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Posts posted by Rush95

  1. I'm amazed nobody else answered this- maybe DE has already noticed it?
    The problem seems to be with the Prototype Armor. Its clipping problems are so bad that equipping the Pakal Chest Piece or the Umbra Chest Piece will make them sink into the scarf, to the point where it ruins Pakal's SFX and almost covers Umbra in is entirity.

  2. So I was curious if having Umbra inside the infested room would trigger any special lines or scenes and decided to google it (instead of waiting for Friday to have a fully matured cyst).

    Through a glitch in the Arsenal it is possible to get Umbra (or any other Warframe) inside the Infested Room without having a fully matured cyst, but this leaves the game super confused. Apparently, it still thinks you have Nidus equipped, so Helminth's lines will play as normal. Using Transference and walking up to the chair will show the "Cure Cyst" prompt, despite it being your Operator (I've no idea what it'd do, so I avoided bugging it further), the door will also be permanently open even if you walk away from it as your Warframe. Nothing else seems to happen and it seems pretty harmless as well, but I wanted to report it here anyways. No idea if it's a known bug, but I can't find any posts about it either.


  3. On 1/17/2017 at 4:39 PM, Coskii said:

    Not sure everyone knows, but quests that have not been started now show prerequisites.


    I'm not sure that's what you're talking about here or if you're after a reordering or progression type path from one to the next.

    EDIT: Oh, I think I understand what you're going for a little more. I didn't read that correctly at all. I feel that each quest the player is currently able to do in navigation would highlight the areas where it takes place, and also a relay if it is required could be lit up. I'll see if I can quickly make a little mock up to clarify.

    That sounds like a good addition to the main post! Currently quests feel a bit messy for me, I'm only able to keep myself organized because I've been doing each quest as it is released. Imagine how newer players must feel when they have a large amount of quests to do and no explanation on how to get them or how to progress :/

  4. 40 minutes ago, l07g said:

    shh! I've been exploiting a bug where the music still plays when teleporting out of the room (since it goes both ways) so I can keep listening to them when looking at foundy/arsenal.

    So have I, it's an incredible soundtrack to have around :P It's still an inconsistency, unfortunately.

    This will sound silly, and I highly doubt it would ever be implemented, but what if we had some sort of soundtrack player on our Orbiter? Maybe it could be connected to the opposite side of the Radio, since it holds no function at the moment. The soundtracks available would be unlocked as you progressed through the game, to stop players from getting spoiled with quest soundtracks (like The Second Dream). Hell, it could be a ship segment that we somehow build or obtain from a quest. Maybe Ordis would give it to us after completing The War Within, since he's clearly playing music when we wake up?

    36 minutes ago, Tavanaka said:

    Personally I like health regen not being innate. Health and shields should operate differently, otherwise we might as well just go the Halo 2 route and just have shields. However, more ways to earn back health would be appreciated, though I think in recent months the game has gotten better about that. It might not even be an issue if shields become more effective with gating and such.

    As far as procs go, I saw an interesting post... somewhere. I think it might have actually been by a Stream watcher. They were suggesting adding Warframe mods that let us change the actual armor type applied to Warframes. I.E. Changing Ferrite to Alloy or Robotic, etc. I think in a similar fashion the current elemental resistance mods could be modified to reduce or remove the chance of their applied proc from triggering, making them more useful. Even with the changes to environmental hazards I still am hard pressed to find a reason to put on Flame Repellant. But if it could flat out drop my chance of being set on fire by 80% or more I might be a little more interested.

    Related to Shields and Health, it's mostly subjective, so I'm happy to have players discussing this in particular. I feel it's a bit awkward to have your frame's health static and not regen after recovering for a while, but yes, more ways to obtain health would be appreciated. The Broken Scepter is a good way to start implementing this idea, although it's not available to newer players and would lock them into using a specific weapon type. Maybe a new system related to Health/Energy drops?

    36 minutes ago, Swiftfingers said:

    I would like to disagree with a few things he has said from the perspective of an MR 22 player

    We don't need more guiding lotus transmissions I would really like to turn her off/replace her with some one else as I can't stand Rebecca's voice acting and I already know that I have to hack to open the doors, the game hand holds to much for my tastes

    I DO NOT want a more obvious power icon under my reticle I don't like the 4 dots being there but as is they are ignorable enough please don't make them more obvious unless you let us turn them off


    MR19 here! I understand where you're coming from, however most of these sugestions are aimed at newer players (and somewhat older ones) to help with immersion and make the lore a more solid experience. Another idea I had was having The Lotus say different things depending on your MR or the planet you're in, instead of repeating the same tutorial stuff. Of course, an option to disable her is always welcome since it pleases everyone, but don't we have one already? 

  5. 19 minutes ago, -FV-Predator said:

    They could just have a set time for the shield to regen to full. like 5 seconds universally, regardless of capacity.

    That would also work, it feels more intuitive and much better. The Shield Recharge mod would thus be usable on every frame and not just on high-shield ones.

