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Posts posted by Pakon3ds

  1. I main Nekors, and in my opinion no good Nekros should never spam desecrate. There are more buttons than the "3" and in the case of Nekros they are actually really, really good. 


    A good nekros should be one with 1 minute shield of shadows with 10+ shadows, always trying to target the most dangerous enemys to make his army as powerfull as it can be. All this while tanking absolutely everything (thanks to shield of shadows) and cc'ing when needed with terrify. AND from time to time, while your shadows do the killing, like you said, maybe in intervals of 10-20 seconds, desecrate the room. 


    No, its not worth to desecrate each second of their lives. You are no helping your team. This is what "casual ;) " Nekros do when people ask for Nekros in recruit chat. 

  2. Mate... just play whatever you want, the way you want. And forget that kind of people even exists (For some reason my chat in game always disconnects so i cant read anything that anyone says, im thinking this is great now :D )


    But yeah, i know what you mean, also: people dont even know what they are doing.. you just have to see how some people ask for mesas/trinitys/slowvas for T1 deffense. 


    The thing is, as you said, it might be convenient to have a certain comp for... lets say a T4 survival. Then everyone asks for this composition for any survival becouse it makes them feel proffesional. 


    Anyway... play whatever you want, enjoy and have fun the way you want mate. 

  3. right now I personally dont want to have any mag with GPull in any of my teams, because I was in team where gmag was standing in front of wall and was pulling and pulling and pulling....he was focused on gathering lot more then fighting,enemies that were further away.


    But that doesnt have anything to do with Mag or GPull, it has to do with how greedy and lazy is the person that you mention. I play a lot of Mag, Its probably my 2º most played warframe after Nekros. And i can assure you i never do anything like that. 


    It is true tho, that ive seen people act the way you mention, and yes, it makes me want to slap their faces. 

  4. Am i the only one that thinks that the GPull change was completely neccesary ? 


    I mean... yeah, it might be awesome in a "camp here and dont you dare to move for the next 60 minutes" playstyle. But in a general game where people are running around the map, each time Mag uses GPull , everyone would have to run to Mag to get their loot. You would be running towards a mod, ammo, credits, whatever, and suddenly its gone... 

  5. Happened to me playing Nekros yesterday on the alert, i killed a few bursas and revived them with Shadows of the death. One of them got stunned by an enemy, and i realize i could hack MY resurrected bursa. 


    The guy with the mustache appeared on screen and the "transffering funds" thing pop on screen. It didnt work tho, it kept telling me that i was not in range of the bursa while i was standing right at its side. 

  6. If this was created newbies would never get into higher tier matches unless they get lucky enough to run into kind veterans.


    The negatives far outweigh the positives, because we know that when the playerbase already discriminates on MR and meta gear, giving them a tool to legitimise it would unleash hell into matchmaking.


    Personally I think matchmaking is fine as-is: If you need to make proper matches that much you can play invite only or friends only. The development time could go into better things that are more pressing, such as reconnecting to lost connections, etc.


    Neither level requirement or meaurement of equipment is a tool given to people to discrimate anyone. That was what i said regarding the "kicking system", that could indeed turn into a discriminating tool, which i dont aprove. 


    Also, newbies as you said, wont have any trouble. They start at mercury with their warframes and weapons and they will get their bratons (or whatever the starter weapon is) to a decent level before they realize it, while they unlock the planets etc etc. As soon as they get 1 single piece of equipment to level 30 they can go to T4 survivals with veterans if they want. 


    The system is intented to prevent people taking advantage of others in public matchmaking. Thats my idea at least. 

  7. I don't think requiring a certain level of weapon is right. Personally, I can bring unranked mk1 weps and come out unscathed BECAUSE I KNOW HOW TO USE THEM.

    Maybe locking through mastery level like the relays, but nothing serious like locking to certain weapon levels should ever be implemented.

    For now, though, let's worry about that AFTER the new star chart comes in



    No matter how good you are, if you go to a mission like draco or triton with a mk1-kunai unranked, you will do absolutely nothing. And about the new star chart.. who knows, maybe something like this its being already implemented. (I hope)

  8. Just allow host to kick players during mission select


    I dont think this could work, some people could use this feature to kick players just becouse they dont like something... lets suppose for a moment that Nova is a really bad frame... someone could start kicking people just becouse they are using Nova (Just an example, make it with whatever frame or weapon you want), or kicking people becouse they are using... lets say boltor prime. 


    I think that either a level requirement or as others have suggested, a system that measures somehow your equipment will be the better, more fair system. 

  9. Thinking about this lately.


    I think that missions should come with a requirement system. Nothing like "You dont enter this mission if you dont have 38 formas on your weapon". But something like: "You need at least a weapon or warframe at the mission level to enter". 


    Why? Becouse of how people use other people to get bennefits without doing absolutely nothing. Examples of this that we all know are people at Draco with absolutely everything unranked (warframe and weapons, they even hide in that little roof), same thing goes for Triton, and now its happening at Caelus, where people go with unranked archwings/archweapons, making the missions more difficult to the other players. 


    Dont take me wrong, i go to that missions with unranked equipment, becouse there has to be a way of leveling your stuff, but at the same time that my (example) secondary is unranked, my primary and warframe are completely leveled up and capable of managing the mission. But this now is a question about how selfish you are. 


