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Posts posted by CreateToDestroy

  1. As the title says, i have already found myself in such a situation twice.

    Short version is that sometimes when leaving the plains my game freezes (weak hardware, it happens sometimes) while in the 'airlock' room, and forces a host migration, after which leaving the room is impossible, as it does not load into Cetus - even the loading symbol in the bottom left corner is absent, and the only way to leave the place is to abandon the mission, losing most of my loot.

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to save mission progress right after entering the airlock, and before actually starting to load into Cetus? Otherwise being stuck loading forever with unsaved progress is quite annoying.

    My current workaround is temporarily cutting my network connection to force a host migration before leaving the mission so i would be able to leave solo and with all my loot.

    P.S. The bug happened when I played as a client, never tried hosting because I suspect such a thing would happen to others if I froze as a host.

  2. Seriously, DE, quit messing with the rewards and give the choice to the ones WHO ARE ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT. It was okay with Nef Anyo's first comeback, but it is obvious that Alad is the favored side and quit trying to force-feed us the dera...

  3. Though coupled with the ACTUAL bug where the grenades explode in front of you for no reason whatsoever makes this SO annoying oh hihgh-level missions... every second-third shot knocks you up if you shoot while moving around removes your shields faster than Grineer...

  4. "no Changelog states that it no longer deals ANY Self Damage... so that sounds like a bug."

    Tried in a different place with a different frame...

    I see now why i didn't notice the damage, since it was very inconsistent;

    Rhino with 900 shields took 45 or 90 damage depending on the number of grenades (multishot, naturally); or none at all, sometimes

    Valkyr with 210 took 31 or 62 damage respectively;

    Banshee with 700 took 42/84 damage, or none at all...

    It's very onconsistent, that must be why i didn't notice it; thanks for explaining though.

    P.S. My ''quote" button doesn't work for some reason... must be the old browser. No, not Internet Explorer.

  5. I recently played a mossion jumping around on Tonkor and noticed that the explosions reduced the durability of Iron Skin. With its "no self-damage" thing, shouldn't it, you know, NOT damage Iron skin?

    Has anyone else noticed this?

  6. I also think they are amazing except their visual glowing auras are burning my eyes. It was enough when they glowed their own color before, now they all have like 5 different effects on top of each other. Already posted about that btw https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/271558-visual-aura-effects-on-ancients-are-too-much/#entry3145018


    And pulling ancients look stupid when they use that thin wire from scorpions, they should stretch their entire arm or something.

    Stretching their arm? They stretch it for long range attacks, pull stretch seems logical. Makes me wonder why devs didn't do it that way.

  7. See this is the thing I really don't like about this community. We are driven to make this game more "challenging", and this always pops up for any faction (not really for Corpus). Infested are waaaaaay to easy, as they just come rushing to you, making them easy targets to slice up or shoot down. I mean really.


    Disruptors are actually freaking scary now, besides trying to run up to and miss everything with little chance to disrupt you. Now you actually have to run away from them. Before, it was like "ima go up to this disruptor and kill him with my nami skyla because he can't disrupt me". Now it's like "o S#&$e he can pull me and disrupt me". 


    All in all, I think DE decided to buff Infested in a way that we have to use all of our weapons, and not just our melee weapons.

    Infested movement patterns severely punish all weapons except explosive launchers and melee. and new disruptors make using abilities nearly impossible unless you're camping on high points. And i never, not once said anything against the pull. The pull is the only thing Ancients can't and shouldn't be without. Animation needs tweaks though.


    Thanks for your opinion though :D

  8. In my opinion, The new Infested are amazing;

    But I think this would make them a lot less frustrating overall:

    1. New Ancient Disruptors are openly a pain in the @$$. When I get within ~15 meters of them my energy goes bye-bye even if its over 300. Also, remove their magnetic procs or reduce their chance to 20% or less.

    2. Why do ancients spawn in pairs? And why are they occasionally of different sizes? (Not that i'm complaining about varying appearances, those add some "color" to the otherwise "bland" swarms)

    3. Ancient healers need a *minor* nerf to their armor auras and a cap on those (75% would be nice).

    4. Disruptor auras need to give surrounding enemies 1 point of energy drain per 20 levels of their power. Example: lvl 80-99 charger would steal 4 energy per attack, even if the ancient is level 60 or 120.

    5. Suicide bombers need at least a 30% damage buff and their stagger chance reduced to 40% (or give us 100% knockdown chance on all explosive launchers with that logic, which is not a real suggestion because nearly all playerbase would go all "TOO OP PLZ NERF" and they would be in the right). This might keep those living bombs from being useless and make them less of a stunlocker swarm.

    6. Ancient Toxic Guys. These are simply perfect. Moderate damage, defensive/offensive aura, Dat Pull, and even in groups they give you a chance to fight using your all while being a fairly significant threat, unlike healers and disruptors who cockblock your weapons or abilities completely and render multiple builds simply useless.


    If you decide to reply/critique please state an opinion and present it this way:


    1. What should be done/Where is OriginalPost wrong?

    1. Why?


    Opinions and ideas are very, very welcome.