    16 minutes ago, Jackviator said:

    Hm.... maybe we could have "tiered" recharge times?

    Let's say... If your shield is above 200, it could recharge 1.5x as fast. If your shield is above 300, it could recharge 2x as fast, etc.

    That is also a potential solution.

    The 'tiered' recharge times were also discussed on the forums some time ago (or was it on Reddit? I forget). It's a great idea, but we'll need some sort of UI indication of the tiers so players aren't left confused. I still feel there's a simpler solution to this that we're not seeing. I'm not entirely sure, but what if Shields had their own modifier, just like Health has Armor?

  6. 5 minutes ago, -FV-Predator said:

    I thought being able to be oneshot without any chance of retaliation was bad game design.

    Both of you raise some fair points. The problem with Shield gating is that bigger shields (for example Volt's) would be worse than smaller ones (Ash's), since they'd take a lot longer to regen. Maybe dramatically raise Shield Recharge for Warframes with over 1,000 shields? I'm not quite sure, this is a difficult one.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Naftal said:

    Shield gating is bad because it makes almost all frames able to tank any oneshot.

    It also won't help the high shield frames as much as it does the ones with low shields since it rewards you only when you hit 0 shields.

    It was mentioned by DE_Steve as being something they wanted to implement (somehow). Since I'm not sure how it'd work out, I'm mostly just adding in what was said during his Stream. Maybe if we could get an official response here, it'd clear things up a lot better. 


    7 minutes ago, HyokaChan said:

    But Rejuvenation would stack on this existing 1hp regen so buffing them seems inappropriate

    Yes, Rejuvenation would still stack on it, so it wouldn't be useless. However, I don't know how the playerbase would react since it's one of the few auras that still see usage (besides Energy Siphon, Corrosive Projection, Steel Charge), so I was quite scared it could leave it a bit useless. Any ideas what I could change in the description?

  8. So before I explain what the thread's about, I want to thank DE_Steve for using his personal time to play Warframe and understand how players feel from their own perspective. At the same time, I think we as players need to show some support for what he's doing, especially since DE started off this year well (besides the whole Hema thing, which they already stated that are trying to fix with higher drop rates). This thread is meant for constructive criticism, any nasty comments will be reported and/or entirely removed. Let's keep everything within boundaries, Tenno.


    So, what's the thread about?

    If you've been watching DE_Steve's streams, you'll notice how he often comments on how he feels about the game from a player's standpoint and how some things need to be more simplified and explained. This thread compiles some ideas that could be implemented into Warframe to help with the immersion. As such, please bear in mind these are mostly QoL changes to help with immersion and are in no way related to buffs or nerfs (bar one or two examples related to Shield gating and possible natural Health regen).


    Game Modes (missions)

    • Excavation

    -Excavation isn't a bad game mode. While the rewards are a bit disappointing sometimes, it fulfills its purpose and forces you to move around and protect extractors. However, like DE_Steve said during his stream, the lack of enemy transmissions is a bit of a turn-off, it creates dead silence for the player and makes you feel like you're not posing a threat. Having the Boss of the planet you are in taunt you with transmissions and rally the troops would be quite good. 

    Example: Vay Hek would send transmissions saying ''WHY ARE THESE PESTS STILL SCAVANGING MY EARTH?!'' or ''FASTER, STOP THEM, STOP THE TENNO!'' whenever you'd do Excavation missions on Earth.

    -Another problem related with Excavation mode is extracting. Many new players don't know when to extract or to keep fighting, even if Lotus clearly states ''Extraction is available, if you choose'', since the Minimap still has an objective mark. Players are left confused if they left something unchecked or if they should extract immediately. This is easily circumvented by having Lotus specify they can either stay for more resource gathering or play it safe and leave. 

    Example: After protecting the necessary number of Excavators, the Lotus would say ''We hit our mark, Tenno. Extraction is now marked on your minimap. You can stay to scavange a bit longer if you wish, but be careful''. 

    -Also, small nitpicking here: cryotic being obtainable on Earth feels a bit awkward. Maybe having different resources? Having one or two tilesets with small ice formations would help.


    • Spy

    -While in Excavation mode it makes sense for the enemy to taunt you, here it's the complete opposite. Since you're hacking enemy data vaults to obtain information, it'd be quite good to have a recording of the enemy troops preparing assults or discussing tactics every time you'd hack a console.

    Example: Successfully hacking a data vault in Uranus would reveal a transmission of Tyl Regor discussing his plans with the Tubemen, or would allude to his eventual contract with Maroo for the Arcane Codices. This last one could tie in with the Stolen Dreams questline very nicely.

    -Again, related with newer players, a transmission of Lotus stating they only need 2 successful hacks instead of 3 would alleviate the stress. While it is stated in the UI, a direct transmission is more of an eye-candy and feels very cool. In higher level missions, Lotus would instead inform the player that it's obligatory to have all 3 data vaults hacked, to show the increased difficulty and give a better sense of progression.


