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Posts posted by StoneBrigand

  1. Someone in a different post a few days ago suggested that if the base damage mods are removed from the game that DE should instead make the weapons's base damage increase by increasing their rank. 


    I support that person's suggestion. I don't want the damage mods to be taken from the game and then not be replaced at all by some innate progressive damage increase. 

  2. On at least a few frames (Excalibur, Zephyr, and maybe Nyx), there's a dark grey part of them that can't be colored. I know that for Excalibur, his immortal skin allows for the entire armor to be colored. 

    I'd like for all frames (the ones listed and any that aren't) to be able to have all of them colored differently. For instance, Zephyr's wings on the underside of her arms and the wings on the frontside and backside of her legs. And the uncolorable dark grey on Excalibur's back and whatnot. 



  3. I think we should be able to pick which element mods combine with one another, regardless of their position in the mod slot layout. Also, I think we should be able to use the element for more than one element on a weapon. 


    Example: On a rifle, you've got a Cryo Rounds and a Malignant Force (to make Viral). You could also put an Infected Clip on with a Stormbringer (to make Corrosive). What I'm envisioning is that either of the poison mods in the example could be linked with the Stormbringer, to make a Viral/ Corrosive build, which currently is impossible, unless one of those combined elements is a weapon's base damage type (Phage, Tysis, etc.) 


    I also think we should be able to prevent elements from being combined, so that we could potentially have a Cold/ Heat/ Toxin/ Electricity damage build. 



  4. There is absolutely nothing wrong or racist with Warframe players wondering why we don't see in-game characters who are Black or Native American/ First Nation or Latino or East Asian or anything else. . Between the Grineer, Corpus, and the Syndicates people with visible skin tones, I haven't seen a single person who isn't white, except for the two people in that trailer. 

    Wondering where non-white people are isn't racist. 

  5. Does anyone have an idea of what will change in the game when it stops being in beta and "goes live"? 


    I get that account resets and stuff won't be enacted and that the devs feel the core development isn't up to par yet, but I'm just generally confused about the possible difference between Warframe now and what it could be when it's no longer beta. 

  6. Do you have any specific ideas on how the devs could improve the trade without it being an auction house? 


    I like the idea of an auction house, but I (and others probably) would be satisfied with a revamped trade channel, if it was good enough.

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