  9. In my opinion, the DNA stabilizer packs should cost about 60000. 10000 for one seems more logical than ~16,666.

    And that bleedout time...

    How naive can one be to put bleedout time for kubrows below 10 seconds??? And that bleedout increase mod might just become not ridiculously necessary.

    Also, putting some visual/sound effects on their bleedout would be nice. It's necessary, DE. Don't you dare not do that. Kubrows die like Spartans - with silent determination. Must be fixed.


    And the egg drop rate... Two words:  GRIND WALL.


    Edit: Inability to change their colors (Colors, not patterns) is more than a little frustrating. Tenno have access to extremely advanced tech; and they can't get some dye for their pet? (platinum doesn't count)


    Edit2: Huh, they buffed Loyal Companion or whatever that mod is called... (I'm not playing in English) It's not useless anymore, but base bleedout duration is still ridiculously short. 

  10. Dropping Lephantis damage makes ODA less fun.

    There might be complained about being blasted by Lephantis, but thats only minority... Majority loves it.

    By dodging the attack, simply Aim and Roll Dodge. side from side... its not hard.

    From lvl 80 to 50 first stage, and 80 to 60 second stage?? Lephantis is a colossus boss... Why would his lvl be so low?


    Few players are fast enough to dodge THAT, and if you love being instakilled i won't stop you.



    Also, those new ancient disruptors... 

    1. Relatively high spawn rate?

    2. Energy stealing aura?

    3. Constant magnetic procs?


    1 and 2 need to be reduced and 3 removed completely, but that's just my opinion.

    Otherwise, ability-oriented warframes are SEVERELY punished by swarms of these energy stealers

  11. I would generally be okay with Damage + some Health as a difficulty scaling if the Warframes had better skill-based mobility/defensive options to begin with.

    Blocking is one of them, but requires you to be all-out Melee, so meh. Countering is still really hit-and-miss, and not smooth/versatile enough to be practical. Rolling/backlips don't grant invincibility frames and aren't fast enough to function beyond 'fancy trick'.


    I recall hearing that they were working on a new cover system, that might help.

  12. Honestly, those grenades... I get hit by it from time to time, but it didn't strike me that bad to remember it.

    I can only tolerate ignore them when playing as (Hysteria-Spamming) Valkyr.

    Also, a strange observation: they somehow seem to deal more damage when you're solo; maybe it has to do with the fact that the AI doesn't have to track additional targets and trows grenades more accurately?

    Also, those grenades are silent. Can't have that.

  13. Am I the only one who thinks T4 is easier than high level grineer?


    Just imagine Napalms, Bombards, Scorpions, Shield Lancers, Rollers, Corpus Techs, those new CC shooting moas, Ancient Disruptors and infested Drones would get added to Void.


    That would be one hell of a party if you get knocked down in a hell of flames while an infested drone spamming tech shoots at you with his supra.

    Let's call that T5 and get it done.

    If you don't count ridiculously powerful corrupted light grineer(either they do more damage than corrupted heavies ot they ignore armor) and ridiculously weak corrupted crewmen that cant hit at point blank range, all that coupled with ridiculous 1000+ damage grenades.

  14. A lot of this number-slider nonsense could be avoided if our UI and HUD were designed to give us more information about the mission in real time. The fact that we don't even have so much as a grenade indicator is crazy.


    BJ Blastkowicz, an implausibly tough and awesome human, gets a grenade indicator. Superpowered space ninjas with exosuits and a constant TAC link to a far-future information network don't have that?


    It's embarrassing, if you ask me. I'd sure be embarrassed if I didn't even have enough ideas prepared to talk about how I might incorporate this kind of feature. It's 2014, and the in-mission HUD looks like it was designed in 2009. Heck, maybe it was. It's still a bunch of horsepuckey that a game as otherwise beautiful as Warframe would be lacking such a bottom floor feature set.



    edit: Homemade BLT for breakfast? You bet your previously-healthy circulatory system.

    Grenade indicator is by far the best idea i've heard concerning T4 and the rest of the game. Thank you.

  15. I've seen this happen as well. I tend to obsessively check the scanners used in a mission, and I noticed the same thing. Thankfully, scanners are pretty cheap, but it is annoying how it seems to use so many.




    On an unrelated note, its weapon, Deconstructor, has an extremely annoying tendency to reload right after the enemy it attacked has died.

    Its 3 second cooldown tends to turn this amazing weapon into a twitchy paranoid and extremely lazy stack of glaive-esque projectiles...

    In other words, in this case it behaves almost just like its owner.

  16. I haven't seen this happen.


    Check your "objects" codex section, the missing scans might be on scenery objects like glass, barrels, grass, etc.

    Helios specifically highlights what it scans, that leaves scenery out of the question since this bug seems to only happen with enemies. (Tried with Corrupted and Infested)

  17. I have had Helios only for a couple days, but I've noticed something very unusual about how it handles scanners.

    Helios seems to use up scanners even if the scan wasn't completed, like when an enemy was killed during a scan.

      Can you please make it so Helios uses up scanners only when scans are complete and not halfway through? Because it eats through scanners extremely fast and doesnt give much to the Codex.

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