    • Interception

    -Another one mentioned by DE_Steve during his stream: it'd be cool if we could listen to the enemy transmissions during Interception. Maybe have the transmission start off as slow and static while we're still capturing points, and then slowly clear it up as we progress through the mission.


    • Exterminate

    -Not much to say here, Exterminate feels nice, but it still has one or two bugs related to spawn problems, especially in Uranus. Getting to the end of the level and not having every neemy killed feels awkward and bothersome, since we're forced to go back without understanding what happened. ''Did we miss one? I'm sure we searched every single spot''. If we could have some changes to better spawn mechanics, that'd be great.

    -DE_Steve mentioned about adding special mini-bosses to Exterminate missions, to help with the suspense and the immersion. It's a great idea, since it'll help players feel they're on the hunt for something bigger or crazier.


    • Defense versus Mobile Defense

    -The problem with these two game modes is that they feel way too similar. Mobile Defense feels like a more cumbersome and boring Defense mission where you have to run around from one point to the other after successfully defending a console. It feels a bit useless to have Mobile Defense if we already have Defense missions. It does make sense from a lore perspective: Defense is when the enemy attacks us at one of our bases, while Mobile Defense is us attacking the enemy. However, from a gameplay perspective, it just feels too similar and a bit unoriginal (no offense).

    -For Mobile Defense, as some players suggested, it'd be cool if we had to hack every data terminal after inserting the Data mass. Lotus could excuse this somehow, with ''I need you to hack into the following data terminals, and I'll do the rest''. At the moment, we simply insert the data mass and Lotus does everything for us, which makes it seem like she can easily hack into anything without our help. Also, why do we leave the Data mass behind? Shouldn't we take it with us since it contains all the data we obtained from the consoles? I'd make sense to take the Data mass with us to Extraction, maybe enemies would try to shoot us down to destroy the Data mass while we're escaping (this would result in a mission failure, forcing players to stay together and protect each other).

    -After successfully extracting, Lotus tells us she obtained important data from our Data mass, and could direct us to a Spy node afterwards on the Starmap. This could tie nicely with our new Starchart from SoTR.


    • Assassination

    -The mission itself feels alright, but there's not much buildup to the assassination attempt. We spend our time completing missions in a designated planet, only to suddenly face a Boss we never saw before or had little to no contact with. Like I mentioned above, having the enemy Boss taunt us during normal missions or revealing small tidbits in Spy data vaults would help with the immersion and serve as buildup for the Assassination mission. Besides this, some Bosses are recycled in one or two planets, but I'm sure DE will eventually change that.



    • Progression

    -Whenever DE says they've released new quests, I'm often left looking for them in the Codex. They're a bit desorganized, and if I were a new player, I'd feel confused about how the quest system worked. If we could somehow have our Quests organized through a chart or a grid it would allow us to keep a better track of our progression.

    Example: Let's imagine we had a Quest chart. The first quest, Vor's Prize, would be at the top of the chart/grid. It would then branch out into different questlines depending on pre-requesites or something of the sort. For example, completing Stolen Dreams would give access to The New Strange, which would be right bellow it. Pre-requesites would be accessible from the start and would indicate: which planets you need to clear to obtain certain quests (like how Howl Of The Kubrow requires you to clear the Venus Solar Rail), which quests you need cleared, etc. Cancelling a quest would simply put it on ''hold'', and would leave a marker so we'd know where we left off and what we still need to do.


    Orbiter assortment

    • Foundry

    -Also commented by DE_Steve, hovering our mouse over to required resources would show which planets we can obtain them and which ones we have access to. This way newer players would know where to get them and wouldn't be forced to look it up online. Remember, clarity is the key to helping newer players get immersed! 

    -This is just another small idea of mine, but would it be possible to cancel Foundry Items and refund half the costs? Nothing that important or special, I don't see it having much use but it seems to make sense that we'd be able to.


    • Somatic Link/Transferance Room

    -Teleporting to the inside of the room via the Menu will also play the background theme. Currently it only plays if you enter the room through the main door, whereas teleporting there via the Menu won't trigger the soundtrack, leaving you in dead-silence. 


    • Infested Room

    -I'm not going to comment on the room's purpose since it's still in development, but could we get some neat infested soundtrack everytime we enter the room? Since the Transferance Room has background music, it'd be cool if the Infested Room also got one. That way, we could have different soundtracks for each of the three rooms on our Orbiter, making them feel more unique (the Transferance Room plays The Second Dream soundtrack, the Infested Room plays an infested one, and the third room plays whatever soundtrack it'd be appropriate for). This would also make the Infested Room feel far more creepier/omnious.


    • Decorations assortment

    -Currently, decorating our ship feels a bit awkward in some areas. Sometimes it doesn't allow us to place decorations where it should be possible, allows us to place them where it shouldn't be. 


