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Posts posted by Rinteru

  1. On 2020-01-08 at 4:54 PM, jdbtriple6 said:

    Same Problem here, alot of people are having trouble with liches, DE have been completely useless, Support is kinda and as helpful as they can be but if support has sent you here then tough luck, after looking through multiple threads there has been nothing from DE

    If you manage to work it out let the other threads know

    Honestly i havent tried support but i dont expect this to get fixed, honestly im tired of trying to diffrent combinations because for others it worked but apparently for me it doesn't this will be my probably first and last lich. You know i kinda had better experience with empyrean, at least after few fixes it was okay and playable, this just makes feel bad.

  2. My current Lichunknown.png


    After Vanquishing



    General gist of it - I vanquish my current lich, second one speaks and first one still lives.

    I'm not sure what happend but i remember instance of the second lich talking to me once but he never generated. After that with my friend took me to generate my first and current Lich

    ( i guess though it would be second) Also there was strange instance of my Lich disappearing during the mission and the other one speaking around when he was going from stage 3 to 4. 

    Edit: Oh and parazon mods are not getting their points deduced.

    I'm ready to send Logs/Other stuff which is needed, because i want this fixed because that 54% rad chakkhur looks realy enticing. 

  3. 3 hours ago, AndouRaiton said:

    This whole idea is basically: ZAWS but they're prime/sentient and you have to farm raids. This will probably have the same problems regular zaws/kitguns have; once you get the best one the only reason left is fun. Which brings me to the next issue that; the missions may not be fun to play which will cause people to not play it as much.

    So let's talk about the missions; first up they're raids of 4 and 8 for the arcanes. Main issue here is that solo players will be locked out of this content (some are solo not by choice but due to issues with their internet, connection or computer).

    Secondly, the way to get weapon parts is through railjack; which hasn't been released yet so we don't no how it will play compared to the demo shown at tennocon, especially because they said they were going to rework arch wing for it, which means that if railjack isn't that good/fun to play, most people won't play it. Further, as shown through the demo, when you enter the ship it is on high alert so the possibility for successful spy is small so most people will just go exterminate as that is the quickest way.

    Overall, i think you should rethink the customizable weapons idea and instead focus more on what will happen in each mission because the main reason why warframe doesn't have much "sustainable content" isn't just not having good rewards but also that the missions become boring, especially if you have to do them multiple times to farm something you want.

    Yeah so about my customizable weapon part as do to avoid getting "the best" configuration i wanted to add special effect a to Each part that would make combining Each part unique. And effciency would be randomly distributed between stats. However that would need a lot of thought.

    As for mission types, esecialy the 4 man railjack, well it might possible to make it  soloable by force and stealth method i think.

    Arcanes were never early game content, so i thought being locked behind 8 man raid was a good idea since big part of coummunity wanted raids back

    I agree on part tho that missions have to be intresting. I focused more on Weapon ideas so we never run out of things to do(well not running out for long timelI can specify how missions could go

  4. 38 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

    It's so annoying when YouTubers make a video and literally everyone, out of nowhere, jumps on it...

    Probably, thou i was thinking about it for a while, the vid ur talking about just gave me more reason to post it

  5. So there have been a lot of voices in coummunity that about warframe endgame. Here is my little idea that poped to my head this morining. Basicaly bullet points, however i might do presentation about it with maybe some concept art and send it to DE if enough people will like the idea. If you have any questions or dont understood fully a concept feel free to shoot a questions 🙂 .


    Warframe sustainable content idea 
    Customizable prime and sentient weapons
    -Each consistant od 3 element 
    -1x Main element and 2 side elements
    ___Main element 
    -describes damage and damage types
    -has most valuable special effect
    -describes fire mechanics
    ___First side element
    -describes critical rate, c.dmg and status effect
    -has a little special effect
    ___Second side element
    -describes fire rate, ammo capacity, magazine size 
    -has a little special effect
    -Each part has effciency stat which is divides weapon statistics randomly. Effciency can be improved but proportion of stat distribution cant be changed. Effciency improving item is extremely hard to aquire.
    -Each part recives special effect that are noticable but not game breaking. 
    -Each weapon has arcane slot
    -Arcanes can change main weapon mechanics for Each main part, there is at least 1 arcane for main part for realese 
    -Arcanes can add little bonuses like existing arcanes for kitguns and zaws 
    -There are at least 20 parts per Each element so 60 per weapon type and 180 total


