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Posts posted by Burq

  1. 1st: We don't have to farm because we wasted 240 plat. If we HAD the option to farm it for free, I am sure, very sure, quite sure, that atleast half of those who spent plat on immortal skins would have rather farmed it. I know I would. Then I could have saved 240 plat -_-...

    2nd: I don't feel like talking to the "opposing team" because obviously something is not being understood.

    3rd: Arguments have already been said. I don't think we can get a opinion that will view this whole matter in a different light.

    4th: So far about update 15 a few of the only things that is going great is the idles and syndicates and a few small things. The rest has bugs and a lot of conflict.

    5th: I think this discussion is done because I just went off topic.


    Thank you for completely misunderstanding what I said.


    And yes, I would have farmed them - for a bit- before giving up, they are so ridiculously rare, I dont feel bad for spending plat on them. And now the option is there for people who cant pay for them, which is great, in my opinion. It just REALLY annoys me when this community uses every chance it gets to complain about things just to try to squeeze as much free stuff as they can.


    If you want a recent example just look at the ability mod removal; people wanted legendary forma instead of a normal one, citing lost time but when the change happened and they realized they basically gained 12 - 15 mod points  for free and no legendary forma was ever needed, then they complain because now they feel they wasted their formas and wants those back.


    The same is happening here and it's just damn annoying and greedy.

  2. I would love to have a system like that that actually works but I dont think any other game has actually managed to pull it off well.


    With the current community I can only imagine 3 things happening:


    -People will complain about the change because it means they cant sell the prime parts for lots of plat because A LOT of people would run the missions for the parts they want in such a min-maxed way it would effectively kill plat trading (not a bad thing, imo)


    -EXTREME trolling potential, you'd only need 1 guy messing around to throw the entire run out the window which in turn leads to my next point


    -The community would become much more intolerant and you'd see more, much more of the same builds; I already get semi-kicked out of dark sectors for not bringing speed-built Novas, I cant begin to imagine how bad it'll get.


    It's a good idea at heart but it has too many negative points. I think a token system, like the one that has been proposed around the forums for ages now, is the best solution.

  3. From the few times I fought him and managed to beat him, I can only say a few things:


    -NEVER STOP MOVING, except in one occasion.


    -In invasion missions, if you are lucky, you can have the corpus/grineer on your side kill him as you run around in circles.


    -Stalker cannot dispel Turbulence, so if you stay at a distance and avoid his dashes, you can pretty much ignore his arrows with Zephyr, it becomes a much easier fight. Just mind the duration and recast time.

  4. I have 1 question to the people complaining about this change: have actually TRIED to farm for the skins?


    They are freaking ridiculous to get. Of the few caches and containers I managed to find, I've only gotten a full forma and Castana research bp. Yes, RESEARCH BPs. I cant begin to imagine how cluttered the drops list governing the containers are but getting a skin is rare, and the ones you want, even more rare, you might as well be banging your head agaisnt a mountain and pray it turns into sand before your head caves in,


    Farming cosmetics is gonna be way, WAY more rng based then the voids and they take more time. So you can takes days searching for what you are looking for (and remember, you cant trade those bps so if you get repeats, too bad) or just pay with plat, the same as it always been.


    Dont go complaining because you paid for things you enjoyed before everyone else, when anyone who doesnt want to pay has to grind like crazy.

  5. Having bought a lot of immortal skins and all armor pieces, I couldnt care less. I bought them knowing they might be put in the drop tables at some point, considering how helmets drop from alerts. If they are rare or not doesnt matter as long as they are available to all players. Also, if they are all in the same drop pool... well, good luck getting the ones you want.

  6. I seriously dont know why so many people dislike this change, thou I guess it's a matter of preference: I like using all of the warframe's abilities but I rarely use them because they dont synergize well with others, it takes too much mod capacity or it's simply not as good or necessary as others.


    I think a lot of frames will benefit from this change, even if they use gimped or not optimized abilities: Volt, Loki, Ash, Banshee , Oberon, Valkyr and Rhino benefit a lot from this change, they're the frames that have many useful abilities but they get removed to focus on the main ones.


    Also, the fact that now you have the free mod points that would normally go to them means less forma necessary to have full builds.