    • Radio/Soundtrack player

    -This next one is my own idea, so feel free to disagree: What if we had some sort of soundtrack player on the opposite side of the Radio on our Orbiter, since it holds no function at the moment? It would only play while outside the Transferance/Infested Rooms and would unlock soundtracks as we progressed through the game, to stop players from spoiling themselves with certain soundtracks. It could be a Ship segment we'd build on our foundry, or an item we could buy from the market. This idea popped up since:


    In the beggining of The War Within, Ordis is clearly playing music when we wake up, so it seems possible we have a soundtrack player somewhere. Perhaps he could give us the Segment at the end of the quest? 

    Again, it's subjective, so do not take this suggestion seriously. 


    UI changes

    • Mastery Test 

    New players don't realize when they can level up without someone telling them. Even with the glowing bar bellow their profile icon, I'm not sure they even understand what it is in the first place. It doesn't give much clarity and leaves them (once again) confused on what it does or why it's important. Could we get a message pop-up everytime we can level up? Maybe a one-time transmission from the Lotus stating how the Mastery system works, and from there on out, the player would receive a small ''Ping!'' noise everytime they could rank up, or a message inbox. 


    • Scannable Objects

    Also from DE_Steve's stream, finding Cephalon Fragments or Threshcones on Earth felt random and a bit awkward; ''What are these for? What do they do?''. For us, as casual or veteran players, we know what they're for, but fresh players don't know what to do and start shooting to see if something happens. This is easily fixed with a simple floating text that appears bellow the scannable object we're pointing at with our crosshairs, informing we need a Scanner/Synthesis Scanner to obtain more information. A nice tag saying ''OPTIONAL'' or ''WORLD RELATED'' would also clear up confusion as to wether or not this is an obligatory search or not.

    Example: Pointing our crosshairs at a Cephalon Fragments shows a text saying ''A fragmented memory of a certain cephalon. Equip a Scanner to start obtaining more info. Scan every fragment on Designated_Planet to find out what it means''. 


    Warframes (in general)

    • Shields

    -Shield Gating would be very appreciated for frames like Mag, Vauban, Volt, and so on. Since Health and Armor are the top contenders for survivability, Shield gating would help these frames feel a bit better to use (and more reliable as well). DE_Steve also mentioned in his stream that it's something they'd like to do, so I'm writting it down bellow as an example.

    Example: Upon receiving damage that would otherwise bypass shields and damage health, a small window of invencibility (say 1 second?) would trigger at 0 Shields, allowing you to run or take cover. After that small invencibility has passed, you would take damage to health as normal. This effect would only reoccur after you've hit full shields again.

    -Shield recharging would be awkward if Shield gating were implemented, since weaker shields (like Ash's) would be better than stronger ones (Volt's) because they'd regenerate faster to reactivate shield gating again. Maybe have shields have a universal recharge time? This would also make mods with shield recharge much more useful, since any frame could equip them (but frames with stronger shields would appreciate it more, since that's the mods purpose).

    -This next one is my own idea, so feel free to disagree: Even with Shield gating, I feel like there's a lot of problems related with shields, namely Slash/Toxin/Viral/Magnetic procs bypassing or disabling shields entirely. What if our shields had additional effects or resistances? I'm thinking of a Borderlands-themed thing, but this might be a bit complicated to implement (plus I don't think it's high on their to-do list).

    Example: Reaching 0 Shields would trigger an elemental proc around you, or knock down enemies. Again, this effect would only reoccur after you've hit full shields again.


    • Health

    -Not much to say about this one, since it's quite subjective, but discussed by DE_Steve himself on stream. Someone asked if Warframes could regenerate HP per second during missions, with DE_Steve saying it was a possiblity of the sorts, but that he wasn't sure. Maybe a small 1/sec health regen on our Warframes? Nidus' passive would be bumped up a little so it'd remained stronger, and Rejuvenation would also receive a small bump just so it'd continue being relevant.


    Enemies (in general)

    • Health drops

    -Like it was said on stream, health drops are pretty much non-existant or rarely occur. If lower level enemies could drop them more frequently it'd be great. Also, another idea that was given by the players was having high priority targets drop them after successfully killing them. This would introduce a risk vs reward style that would be very much appreciated, and would alleviate the need to take Health pads.



    Add more transmissions to different mission types and subquests to help with the immersion, including taunts from enemy Bosses to help with the buildup towards the Assassination mission. Make the UI better for newer players so they're not left as confused as they currently are and do some assortment changes on the Orbiter so it feels better and more unique to roam around (especially in our different rooms). Try adding shield gating/shield effects and health regen to frames to make them feel better.

    Alright guys, that's it! Please comment bellow any ideais you'd love to have implemented to help with the immersion!

    Cheers, Tenno.


    EDIT(1): Your suggestions are going great guys! Added some of them in and cleared up the older parts. Will continue adding and modifying the post so it stays updated and includes new cool stuff you bring. Do note I can't add in every single thing, but I'll leave it as an annotation later.