    Aquiring prime/sentient weapon elements
    -Weapon elements can be found throu special missions.
    -Those missions are available all the time.
    Missions description: 
    -4 people raid on orokin or sentient ships with railjack
    - orokin recive their own special units despite of corrupted units
    - To find orokin/sentient ship you have to raid corpus/grinneer for their cordinates. Spy/interception mission types 
    -you have to search the ship for elements. You have to secure the ship and while rest of your party is raiding. 
    -you can aquire parts from those missions in multiple ways: stealth, force, extermination of enemy defences.
    --force is the Basic way
    --stealth allows you to spend as least recources as possible 
    -- extermination (optimal and hardest way) allows you aquire most amount of recources however it requires tactics and optimal team because you will lose your recources if not done effciently
    -Enemies in those ships are highly inteligent using tactics not only force
    Prime/sentient elements
    Recources for effciency improving item( only can get those recources on this mission or 8 man raid), Arcane rare recources

    Aquiring arcanes for weapons
    -8 man raids on sentients/orokin bases
    -Enemies have highly improved tactics
    -Raid boss: 
    -- for sentients its just sentient, might fight eidolons as adds, flying ones especialy
    --not sure about orokin bosses
    -Multiple objectives
    -Require organized squads and thought out strategy
    -Arcane blueprints
    -Effciency improving item blueprint
    -Arcane rare recources (only rares because with have a lot of recources already so we could use some of those), Effciency Item recources

  6. So I've played with garuda intensively and by far this warframe is one of my favorites. Complicated but strong. However there are still things holding her back.

    I think the main issue is her survivability. She can output very good dmg with her  4-1 combo but she dies very very very fast especialy on orb vallis(solo, in group its not that apparent). Mainly because she doesnt have that much ehp even with umbral mods or cc. She is suppoused to be a frame with which you have to manage energy and health but using 3rd ability is just a waste of health and if used twice its just a death sentence. Her 1st and 2nd ability dash path is so broken that dont even let me started how many times i died because of clicking ability on enemy and target was obstructed by a small rock, its not even funny. 4th ability is pretty fun but the charge time is way too slow and yeah i  did use natural talent.

    As for fixing

    - 1st 2nd ability needs their pathing fixed or something asap.

    -3rd ability in my opinion should have its health cost reduced to 33% not half (its just too much). Secondly should be unavailable once your health is lower than 33%. Should provide either some form of cc, doesnt have to be super strong, just something to let her survive longer, or some form of dmg mitigation or absorbtion( i think mitigation/absorption would be better counting in her original design) . 

    -4th ability should be charged faster

    -more base health or armor would be also appriciated


  7. Might be just me but i feel like, the bigger bases on open maps either plains or fortuna are insecured. Like i feel it should be way harder to get into them and we are breaking insanely easily. There is a lot of aspects of the game which could benefit from having higher security in those bases for example they would enable doing spy missions or something or for example missions to conquer those bases. 

  8. Man believe me its not DMC combat.  Its kind of similar but waaaay not there, because its way too simple and DE plan to keep it this way. Thats the biggest problem i believe. I wish it wouldnt be like this but thats one of DEs goal with this rework, cuz they dont want "button gymnastics". Basicaly you will 2 maybe 3 combos standing+button mash, moving forward+button mash, block+dash+button mash(dunno if there is difrent combo or not ) , 1 air combo which consists of 3 attacks at least thats how it was on devstream, charged attacks and thats it. Thats the whole melee system.

    Believe me I wish too that melee combat would be explored and i totaly approve your ideas.  However DE said on last devstream that they are somwhat finished with designing melee combat and that they are going to focus more on numbers.

  9. They probably wont do it only because they want melee to be simple 1 button mash without much combos and buttons managment ( pretty sad bout it myself, what can you do ? ).  I wish they could do 2 buttons for melee with a lot of combos per stance that do stuff. They dont have to be long just, short and useful, like in fighter games for example. The problem i believe which is holding it back is 1 its not simplistic enough for some reason. Secondly I noticed that especialy directional combos for some stances (like try to do combo like e e => e e ), which are hard to do because 1 hand manages both movement and atttack and also pause and hold combos are pretty hard to manage because of the speed of the weapon. First thing could be solved pretty easily imo just change block to e then att 1 would left click and att 2 right click. Anyways thats bit of rumbling bout something thats probably not gonna happen.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that most of the community response about these changes were pretty good and because of that its probably gonna stay like this.