  7. taiiat summed up why taking out ability mods is a bad idea.

    i pity whoever thinks that this will in any way increase rare drops.

    this is a nerf, nothing else.

    another grindwall of crafting 2 more instances of each frame, of having a frameslot extra (because you have to park those frames until you sell them again).

    and what about mirage? her quest is, afaik, still not repeatable.

    so, if we want spares, we should start talking others, clanmates, random players, out of a frame, making them delete it so we can trade for the ability mods? right.

    on top of that, less trash mods to fuse stuff with. and how are you going to fuse your one set of ability mods now? exactly, twice the credit costs because you dont have spare = mods lying around anymore. you got plenty of credits you say? well, but on MR1 you didn't. every single credit was needed because you still can't raise enough credits on your own to replace any rank 30 gear with something new to get the needed MR up without wasting active playing time.

    however, underclocking mods is a very stupid idea as well.

    here is why.

    i am MR17.

    i have 1300 hours played.

    i have every mod (besides primed chamber) at least once.

    i have everything else, there is no need to play or level anything, until they bring something new out.

    i still have fun with the game, but i need something to do, an overarching goal to work towards while grinding for the immediate new prime and whatnot.

    now, i am working on a complete mod collection. i've been doing this since about hour 300 or so.

    a complete collection means this: having every mod (obtainable that is, primed chamber doesn't count) and have it in each rank, too.

    so that means i will end up with 11 serration mods + 4 damaged serration mods, for example.

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 maxed. and 0 1 2 maxed, respectively.

    sure, that is insane. you could easily settle for 0 2 4 6 8 maxed as well, which is an intermediate goal of mine, but guess what, working on this complete collection is what keeps me playing.

    in short, i bet there are a few people like me. i cant be the only one with this, given that having multiples is what DE propagated the mod system to be about.

    maybe not with a focus on a complete collection, but at least the 'every even rank' version. just to be flexible with builds, when formaing, or when leveling something new.

    underclocking mods would get rid of this. hell, i would have been done with the whole mod angle of the game at hour 300 or so, maybe trading for a jagged edge and such. and then what. what am i supposed to do? grind the exact same missions over and over? but what for? only experience? two goals to work on at the same time works wonders. having to focus on just one goal will frustrate.

    picking up mods will be a waste of time once a full collection is achieved and we will have thousands of cores left unused. everyone will +10 and sell serrations and so on, the market for that will plummet. sure, new players will get their maxed mods cheap and quick, but then they have nothing to work towards, no actual engagement in the mod system, no feeling of achievement when they push a mod to +10 for the first time (or realize that +8 does about the same for a quarter of the cost).

    everyone will just be happy with one set of event mods. no trading required on that one either. really, you might as well start people out with a full collection to begin with.

    so, if DE wants to give vets nothing to do but to log in once a week only for like five minutes, acquire and craft the new stuff, then level it either a day or three after, or in a binge once a month, sure. i guess i can join the vast ranks of players that do that already, and play another game in the downtime between updates, if i even bother to come back, but it will hurt the active player base and provide no long time goal for players to achieve ingame, once they're past like hour 200 or so.

    they might as well throw the ability points system overboard, too, because it makes no real sense anymore at this point.

    tl/dr: only needing one maxed version per mod gives the player no reason to play once that is done and will dry out the veteran userbase.


    I'd say that great, because it's not like there's only 1 10 rank mod people need to work on and not a lot of people go that far for mod collections, and even then, it shouldn't affect you one bit, you can STILL have your every-rank collection; even if you did use your ranked mods at all, not it'll just be easier to mod things instead of wading trough the list to pick the one you want. This move might dry some veteran players, but I dont think it's that a dramatic change.


    I'm glad they are removing the frame abilities from the drop tables, personally, I'd be glad even if underclocking mods wasnt a thing; I'm tired of getting excited to see a rare mod drop only for it to be a contagion. It's just removing clutter, is all. And no one should need that many multiple copies of a frame ability (thou I do like the idea that they should be on the frame itself and making it available through the frame's level): if you use them a fusion fodder, you now will just get more of the other common mods as fodder and with better polarity for fusion.

  8. So many, MANY things...


    -Orokin cells and a Control Module when I was starting out, because I was impatient. (I have 1568 control modules atm)

    - 300 oxium, not to make Zephyr, but to make Distilling extractor. God they are so useless...