  9. 1 hour ago, Mak_Gohae said:

    what's questionable about it? It disarms ppl just like Loki's disarm. If you have played with that dog you will constantly see units running around with sticks. And they do go after heavies.

    So because of the description you will ignore the actual gameplay? Hey, did you know Volt is an alternative to gunplay? Sorry, but this is a weird reason to try to make Raksa into a bad pet.

    And, yeah, player preference means that Raksa is not objectively worst, it just means what the person likes for their tactic. Some people do like having the enemies clear the field. You know, the enemies with auras? It's a good idea to keep auras as far from you as you can.

    Sahasa is not dependent on the loot on the ground. Sahasa produces what you need. Not only weapon ammo but orbs.

    Sorry but when focusing on the shield recharge instead of the howl of a Raksa it's clear that you simply dont like the dogs.

    i didnt say diriga is the only good sentinel. I said that D is the only one that is comparable to the combined abilities of the kubs.


    Chesa: It disarms one at a time and has a cooldow, in a game where vast amounts of enemies appear at once, I can't see it having much use or utillity, especially when Sunika can already focus down high priority targets and ragdoll them away.

    Raksa: Volt's description is a bad comparison imo, especially when DE themselves have stated that it's a bit outdated. And again, not reading what I actually wrote: what part of ''competes firmly with Wyrm'' wasn't understood? Had I wanted to portray it as a bad Pet I wouldn't mention this at all. Raksa is mildly used compared to other Kubrows, since Huras and Sunika are some of the more preferred ones. And again, it's not the worst, but Wyrm has a lot more tools than Raksa has, making it a better choice. About Howl, the problem is that it makes enemies run somewhat slow and irregularly, which was also a problem with Nekro's Terrify before his rework.

    Sahasa: Efficiency isn't just cooldown/loot related. It's also related to how well it works in correlation to gameplay. Sahasa is Carrier counterpart, it creates loot but in a fixed position, in a game where you need to move. The amount of loot it creates will never be as sustainable as the amount that Carrier gives by transforming pickups or multiplying your Maximum Ammo count, especially when Carrier can pull pickups and convert them instantly.

    Diriga: My apologies then, I've read wrong. Diriga isn't that much comparable however, both its utillity skills (which is a guaranteed single target stun and an AoE lockdown with a % chance of occuring) can only be compared to Wyrm or Raksa. Any other breed or Sentinel has different purposes.

    It's exactly because I love dogs that I'm making this post, but that does not stop me from pointing out their flaws (one of the biggest being their AI). Huras has recognition where it is deserved, but Sunika just got completely flanked by the Helminth Charger. Raksa and Wyrm compete with each other and Chesa/Sahasa cannot compare to Carrier single handedly.



  10. 15 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

    Chesa also has disarm. That's a very good ability.

    Raksa's AOE fear is not their main ability?Really? Reeeeally?

    Sahasa produces loot... how can carrier do that better? It doesnt produce loot.

    Wyrm does a knockdown which is good but it doent take out the enemy from a fight as long as Howl does.

    You seem to focus on the side things simply to try to make the dogs weaker.

    The only Sentinel that i saw is as good as kub in terms of abilities is Diriga.

    Chesa has Neutralize, a single target abillity that is dependable on their AI and has questionable usage. It feels more like a dumbed down Sunika Kubrow.

    Raksa's description states it was made as an obedient and loyal bodyguard equipped with Shield regenerators, only then mentioning their paralyzing fear. Even then, I already stated that it firmly competes with Wyrm, depending on player preference. However, it does have the same old problem that Terrify (from Nekros) had: it makes enemies run away from you in a somewhat slow and random motion.

    Carrier increases your ammunition capacity and coverts whatever ammo you pick up into the one you need the most. How is this not more useful than what Sahasa does? It's basically an Ammo Mutation to any weapon you have equipped, which is far more efficient.

    I seem to only focus on the things that make the dogs weaker, because unfortunately all they do is bring damage and tankiness. And even their damage is of questionable usage.

    If the only Sentinel you see as good is Diriga, you haven't seen how much usage Carrier has been having, or Helios and Wyrm.

  11. 15 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

    the opinions of a section of the community. It's not even the general opinion.

    change the model, change sounds, change abilities, sorry man but that not about fixing.

    what lore and logic?

    The game barely explains a quarter of what it is, how can you make a claim that it conflicts with lore or logic?

    BTW, the Charger not charging at you and with a name on top it... that's the one you shouldn't be shooting.

    If you haven't paid attention to the forums lately (and even to some WF youtubers), you'd notice how the general consensus is that the charger model doesn't make sense. And yes, even Lore and Logic wise it doesn't make sense, but I'll get to that by the end of this response;

    Changing the sounds is more of a fix, it's currently using Kubrow sounds instead of infested ones. Same goes to the animations, which are bugged out and clipping since the model was literally copied/pasted on, thusalso bugging the armor. 