  10. 1 minute ago, Arrrammis said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    After constructing and equipping the Umbra frame for the first time, re-opening the equipment screen showed my Oberon, but still had the umbra exalted blade equipped. After leaving the arsenal, game became unresponsive (can't move or open any menus). After forcing Warframe to close and re-opening, I had Umbra equipped and the game acts like I own the Umbra frame like any other warframe, despite me not completing the quest yet.

    ^Quest bug

    there is diffrent topic for that

  11. Wtf xD you cannot bring gara to missions over lvl 30? What is that bullS#&$. Just use 2nd ability get 90% dmg reduction and stack up some dmg on it and you are destroyimg everything. Also you can put 2nd ability on defence points sooooo this nerf doesnt change much

    EDIT: Try using 2 on wall segments. If it works Garas 4th still quite op

  12. Il y a 10 heures, Fleuria a dit :

    Eh... I had millions in each tree from Focus 1.0 and I stopped playing like almost a year before 2.0 came out, I am back now because of 2.0 and am sort of regretting not doing sorties between then and now. (But I am maxed out on Riven storage, so I sort of do not regret stopping, also.) But, also, I did not really understand the waybound system initially, and I re-spent a lot of that in ways which I now think conflict with optimal investment.

    I am not all that great of a focus farmer, either. I rarely get 50k in a day (sometimes I try, but I usually get bored playing longer than that).

    But... anyways... if this is one of those topics which cannot really be explained, I guess I should just go away or something. But, also, I do not feel any obligation to hit the cap (and I expect to have most of the waybound passives I care about unlocked within a few weeks).

    All depends on the school however and how much points you've got saved up. Cuz for example zenurik waybounds costs around 2-3milion focus each to unlock not mentioning pools, so if you started from the scratch it would take you between 40-60 days if you get 50k focus each day for each node. If you hit the cap it would take you 8 to 12 days thou same for one node. Ofc not counting eidolon shard cuz it depends on oneself time to do those and not counting that you have to also upgrade the pool.

    Personnaly i dont mind getting a node with a week or 2 of farming. But month or 2 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tooo much and gains we get by obtaining a node are negligible.


  13. 6 hours ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

    Really? Nothing is so limiting? What about certain riven?

    Try doing a "level 30 plus defence with no objective damage, damage, or use of energy restores" or a "15 kills while wall latched with a hobbled key without being detected" with just anything YOU WANT to use. To say, "I should be able to do anything and everything I want however I want" in a game that is about acquiring specific builds for specific tasks is absolutely absurd.  This whole game can be seen as boring. You farm things to get things so you can farm more things.

    So i have a qustion, you mentioned you can do equinox on adaro and in 15 mins max out focus. Tell me what im doing wrong since to max out focus it takes me more than an hour with 2 greater lenses or no booster and im not making mistakes while doing a run, nobody wakes up and im trying to get as large groupes of enemies as possible with orb.

    Another question. How long do you have to grind to max sth to rank 30? Any item. Like up to 30 mins right? So how bout from now on you could only level those items by petting your kubrow because petting kubrow gives you 10000exp and killing other stuff like killing enemies 0.00001exp. Would you prefer killing enemied whole day or petting kubrow? Is warframe a game of petting kubrow or being as space ninja?(well its abit hyperbolic scenario but you get what i mean right?)  Since DE tries to push operator as a core gameplay mechanic and focus as mastery system,  imo stealth farm is totaly unresonable. And im not telling it should be attainable easier. However it should be attainable less grindier. For example you could have special missions that your skills of using operator an warframe would be tested. You could max out the cap in few mins if you were skilled enough. However since focus is also "mastery" system, like D3 paragon, players should have the ability to max it out by playing game for like hour or maybe 2. If you look closer to Diablo 3, there are still ppl grinding for those paragon levels but most of casual players are treating paragons as nice bonus to playing the game. And yea paragons are still important, they give you pretty big bonuses when maxed out, and you will get few just by playing game everyday. With focus you dont have that, casual player in worse case scenario wont even unlock one full focus ability. Like my friend who is playing day by day for like an hour or 2. He finished TWW 3 weeks ago and he just unlocked first passive skill yesterday. And me as more hardcore player, i farmed few milions of focus since then cuz i had equinox and i wanted to spend time doing it. Its totaly not alright imo.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Hobzor said:


    I mean these ideas are nice and all and some of them I like a lot but to my question is rather why would you want those changes? Why operators are but in your opinion. Its all we can do rn is say we it is bad. I don't belive devs will take any ideas into consideration ( maybe a few ), because they prefer probably inventing their own.

