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  1. The posts on the first few pages all seem to clamor for a "tap/hold" rework, I'm not going to spend more time skimming but it seems like on this last page more people are mentioning that Eclipse should synergize with Prism. Combining these two ideas is what I have wanted all along. Mirage isn't just the harlequin frame, she's the showmanship frame. She stands at center stage, taps the mic to get the spotlight operator's attention, does some "look at me!" patter, then puts on a show. Her abilities can reflect this. ^_^ 1. Convert Eclipse's buffs to selectable damage/defense increase. Tap to cast, tap again while active to switch between the two. Give her a short but vulnerable flourish animation (her initial cast animation is good, but unique animations would be great.) When she's going into light/damage mode, she's pantomiming the hero on the offensive, while her defense buff is her playing the plucky hero on the run. Stat increases can be tweaked down for consistency, and appropriately restrained for Helminth use. 2. Prism = SHOWTIME! Upon casting prism, Mirage gains access to her previous max damage stats while in line of sight of the disco ball, regardless of whether she was previously in light or dark mode. At this point, we have access to enough powerful abilities that giving Prism an extra augment that increases casting cost but gives her access to damage boost, reduction, and maybe even fire rate for a limited time (while Eclipse is active) wouldn't be broken. Why not let her go wild and be the star of the show from time to time? Anyway, super happy this is getting a rework! I enjoy Mirage a ton, especially since picking up the Wolf Sledge. Honestly, what I enjoy about playing her is the sense of dynamism and excess, cartwheeling around with an aerialist's grace while throwing giant hammers or being a one-frame Mausolon battery. At the moment, I feel like playing the "am I finding my light?" minigame is intruding on this. My ideas might be silly, but I hope you can find a way to enhance the feeling of theatrical whimsy she brings to the game. Edit: I'm aware that decoupling Eclipse from the lighting system changes the theming of the ability, just wanted to vote in favor of leaning into her existing circus troupe theme and changing the name and icon if necessary. I don't think the players would be confused or upset by changes like this if they're tied to improvements. Don't have an evocative name in mind ("mummery"? "Mask of the Muse"?) but using the tragedy/comedy masks of Melpomene and Thalia as an icon would tie in somewhat to all the Homeric references in her quest.
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