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Posts posted by osuman


    You are the only one who said "mentally challenged" for my part I understood what the poster was tying to communicate but to me both texts are equally readable, if I saw either in chat I would not feel the need to tell him he was doing anything wrogn other than posting the same information twice.

    That he feels "annoyed" by caps is apparent from his post

    Yeah right. 

    "For anybody who feels uncomfortable with caps then can I suggest this may indicate an underlying mental problem ....."

    Learn English. His post clearly indicates that he is annoyed that text in Caps takes more space, making it look like a spam, Not how readable it is.

  2. and Of course you will never get him

    Also you wanting excalibur prime AND a unique skin is too much 

    also i won't quit 

    SO COME BACK WHEN YOU HAVE A GOOD REPLY And about warframe giving vital hotfixes because they don't want more complains about bugs 

    they want to fix them all 

    What some console players wanting excalibur prime has anything to do with your whole argument? Neither them, nor pc players will get Excalibur Prime, bringing him as an example is totally irrelevant.

    We got much more exclusives than both ps4 and xboxe have combined, that still can be obtained. Stop whining like a little kid and trying to start a flame war.

  3. +1

    Also, Vectis Prime practically becomes Vectis damage-wise if you use Depleted Reload because you'll sacrifice a slot.

    Warframe builder shows that you'll have higher sustained dps on Vectis Prime but if you quick reload it won't matter and it will be almost same (also keep in mind that you'll have less status chance, so you might even do less dmg)

  4. Yes, you can quick reload just like with Vectis.

    Your Vectis Prime basically becomes Vectis damage-wise because you'll sacrifice slot. Warframe builder shows that you'll have higher sustained dps on Vectis Prime but if you quick reload it won't be that much different. (also keep in mind that you'll have less status chance, so you might even do less dmg) 

  5. Just go play Chinaframe if you want it. I don't understand. Chinaframe and Warframe are two different games.

    No they are not. There is korean, russian, turkish etc version of this game and all them follow what we have. If not for current founders the game would not be as successful as it is right now. And they get this?

  6. Then again, I haven't come to DE's defense on this matter, I for one have no idea what is their position on the situation nor how this will affect our version of warframe, so I'm not throwing stones. If anything, I'm waiting for their official post.

    As for them having a pleasing response, I dont know. I'm not condemning DE nor am I patting on their backs and saying "It's ok." I am, however, just stating that jumping to conclusions gets us nowhere regardless.

    Oh trust me, they will have a response, but will just state what we already know. 

  7. well to be fair you are jumping to the worst-case-scenario conclusion, while there are people with tinfoil hats around here screaming CONSPIRACY! at anything and everything, we still need an official response anyway, which, as stated by DE Rebecca, will be coming soon.

    Yeah lol they really need some time to come up with explanation.

    I'm sure it would be just in lines of

    "oh yeah, don't worry its for marketing purposes. Think of it as us back in the day. Also, current founders gathered only enough money to just kickstart the game and expand on consoles."

  8. The thing about that is that Trinity was one of the original 8, Banshee and Saryn were added after those, so Trinity comes first in the seniority line.

    Well whoever came earlier/later doesn't matter because we already got Nova Prime

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