.



    It wasnt just that, it need LOS to pull items, and not just " a free path from the item to you" , no, the items have to be actually visible on your screen, so they removed the "spherical" pull. Also, the enemys that are not in LOS are not affected by Pull, removing a huge part of the crowd control. 


    Its been actually a huge, huge nerf. Objectively speaking, the augment greedy pull has no sense to exist in game anymore. Subjectively... well thats for another time i guess, just say that it has been a huge dissapointment. 


    The worst part of all this is that GPull wasn't changed becouse it was.. "bad" in some sense, but becouse certain individuals, it seems, used it to exploit the game with macros or something like that. So basically, DE punishes the fair players, the ones that like Mag, the ones that enjoy Mag, for the bad uses that certain individuals were giving to the mod. 


    Edit: I said it already in another place, but there are more ways of dealing with this kind of people. It seems that there are tables with the amount of kills that a certain person has done, per week. It seems that the people with "extrange" kill number, are Mags. Ban those people from the game. Let the rest of the people enjoy the game. 

  16. Well thats true, you need to set him up, kill enemys to build the army, get the desecrates to build the energy and then cast the SOS... its true, it needs to be done carefully, and it is true that no other warframe needs to do that. But i find that thats the reason i love Nekros so much, it gives him that "difficulty" level that other warframes dont have, forces you to be aware of the environment, etc etc. Its not like getting your magic sword in the air and start shooting energy... (again no offense for Excal players, its just an example, i like Excalibur).


    About the augments... well yeah, you are right, but that happens with any augment, you have to sacrifice something to put the augment. The only difference is: in the case of Nekros, its actually worth to put the augments, they are "real" augments. (Im looking at you Gpull...actually pretty much any other augment).


    And you dont lose much with this augments, sure you can go with more efficiency... but you dont need it, sure you can go with more strenght, but you dont need it, only thing that it would be nice is a bit more range.. but again, i dont feel that you need it. So you are not sacrificing anything in reality, at least the way i see it. 


    And yeah you are right, its a big difference standing still and  walking, i just meant that only walking will also break the flow of the game.. a bit. 


    But... yeah give that build a try, it works wonderfull in survivals, deffense, mobile deffense... You cant use it on exterminate for example since the shadows wont follow you at your speed, obviously, but for general use... i think its great.

    Anyway, tell me something after trying it, i hope you like it, or that it changes your mind a bit. :)

  17. I play mainly Nekros, and although i like some of your ideas (like the Terrify visage thing cast on Nekros himself) I completely disagree with you with "Nekros is only played for desecrate". Maybe, someone who doesnt play Nekros, and suddenly someone ask for a Nekros, and this guy enters the party, maybe he only uses desecrate. But i dont think that the people that actually use Nekros care too much about desecrate. 


    Also, You say that Nekros has to use Natural Talent, "mandatory" you said. I dont use Natural Talent on my general build. Only on a specific desecrate build that i only use in Sechura... pretty much. 


    About Desecrate... yeah, i see from time to time a noob nekros trying to desecrate 1 single corpse and just standing there, using desecrate 3, 4 times untill he desecrates that corpse. All i have to say is: that is not the way you should be using desecrate. When you change your mind about this ability and use it as you are supposed to use it, any problem that it might seem to have, dissapears. 



    My point is: Good idea with terrify (although the "walk alone" has absolutely no sense when you are complaining about desecrate braking the flow), i would like to see something like that, but for the rest... i guess... play more Nekros. Believe me... its just more difficult to use that ... lets say Excalibur (i love him, no offense). 


    Here is my build if you feel like giving it a try: 

    Vitality, Narrow Minded, Equilibrium, Blind rage, Streamline, Stretch, Dispoil, Shield of shadows. 


    General gamplay: start the game, kill a few enemys, despoil, get your health back at the same time that you get energy. When you have killed a few enemys pop SOS. Become a tank with an army, keep killing, desecrate ONLY from time to time, when there are enough corpses on the ground, dont try to desecrate a specific corpse. Use terrify when needed as long as you have SOS up, you wont die, i promiss. Energy consumption is pretty heavy, after using terrify just use desecrate and watch how your energy is automatically filled up. Enjoy.  


    Give it a try... try to play that way and maybe you will change a bit your mind. 

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