    Related to the abillities, I think I was very clear with ''small nitpicking here'', which clearly states that it's just a small thought on something that probably won't be made. Plus I never said anything about changing abillities, it would be an addition, which should be even better.

    Related to the Lore, I won't even answer that, it clearly shows you haven't been paying attention to the Characters, Quests, Codex, Simaris, Devstreams, hell even the Wikia descriptions (which are an maintained by fans and still hold a lot of good and plausible information showed in-game). Should I really continue? 

  12. 6 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

    YOUR thoughts

    If you want a skin ask for one. I'm fine with a standard charger.

    you should just ask for a new pet.

    Cause you are essentially saying to change everything.

    When I said ''Community thoughts'' it's obviously based on the general opinions of the Community. I can't do an exception for every player and say ''Oh, but maybe you shouldn't because these players don't like it instead''. Most of the topics related to the Helminth Charger's animations and models refer to having a true infested Kubrow model. 

    And really no offense, I'm not asking to change anything, I'm asking for a fix. Changing means some sort of transformation that alters what you previously had (which is only arguable in the Charger's model), what I'm aiming for is for things to function as they were supposed to, not as how they are now. Even Steve himself said there were some touchups coming after the holidays.

  13. 6 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

    This means vacuum, doesnt it?

    Unfortunately it doesn't mean just Vacuum, although it does include it. To sumarize:

    -Chesa's main feature is Fetch, which can be done by any Sentinel now thanks to Universal Vacuum. Also in a much better fashion due to Kubrow AI.

    -Raksa's main feature is Protect, which can be done by any Sentinel thanks to Guardian. It's also instantaneous compared to Raksa's Protect.

    -Carrier does Sahasa's job better. Coupled with Vacuum, it overwrites two different Kubrows at the same time.

    -Wyrm competes firmly with Raksa's job, due to differences between Crow Dispersion and Howl. Crowd Dispersion works at closer range and with a lower cooldown (knocking back and ragdolling enemies), Howl works at a much higher range but also higher cooldown, while simultaneously making enemies run away.

    -Huras does a better job than Shade (credit where it's due); It cloaks a lot better with Stalk than Shade does with Ghost, while offering more damage than Shade's weapon does.

    -Sentinel weapons are interchangeable (except Deconstructor) and mod-able (thus being able to deal different elemental procs and addapt to each situation), while Kubrows have to sacrifice their own mod slots to deal more damage and are stuck at melee range with a bad AI. Not only this, it takes a fully forma'd Kubrow to fit in all mods available, while Sentinels require less (around 2 or 3 Formas).

    -Sunika is able to focus high value targets mid-fights... which unfortunately can be done by Sweeper/Sweeper Prime's spread with a status build, also equipable on any Sentinel. And now comes Helmith Charger to almost inutilize this breed.

    -This isn't really a direct comparison about utillity, but.. resource costs and maintenence, while easy to maintain for Veterans, are a complete ''turnoff'' for players. If they're supposed to be high-level content, gated by time and resources, they don't really reflect that.


    The only examples I can't give are related to Dethcube (damage), Helios (utillity) and Djinn (unknown to me).. even though, unfortunately, the Sentinels mentioned here already shame almost every Kubrow breed by some margin. I don't want to dramatize how Kubrows are at the moment, but let's be real: Sentinels will always be more used and there's a reason for that besides Vacuum (other type of Sentinels were already used before it was turned into an 'Universal' mod, although in a much less fashion). Now it just seems worse, especially with that A.I. bringing them down. A system to give our pets commands would be a really good step in the right direction, but once again, it's just forgotten content in DE's vast sea of powercreep'd material. I'm not asking for everything to be top tier, I just want Kubrows to get the recognition they deserved (as said by DE themselves) and make them more of a 'choice' and less of a sacrifice (mostly because 'dogs are cute'). Being able to revive our Kubrows and have them tank doesn't mean much to me if all they can do is be a meatshield and ocasionally deal damage (which they barely do thanks to that gruesome AI, even worse compared to the new Helminth Charger's stats and abillities).

    Again, not to dramatize, they have a fair amount of use and aren't completely useless (that's not what I'm going for), but they do need serious work if our time and resources are supposed to be worth it.



  14. On 31/12/2016 at 2:52 AM, nyxos said:

    Friend has another cyst after draining it from his Nidus.

    It's not curable. Rather, you will always be infected until we get a quest about the cure (as teased by Steve). Another thing worth mentioning is that the Cyst has a hidden, final form that we do not know of yet. I've been infection-free ever since Helminth was revealed, so I'm curious if it'll affect other players aswell.

