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Posts posted by Ilryth

  1. DE needs to take these chat problems seriously. They seem to have put good defences on their game server, and my guess is that there are still some resilient GEEKS/GAME COMPETITION hammering their chat servers(theoiries :] ). The HATE is strong.

  2. Yeah, that "please wait" bug after an unsuccessful Squad join is still there. Seriously, I am tired of having to restart my client. Put an ABORT button or whatever.


    EDIT: Restarting client for the 5th time in a space of 10 mins.

  3. The "PLEASE WAIT" splash screen in the "LOOKING FOR SQUAD" session is still a problem. Though not as much as before, I wanna be able to ABORT(automatic time out and return to previous menu is also an option), the joining squad process if for some reason or another it gets GLITCHED or a player/potential squad mate aborts leaving me hanging. At the moment if you get the splash screen there is no way of getting from there to menu WITHOUT RESTARTING CLIENT.


    Edit: What previous poster said in simpler terms. :)

  4. Yeah, that elara(Jupiter) Bug is really bad. Twice now After completing mission i spawn back on earth instead of flying back to ship. One of those times (after 10 attempts) I actually found an egg. The game simply says it cant save progress and you are left with nothing. I AM SOO TIRED AND WOOZY OF RUNNING AROUND!

  5. For those complaining its buggy, they released it as is or people would have had heart attacks and nervous breakdowns :). It needed more time, lots of time, now WE ARE THE TESTERS. Test it, report bugs and let them iron them out while you continue rubbing your kubrows ears as they wag their stubbs.


    As for LOGIN FAILS, DE servers are taking a hit cause of the massive update downloads, think of it as a mini-DDoS. Let the downloads simmer down and things will slowly resume.



    1. I think the map needs to be intuitive, let me know what am looking at (planet names) without having to mouse over. If you are a newbe and looking for a random node name well.... In a nutshell, seriously consider rethinking the map/navigation.

    2. The public mode for sessions need an exit button, otherwise the only way out is alt-F4 or task manager force close, if you dont get a match.

    3. I think that even if I opted on NON-prologue entry, a "small" button should still exist on login if I ever want it.

    4. Quest items update without having to relog.

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