    -ALL the sentinel cosmetics except the Para set. They all look so ugly and the only Sentinel I use is Carrier; I like Dethcube as well, but all the accessories look like &#! on it.

    -A few catalysts and reactors, but not many; sometimes you get a gun you really like at the time but ends up just falling short after a while.

    - A huge chunk of the armor set, thou mostly just individual parts like the Daedalus legs and chest, Edo leggings and the infested chest.


    I really wish there was a way to sell back some of the cosmectics but oh well...

  9. Except none of the alerts were sabbotage missions.


    They were both capture.


    We searched the place and they didn't have anything else it was just 1000 credits.


    Just ran the node after doing the alert mission, the grineer caches still spawn but they are getting harder to find and seem to yield neurodes/formas almost never now, just cores, detonite ampules and full recovery capsules.

  10. I've tried all the frames and gotten them all to 30 but so far, the ones I just dont come back to or rarely do so are:


    Hydroid - I just dont like his skillset and what he can do other frame can do better/without murdering my fps. And while puddle is an interesting skill, it's also just a puddle.


    Vauban - I actually bought him with plat after 4 months of waiting for the helmet to appear but nope. Other then in defense missions, AKA grinding Sechura or ODD for xp, I dont see the appeal; that said, sticking your kubrow full of max duration teslas is pretty amusing but that's it.


    Ash - I only use him to level up melee weapons when either I need to give Valkyr or Loki a rest. The whole shenanigans with the DS conflicts make me dislike him more, thou I do have a bubblegum coloured Ash, so it's always amusing to see other player's reaction to it.


    Bashee - Far too squishy for my likings for solo, I only really use her with I have a buddy using Nova for the slowdown effect to help with sonar and not dying from standing in enemy fire for more then 2 seconds. If Silence was replaced with a better defensive ability or a slow/longer stun, I'd probably use her more.


    Trinity - Her lack of offensive powers and the fact that I solo most of the time make her not as fun to me; I use a Max Power Oberon more, his buffs made him WAY more fun to use.


    Excalibur - I like him but I just find his skills boring.


    Nekros - Only bring him for desecrate, his other skills arent that interesting/useful to me. I might try a SotD build in the future, it might make me like him more.


    Volt and Zephyr - I think they are great and fun to use from time to time but their playstyle doesnt suit me well. Just an issue of taste.

  11. I REALLY wish there was an option to just get the armor, it's the only part of the prime accessories I like: the sugustras rarely look good on weapons and boosters are kinda pointless unless you have a lot of unclaimed weapons in the oven, if you also get the resource boosters along with them, then it'd be a bit better.


    If there was an option to buy only the prime armor, for say, 15 or 20 dollars, that I'd take in an instant but as it stands right now, it's not worth the price.

  12. Leveling some weapons for mastery, I came across the Stug, a weapon that I have been avoiding for a while since not only did I not like the firing mechanic but also got told it was actually quite bad so I had passed on it till now. Trying it out, once again I didnt like it till I noticed that the shots group together so immediately I got Mirage and multishot mods out and... can you say bukkake?


    Now, apart from hilariously childish fun, are there any other obscure weapons that unexpectedly get a benefit from the extra projectiles like the Stug? Not counting the likes of penta, ogris and amprex, I mean weapons that are fairly used but could gain an interesting bonus for Hall of Mirrors.

  13. Hi Burq,


    Have you tried changing the melee weapon that your Valkyr is using to see if that solves the problem? Maybe even swapping out the mods / aura on either your weapons or your Valkyr?


    Do you have any attachments equipped to your Valkyr that you could try removing? Maybe Valkyr's Bonds?

    We are having some difficulty reproducing this issue on our end so any additional info would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks a lot!


    Oh hey!


    And yeah, I've tried changing weapons frequently, since the firs time it happened to me it was with SIlva and Aegis and then it happened again, so I switched around but it still happened.


    Removing all accessories does help, thou but then, the crash happens again once an Ancient Healer pops up: when I used warcry, it crashed almost instantly, then again when channeling and killing the ancient and a bunch of other infested together, then it happened with hysteria as well.


    With u14.0.6 the crashing has -mostly- stopped, but because I stop using warcry and channeling as soon as ancients start popping up, otherwise, there's just a good bunch of hitches all over the place but no crashes.

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