  15. 3 hours ago, Mattoropael said:

    The costs and gains I will not argue, but it is simply impossible to discuss Operators in their current state properly without touching the subject of Focus. This is not Focus 1.0 anymore where Focus and Operators did nothing to each other.

    Even without considering the vast cost of Focus 2.0, the biggest issue I have with it is how useless the Operator is even after you unlock them all. Unless you're literally forced to use the Operator (e.g. Chains of Harrow, Teralyst, Kuva Siphon), there is absolutely no reason to use the feature beyond "use once at the beginning to get the residuals" whatsoever outside a very few niche applications and many cases of enforced synergy through features that should be residuals.

    The amps don't scale, their actives still suck (save Energizing Dash and maybe Vazarin's heal-dash), and you get an overall package that has almost no value to normal Warframe play (residuals don't count).


    This is the perfect demonstration of forced "synergy" between Warframe and Operator.

    Let me show you some real synergy in Focus 2.0, versus DE's big idea of "synergy":

    • Void Dash (especially if augmented by the new Zenurik and Naramon way-bound passives) on low-mobility frames (e.g. Assimilate Nyx) help those frames compensate for their biggest weakness.
    • Energizing Dash is DE's idea of synergy (a word that apparently means "butchering an existing feature and force people to use Operator to regain it" to them), forcing Zenurik users to pop their kiddo out every 30 seconds, just to get a benefit that they used to get by clicking one button in the entire mission. *

    Operator can be good if they actually feel like they add to the core Warframe experience, which they currently don't, and it's the same reason that people enjoyed Focus 1.0 more despite that being a different kind of trainwreck.


    * Yes, that does mean that if Energy Overflow never existed before Energizing Dash is introduced, it would actually be fine, but it isn't. What we have now instead is that they took Energy Overflow away and used an inferior, tedious version that force people to use kiddo mode over something that used to be painless and convenient.

    I said to refrain from talking about focus because there is already so many topics about it. I found it intresting that there is part of community that dislikes operators for what they are not that there are problems with focus 2.0. Personaly i find energizing dash accaptable. I would prefer few tweaks to it. However I dont want energy overflow to be back. If they were to change energizing dash than I'd love to see diffrent mechanic that would allow you to get energy regen but with some effort put into it. Sth like harrows energy for shooting.

    I dont meant in any way of synergy ( thou i like the idea of nyx/void dash syneregy ). I just explained that you still get your energy back. I feel like focus is goin in right direction focusing on operators. Thou a lot of abillities should be tweaked/buffed some changed. As many times mentioned in this discussion  seems that operators should be more powerful.

     Well actualy why operators should add even more powers to the warframes ? What would it change ? Warframes are already stupidly powerful.  Like what would you do if you were a dev and tried to add to the core game experience by introducing operators ? 

  16. 19 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    My long lost dream of operator combat looked like this:

    You are doing an endless mission, the lv150 grineer pour through every possible door reinforced with the army of the corrupted.

    Despite all common sense you are sure you can see your Atlas sweating under the heavy pressure.

    One, two three of you go down, your rumblers crumble and only the your pityful wall keeps you safe from the horde.


    You mumble to yourself as you press 5 to unleash the void mode.

    Your operator fuses together with Atlas granting him the limitless power of the void.

    Your choosen focus was madurai, as the follower of the phoenix flames your warframe is now empowered with its destructing power.

    Your fists with each attack release beam of energy disintegrating enemies, your wall turns into an armor of molten stone reflecting back all damage to attackers, your gaze empowers your allies to deal additional damage and your rumblers turn into orokin titans.

    After the immortality phase wears down you are left with 1 life but with a frame much more powerful than before.


    This was my dream, the operator combat what turns our frames into an armor weared by the operators to destroy those who oppose them.