  15. On 23/03/2016 at 9:42 PM, Xardis said:

    Petition to DE: Add a new UI toggle for prime to nonprime model for all prime frames or add an auxiliary slot for those prime parts like Banshee sholderplate. (The 2nd option was implemented several times in similar degree, Armor slots, Movember staches, Easter Leptus headgear, Halloween Dullahan mask and auxiliary cosmetics for Valkyr and Nekros) I dont want those prime bits automaticly turned off like with Deluxe skins. I do not expect any change to happen overnight, I only expect a public statemeant from DE about their decision on this issue and, if possible, a rough estimete on implementation date of any change.


    Context: The title, Nova Prime model isnt disabled if you equip Cygni skin, it destroyes some aspects of the skin such as arms, top front, neck, back exhausts and legs. This issue is also with newer prime frames like Nyx, Vauban, Nekros, Rhino ect, coz they have more prime blings. It would be nice if it could be fixed either by making it optional to have Nova Prime features disables or making the skin do it outright.

    I agree with some people not liking the Prime model, but really DE, even the OP themselves stated that a toggle would be the best solution. Not only that, it was stated multiple times across the thread how it'd be better to be able to choose instead of being stuck with just one version.

    In a game about adding player choice, I've been seeing less and less choice lately, starting from Nidus (compared to other Warframes), to the Helminth Charger (compared to Kubrows), and now.. skins? That makes no sense! A toggle would be perfect, and it'd make Fashion Frame have another level of customization, since people would be able to choose over the Normal or Prime versions of the frame.

  16. On 1/2/2017 at 6:37 PM, quebirt said:

    Here's the thing though. I doubt they devoted a lot of time to developing this thing (as is evident by all the placeholders and reused AI/Animations). It's a little bonus "thing" that came in with Nidus. They didn't do anything to change the current Kubrow/Kavat, so I don't understand all the "this is anti kubrow" grief. Kubrow DO still have functions that the charger doesn't. Not everything in the game is worth using, and frankly kubrows never really have been anyway. 

    It's the fact that the Helminth Charger seems to be their first attempt at a useful 'Kubrow' and not the Kubrows themselves that bothers me. They could just buff Pets into a more useful spot instead of releasing more. And then there are people who want Sentinels to be even more useful than they already are. Everytime I read a ''Please buff Sentinels'' or ''Let Sentinels be revived'' post, I just think ''Are these guys serious? It takes away the only thing Kubrows have better than Sentinels, besides tankiness. Not even damage is worth it''.

  17. 6 minutes ago, nyxos said:

    Personal opinions are different on this. I'm a founder that comes and goes to the game with breaks in between. I'll drop the game completely if this disgusting thing I don't even want to look at will stay on my warframe.

    I did take that into consideration, but I don't think mentioning extreme cases would help here (as it'd sound more like a warning than a suggestion). But I will update the main post to reflect it better though, this way I should be able to cover more opinions. After all, endgame is basically just FashionFrame, since we burn through content easily. Thanks for the input!

  18. 3 minutes ago, Genitive said:

    I agree with what you wrote. This whole thing seems to me like it has been put into the game just for the sake of having it, with little thought. I don't think slight touch-ups will be enough and I hope the devs will at least consider making a more unique model for the pet. Because right now breeding it is not really worth the effort, everything screams 'not done yet'.


    Seriously, it's like Kavat abominations, only deliberate.

    Yes exactly, which is why I thought of writting every known issue and propose some changes (including the ones the Community wanted). I hope we can help them and convince them to do some proper refining to the pet. Any help would be appreciated, even bumping the thread! :) 

  19. 1 minute ago, lightdragon64 said:

    i believe literally everything about the helminth charger is placeholder, i'd imagine that it is going to get a new model, animations, and sounds, (skill set?).

    in fact i'm sure it's confirmed to be place holder

    Not exactly confirmed, I actually fear it's the opposite. I think they'll add the sounds and fix the animations/armor placements, but leave the model and skills on. It'd be really bad if they just cut off the Grineer head and called it a day, and that's why I made this post, to help them convince it's a good concept that can be refined and turned into something unique and not just something to please the fans.

  20. About this..

    1 hour ago, Kyoketsu said:

    Lorewise, the Infestation is savage, wreckless, unstoppable. We're helping it to evolve and develop itself in many lifeforms. As the Dark Sector's Wiki puts it, "The Great Plague", and we're trying to expand it. Their objective is just to spread into literally anything, and that would have some kind of repercussion in missions with Infected arsenals. Don't think only on the Tenno: think about the Grineer and the Corpus. As quoted by Warframe's Wiki, the Infestation has no prejudice in whom it affects. Our game adventures help it, lore-wise, to infect other factions and even turn those poor Grineer we don't kill at rush capture missions into deadly and hive-controlled Infected Chargers. Ospreys turn into mutalist forms, and so on. We are nothing but helping it to spread, when we are the sworn protectors of the balance of the system. But that may not be true, hence these lines direct from the Tenno page at the wiki:

    So yes, I think the alignment change is truly something on purpose. Definetely. Something quiet, but yet destructive as Nidus' mutation stacks in endless missions.

