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Posts posted by -Kryptic

  1. I dont think it so much saltiness from them, as disappointment. Prova and machette suck and are known to be some of the worst melee's. Truely both weapons aren't good at anything in the slightest. Thier collector fodder, thats it.


    I'm not normally disappointed by Baro, but i am this time. Weapons cant be traded, bought 4 wraiths to trade and rebuild my plat store found out i had wasted ducats and credits; which highly disappointed me and more then likely angered/annoyed others. Both weapons are terrible in: Raw damage, speed, copter, status, crits, and stance. The liset skin is nice but isn't REALLY new and while i love new siglls....its not worth as much as having a shiny new weapon to run with in the void.


    I don't think people are purposely being mean or salty, i think everyone is just pensive and wanting U17 already. I mean it has been a long time since we got anything substantial to play with and we are all foaming at the mouth for that new frame and the tilset and new ways to fight and move. Not to mention the shiny new cosmetics and having a new slot to expand builds.

    Whoa whoa whoa, the Prova Vandal is really decent! Great status and ok damage(albeit the only strong part of the weapon is status)
  2. I'm using a 760 and running this on max and fps never goes below 55. I also have PhysX on, so it only ever drops down below 55 when other players use a lot of abilities in an area with a lot of AIs. Check that other hardwares aren't bottlenecking your card.

    I don't think a i7 3770k @4.7GHz, 16gb 1600mhz (DDR3, duh), or a 240gb ssd will cause bottlenecking in my system. Currently running Windows 10, so DX11.1 would cause great improvements anyways.

    I have noticed my 980ti is downclocking itself, only in warframe. I turn on the setting which automatically maxes the card and memory clock no matter what is running and now I get stable clocks.

    The Evolution Engine seems very inefficient. People may say because of my i7 3770k, but the only improvements in current gen are TDP and a little IPC.

  3. Crazy OP, but I want it. *puts hush on all weapons*

    Think about the balance first, the first problem I see is a 400% damage increase.

    If we are talking just bows, there hasn't been a point in time in normal gameplay where I haven't insta-gibbed anything with bows.

  4. Hello all, I am DeathMyst.

    I have been looking for a clan which either has a voicecomms, or willing to use one.

    I am almost on every day on Warframe, and I am currently MR16.

    Finding the right clan is hard for me, since most of them do not have a active voice server, and most do not do coordinated raids.


  5. Did you change teams, or auras?  Steel Charge affects your melee damage and thus how much self damage you do.  Steel Charges on teammates irk me for that exact reason when playing Trinity.


    EDIT:  I just tested my own build and I'm doing the same damage I'm used to doing to myself.  Throwing right down at my feet, I do 283 HP and 9 energy to myself with a maxed Pressure Point + Fever Strike and Virulent Scourge.

    All tested without a steel charge. I can upload a video.

  6. Hello all,


    I have been using trin for a while, and I have been using glaive with her to acheive her 99% blessings.

    Glaive has been doing random amounts of damage, sometimes it goes down to the quick thinking pool, sometimes it just goes down to 40 health. Mind you, before all you needed was a max pressure point and a lower ranked fever strike.

    Now to even reach 285 damage(very rarely) you need a maxed Pressure Point, a max Fever Strike, and a maxed Virulent Scourge. This is not cool. A sudden nerf without any notice puts a bad taste in my mouth. 

    I know there are other ways to get 99% on trin, but glaive synergized so well.


    The damage now seems very sporadic and random. It can do any amount of damage from 160-300, while the old glaive was able to proc 290 damage every single time. 



    Either intended or not, this was not in the patch notes for u16.7, which is the update where it started to do lower damage.



  7. Me and my clan mates decided to run a 6 man Loki raid. Everything ran without one single hitch UNTIL part 3.

    Somehow enemies hacked all the consoles, while they weren't even near the consoles! We had people next to 3/4 of the consoles and they all got hacked!

    The hell?! If this is to deter raids from being ran by the same thing, that is a horrible way to do it.

    If this is a glitch, this is the most annoying one I have ever encountered.

    This put a bad taste in my mouth.

  8. I have been running some comps for Trin(99%).

    I have noticed in this most recent update (16.7) glaive has been doing less damage to health than it used to.

    It used to do exactly 305 damage on health, now it does ~240.

    Was there a stealth nerf?

  9. you might need to reinstall the game and if it still doesn't work then maybe you should reinstall windows as you stated that you took out some malware

    I am reinstalling windows as we speak. 

    I a=have already tried installing the game to 3 different hard drives

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