    So... yeah, i believe a requirement system for mission should be implemented. 


    Example: Kala-Azar, Eris, Defense level 28-33. Requirement: Your warframe OR one of your weapons should be level 28. 


    What do you think about this? How do you feel about people doing this? Any other system that could prevent this happening? 

  10. It will make people use Multishot+Ammo Mutation instead since that's usually still more effective than using other mods.


    And that will be the case if you plan to put multishot on your Twin Vipers or your Twin Grakatas. And you will be free to do that. Another case is modding those weapons in a different way and leave multishot for the weapons that actually bennefit from the actual multishot (and i reffer once again to the case of Bows, just as an example).

  11. When will you understand that changing game mechanics its not the same as nerfing ?


    The multishot topic is getting really absurd.


    First: DE is working on an overhaul of the damage system. In the last DevStream it was said that weapon damage could increase with weapon level so there will be no need of pure damage mods like Serration or Hornet Strike. That is not a nerf, that is a change, and a good one if you ask me.


    Second: multishot consuming ammo is not a nerf, is a change, and from my point of view ? a good one too. All that we have now with multishot is free damage with no penalty, so making it consume ammo will make people think twice before mindlessly putting that mod on every weapon. And NO, multishot consumming ammo is NOT the same as fire rate, im sick of reading that. Firing 2 arrows at once is NOT the same as firing 1 arrow and another one later. 


    Stop complaining already, from my perspective DE is making everything that they can to improve the game experience, they dont do what they do to mess up with you guys. They are trying their best. 



  12. Exilus slot is not only for mobility, examples of this are Intruder, Loot radar, Warm coat, Master Thief, Enemy sense, Thiefs Whit or Shock absorbers... 


    Exlus slot is for UTILITY. 


    What i think is, yes, Natural Talent should be made an Exilus mod. Many warframes bennefit from this Mod, but using it, it puts them in a disadvantage against the rest of frames who dont need this Mod to perform well. (Have you ever died while casting Nekros 4??) 


    There are other mods that in my opinion should be made Exilus: Equilibirum, Fast Deflection, Flame Repelent, Antitoxin, Diamond Skin, Provoked. Insulation...


    This are mods that reallistically nobody is gonna use in a build (Yes, i use equilibrium on Nekros, but its just a marginal case). Implementing this, or other mods, as exilus mods, would make the exilus slot more appealing for some people. More people would actually forma their warframes extensively just to get enough space for the exilus slot.


    Untill now the only frames in which i have the exilus slot open, and use exilus mods, are warframes that i have forma multiple times for some reasons and suddenly i find myself with 10 free points, so i use the exilus slot and put something there.


    Untill now i have never forma any warframe specifically to free up space for the exilus.


    Giving more mods the status of "exilus" would make me, for sure, use it more extensively, probably in all my warframes.

  13. A few weeks back i read a lot of thread about Triton being nerfed, no R5 cores dropping as before (25% chance on rotation A) so i started to write down what i was getting as rewards for every rotation A i played.


    Seeing that there are still people that believes Triton has been nerfed, i want to share my results:


    On 245 A rotations over the past weeks: 


    69x  R5
    55x Power Throw 
    65x Steady Hands 
    56x 2500 cc  
    Which is 28% for packs of 5 R5 fusion cores. Just metion that this is a small sample, but for what i see, the % of any of those rewards seems to be 25%. 
    So no, Triton has not been nerfed. You can keep farming your cores there... if you want. 
  14. No you are not alone, many people dont know how EV works, only that EV gives energy. Also, they dont know how their abilities interact with Ev, (clear example, peacemaker). 


    The only thing you can do is try to tell them something, to either stop nuking rooms, or explain to them how their own abilities work. If they dont react.. oh well, its on them. 

  15. It needs to be useful for more then loot it should do some form of damage or cc also sotd needs a rework as well the kills determine what you have to summon needs to go also he needs to summon his own unique shadows having factions fight themselves isn't all that useful


    You cant even imagine the damage he can deal with an army of shadows, 13 shadows with 270% bonus damage for 58 seconds. ... and cc ? he has terrify, affecting 36 targets for 48 seconds with armor reduction of 36%. 

  16. I like this part. Basically you complaining that enemies eventually become to hard for you. So you need to use specific tactic with specific advantages and disadvantages in order to survive longer, and carrier can negate this disadvantages for no cost.

    I think this makes vacuum overpowered, and it needs nerf ASAP.


    Carrier negates this disadvantage ? To the point that i cant see the capsules becouse of the huge amount of enemys on the map, walk blocking, etc etc etc. So i can go through the general area and pick up my supplys. WHILE im fighting. 


    That it makes me survive longer and so it should be nerfed ? How is this different that the people claiming other sentinels are constantly saving their lives by say.. cloacking them or stunning the enemy? 


    Sorry but i cant see any logic on your argument. 



  17. Im a carrier user, but whenever i feel like picking a kubrow, i dont becouse i have to wait (30 minutes with upgrade) to use the one i want. 


    Edit: That is the main reason, i dont care about offensive capabilities and the other obvious problems that they have (AI) are.. well, obvious. 

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