    We don't know Helminth true purposes, but since there is a relation between the Warframes and the Infestation, I can only think that Nidus is their master and the other Warframes are Helminth's superiors, at lower ranks than Nidus. A kind of hierarchical chain, like the current nature.

    We know that the Technocyte got, accordingly to the Dark Sector's wiki link I've put before, similar behaviour to the rabies' virus. So in terms of evolution, the objective is to always spread, since its life and progression depends on it. 

    While Excalibur was the first prototype Warframe to be made, what if Nidus was something else? Something that came first, that helped originate the idea of creating Warframes? He has such an intimate connection to the Infestation that I can't help but wonder ''Did it really come afterwards? Or was it their first try at controlling the virus?''

  21. This thread is meant to sum up the problems with the Helminth Charger and the Community's thoughts on the subject in a very explicit and helpful manner for DE. While there are some things I may or may not agree with, I think we all need to think calmly and try to rationalize the current problems. So, at the moment:


    Known bugs/Issues

    -The Helminth Charger's model is using the same animations as Kubrows, which makes the model clip, glitch and do abnormal movements. 

    -Sound effects are copied from Kubrows as well. It sometimes barks or howls.

    -Walks abnormaly fast inside the ship, sometimes floats in missions instead of walking/running.

    -Armor placement is severely dislocated, I'm not even sure if it was supposed to be equipable. Many times the armor floats or sticks inside the model.

    -The collar is bugged; once your Helminth Charger is incubated, it won't be equipable until you re-log on Warframe. Forcing the pet into stasis and waking it up might also help.

    -Spellcheck: The name ''Helminth'' shows up as ''Helminith'' on the mod descriptions and codex. The description also says it's ''A pet bread from the infestation'' instead of ''bred''.

    -The Helminth Hunt mod description seems to have a bit of text that does not belong, specifically: ''An unused, unfused artifact. The kubrow charges ahead to attack an enemy, dealing 160 damage to all in its path''


    Community thoughts

    -A true 'infested Kubrow' model for the pet is preferred. While the Community has been asking for an infested dog for a while, it makes no sense lore-wise (it's an infested Grineer that was born out of a Kubrow egg?). Many of us would be delighted with a more suited model for the pet. Already solved: DE showcased some new Helminth Charger Models in Devstream #85, which will then be implemented in-game to replace the current one. For those of us who like the current model, it will probably be automatically available as a skin. No other info at the moment!

    -Specific sound effects for the infested pet. We know it's somewhat of a rushed thing since DE was exhausted at the time, so maybe we could have some nasty/disgusting infested sounds for it once you come back?

    -Although getting infected isn't difficult, getting rid of the cyst or ''curing'' every frame means we have to incubate a Charger for every cyst we have. This is very worksome, and the cyst is somewhat annoying/disgusting to see for some of us. It'd be quite nice if we could hide it or optionally be immune to it through some method after the first removal.  Already solved:

    https://twitter.com/sj_sinclair/status/814144275265056768?ref_src=twsrc^tfw. Credit to schilds on the forum for the link and to Jenra on Twitter for bringing up the issue directly with Steve.

    -Small nitpicking here, we know it was rushed, but the abillities are exactly the same as the ones from Huras and Sunika. Would it be possible to have a mod specifically designed for the Helminth Charger? Something that'd make us think ''Wow, that is truly an infested and disgusting pet''.


    There are many things that I don't agree with related to the Helminth Charger (comparison to Kubrows: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/742276-spoilers-powercreep-again-kubrows-and-helminth-chargers/), like the rushed model and all that placeholder stuff, but I think making a post about it where we can rationally discuss fixes and suggestions is a nice step forward to convince DE to do some changes (besides maybe some 'touch ups' mentioned by Steve in his Twitter post, since it sounds more like a few fixes: https://twitter.com/sj_sinclair/status/814576040815316992). 


    Share your thoughts bellow, and please correct me if there are any mistakes on the post. Have a good one, Tenno!


    TLDR; Model, sounds and animations need a fix, armor placement is disjointed. There are also some spelling errors on the mods and bits of text that don't belong. Would be great if we could have some of the changes mentioned above, and not just cutting out the Grineer head and leaving it at that. The objective of the post is to refine this awesome pet idea, which can be made into something cool and worth working on.

  22. 17 hours ago, SpiralViper said:

    Except for the Huras, who is superior to Shade. Hopefully Oberon Prime will be coupled with a rework

    Yep, that's true. Probably the only exception, I think the biggest offenders are Sahasa and Chesa being a separate Kubrow, since Carrier does both jobs but better. Wyrm uses stun just fine compared to Raksa's roar, and any Sentinel can do its job with a Guardian mod (Instant Shield regen).

    All of this coupled with lower costs, equipable and upgradeable weapons (which are interchangeable), better AI and better tracking. The only downside to them is that they aren't as durable and can't be revived.. but quite honestly, if I'm reaching the point where my Sentinel dies to one or two shots, then I should probably start extracting or speeding up the mission. 

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