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Posts posted by Hexerin

  1. left shoulder

    too bad it's poorly implemented here. swapping shoulders does nothing but change where your camera angle is coming from, you're still shooting from the right. see, that's one of the things that APB(and APB:R by extension) did right, swapping shoulders also swaps your gun to the other hand.

  2. i just wish i didn't need to unmod/remod my weapons every time i switch, since each card can only be attached to one thing. 


    DE, loadouts are a thing you know, they have been a thing for like a decade now.

  3. The Lotus discounts on the normal plat purchases is also a factor you are forgetting. 

    to break even (ignoring pack value and only looking at $ cost), you would need ~30% or higher discount.


    dude come on no one gets that 

    i get them fairly often. it písses me off cause i don't have the cash to drop on plat until next month.

  4. MMORPGs that are free2play mostly require paid currency for buying from Auction House. In game currency is only for S#&$ty stuff that has no real value. Look at any Perfect World based game.

    you have clearly not played PWI. i won't speak about FW, cause that game flopped literally the day of release, so it's a moot point.

  5. Actually, I think it was more to the effect that DE wanted players to be able to opt out of the charge of a full length, pre-update use of their ults through a toggle where in a non-defense mission, you can quit out if there is nothing to hit/Absorb-blast and generally wasting your time.. not be yet another over-the-top set of powers which are being regulated to that mighty one-button-to-rule-them-all thing which was addressed previously.


    I absolutely adored both frames before, and kinda feel dirty that their balancing point tipped so far to the other side, that it worries me what will happen when the pendulum ultimately swings the other way. A ramping up of energy cost after a certain time I would totally be down for, after 5 seconds +1 per rank, then mods before it kicks in. It can still last long under the right conditions, but not over 3 minutes.. that's silly lol..


    I love the idea of toggle-able, but not nearly lasting a full 3+ minutes at one time.. I don't see this extreme lasting very long.


    if they had intended for the ability to be untenable for an infinite duration if the squad kits out for that purpose, they wouldn't have removed the duration. instead, they would have just made it 'you can press the ability button to cancel the ability early'.


    as i have already stated, all they need to do is fiddle around with the numbers. the current mechanics are fine.

  6. Actually, half of my idea was apparently implemented in the most recent hotfix; power efficiency mods now affect energy per second consumed. All the remains to be done is increasing the cost by a multiplier so as to ensure that toggle powers cannot simply be utilized indefinitely. 

    so you want to negate the entire reason the change was made in the first place? sounds legit.

  7. Ah, I didn't know the hotfix addressed it already. I'm going to start changing my proposal then! 

    Toggle abilities should have the energy gained per second increased by a 1.25 multiplier for every second that they remain in affect. So a 6 energy power at 75% power efficiency becomes 1.5 energy per second, but then the next second would cost 1.875, then 2.34, etc. 

    This ensures that toggle abilities cannot simply be used idefinitely when utilizing outside sources of energy regeneration such as Team Energy Restore (something you can drop during Absorb, by the way), or Energy Vampire. 


    @Acos - alternatively, you could just bump the base cost per second up a bit, or nerf the mods that are the actual problem.

  8. No need to get into the fight with a radius that big plus stunlock plus decent damage pulsing.



    the point being that if you're going to change it any further, you should hit the numbers, not the mechanics. no need to take a sledgehammer to something that can be fixed with a fine point chisel and appropriate mallet.


    the stunlocking is pretty much a defining feature of the ability, so changing that would be foolish. what other levers are there for balancing then? well, damage is the obvious one. lower the damage a bit, see how it pans out.

  9. Yes i completely agree you are missing the point. Just because you play the game doesnt mean it gives you the right to question how or why a developer does what it does.

    actually, it is completely within the individual player's right to do so, doubly so if they've invested money in the game.


    requests, suggestions, question, concerns... these are all things that are required for the progression of healthy development.

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