    Haha i have similar dreams. For example you jump out of warframe. Your operator has a bow created based on amps and void energy. you start shooting enemies. Your arrows have infinity punchthrou. However you cannot keep up with amount of the enemy around. Since you are on Zenurik school, you decide to move around a bit find a good spot and charge super arrow that gets more dmg and range the more it is charged. Then you destroy everything in front of you. ( i even have some art of that since im' an artist and i can link it if you want ). These are dreams thou. However I dreamed about open wolrd also in warframe. It is finnaly there. I belive that devs will finnaly notice that community is giving them so much feedback and they will do something about this. It will take some time thou cuz rn there are like 200-300 ppl that take care game dev for warframe.

  17. 8 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    It breaks the initial flow, because the operators are slower than warframes switching gradually slows you done as fast as you touch the ground. This combined with the fast pace we dictate here often means that you are abruptly slowing down in an area full of enemies and if the dash decides to stop you on a slight elevation om the ground you are dead.

    Well thats true, thou these are those minor tweaks i mentioned. Personaly i would focus more on dash ability to so we dont stop after doing like with slide we got with PoE update. I dont know if focus speed passive fixes this speed issue after switching,  never tried.  But yeah it surely shouldnt be locked in focus school.

  18. 8 minutes ago, Crimson_Ruby_313 said:

    OK sir, you're right it's useless to talk about focus. I try to get used to that lol. But I'd like to say this. I'm not here to play a game with one fighter with different guns. I'm here to play warframe, by the name it is clear it should be more about warframes. If I want to play with that kid, there are a lot of better games that are like that. I love my operator and I think the war within and second dream are the best quests of this game. But I like em the way they were needed to do only some special missions and not interrupting the warframes playing. 

    And to that i made a solution earlier if you haven't looked. So that one of focus passives would be adding flat void dmg to your wep based of wep type. Would be less effective than amps but usable.


    14 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    There is a big difference between players who dont like the concept of operators and players who dont like the operators because they are so weak. I strongly believe even the former group can be convinced to come around if the operator buffs were significant enough. A couple of reasonable face/hair presets couldnt hurt either.

    Also Operators, by lore, should be stronger or as strong as warframes because they are an uncontrollable reservoir of void energy used to power warframes which are just constructs that can channel that energy in very specific ways (abilities). If you read Ember Prime's and Rhino Prime's description Operators were so volatile the Orokin had to sleep them to keep them from blowing up everything around them which is not what we currently see in game.

    Well i dont know about it if we could engage more community into operator thing and its subjective. But i also feel that lorewise they should be way powerful. Unless deeper personalization like personality options would be available as disscussed earlier.

  19. 1 minute ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    Simply put. Operators are incredibly weak damage wise relative to how fragile they are. Because even warframes and weapons with basic mods can perform the jobs of a base operator significantly better in all fields (movement, damage) players will not want to use them as this is a game that caters to making the player feel like a god whereas the operator makes the player feel incredibly weak. 

    So in an attempt to get players to use the operator DE implements mechanics that require the operator in order for the player to progress. While this makes the operator useful for these specific situations it makes the player feel forced into using the operator, something which feels very bad, to access content which leaves a sour taste in the players mouth.

    If DE wants operators to become integrated into the game as something players use, they must address the fundamental issue of: The operator must provide a function X that is useful, and it must do function X better than a warframe can.

    And this is the case. Zenurik is so popular because you cannot get as powerful or reliable energy regen anywhere else. Lots of players use void mode to revive other players because very few warframes guarantee a 100% safe revive. Naramon is popular for focus farming because you cannot get a 45% affinity boost anywhere else. I use the operator for most of my transport across the plains because Zenurik and Naramon passives let me move far faster and further than my warframe can. 

    But DE refuses to buff the operator to this point.

    From my own perspective: If I have to choose between being a maxed out chroma that can walk through lv 90 eximus sorties without a sweat or a teenager that takes 40 shots to kill a lv 50 heavy gunner and can get picked off by a lv 50 lancer that was hiding behind a crate, im going to go with the chroma every single time unless I absolutely had to. Now, if everything the operator did had a base 30,000 finisher damage but I could only take out the operator for 10s at a time every 20s, I'd use the operator a lot more often.

    Well thsi creates some conflictt operators cannot be better than warframe because there is playerbase if you havent read that dislikes operators and a lot of players would say "is this warframe or operator game, operators are more powerful than frames, why play frames".  I agree thou on movement part they should get better movemnt set, dash feels not that good.

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