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Posts posted by (PSN)Pharen

  1. Well guys I'm afraid I must be going for the night.


    I'll sh!tpost with you guys on discord tomorrow/after I wake up, hopefully.



    Also Pharen you're 100% not being trolled, I can guarantee that.

    So, 90% being trolled? <_<   I fell like your gonna say Viro is wattchewant because he's using the name wattchewant in discord...

  2. Makes sense, same reason they keep making more Call of Duty and Final Fantasy games.

    I actually don't have a problem with FFXV and CoD MW1, BO2, AW, BO3.


    All games will continue to get spin offs, sequels, and remakes so long as there's a following, that doesn't make them bad. It's only when a developer milks an established IP for all it's worth putting in no effort that annoys me, e.g. CoD ghosts, the only thing semi original about ghosts was the alien mode, which was basically an improved zombies mode IMO.

  3. *lights pharen afire and busts out hiz ruined budy* *flees from thread while re lighting the whole thing ablaze* *the purity will come*

    nuh uh uhh, that's not how laserkiwis work. DENIED.

  4. It's not a troll attempt nor does it call for a long wat.


    Yes that's me. Reliant has the link to join in the discord chat if you want.

    0_0  ... still unsure if being trolled...

    aaaaayyy lmao

    eebus!, are you readin maymays in discord today?

  5. Sadly I guess not... I liked that anime although it was ecchi, it was a plot based on ecchi. They could get a different voice actor I suppose...

    We all know the reason you started watching it was because you searched "ecchi" :P

  6. *ducks in cover*

    Oh please, I can do this all day...


    are you dead yet?




    are you dead yet?




    are you dead yet?




    are you dead yet?





    okay he's not answering, imma assume he dead.

  7. *flame repellent has no affect against the pure flame of destruction* *everything alights afire*

    Okay I've had enough of this *eats Lone* now you stay in there and think about what you've done.

  8. Sorry, but I have to disagree. I think this game tells you more then enough and if there are stuff that isn´t explained it is easy to figure out. I don´t know why everything has to be explained in every detail.

    Learning by doing is allways the best way and the most satisfying.

    I'm not referring to missions and enemies, if that's what you're getting at. Aside from spy, spy really does need more explanation of how it works for new players.


    I'm referring to things like: how to fuse a mod, what polarities do, and how to gain more mod space, how the exilus adapter works, how to make custom loadout slots.


    The absolute basics that people STILL have to ask for, these things should be either explained or made interactive by the tutorial, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if you yourself have been through it too. Although I started before the game even had a tutorial, I had to learn all this stuff by trial and error.

  9. Agreed. There needs to be more explaining done for the game. I don't level boost or carry low Mr. I refuse it. If they are polite and nice, and are willing to buy or trade for something thwy need, I will give It to them for free

    I will sometimes give them common mods they are having trouble getting, I usually try to keep 5 copies of every mod in game (excluding primed mods, because I really don't like constant void ducat grind), so things like: continuity, intensify, serration, hornet strike, and various common stance mods.

  10. The real problem is firstly the game doesn't do a good enough job of explaining it's functions and options to the player, something that should be taught in the tutorial in an interactive manner.


    Then there's the dependency of lower ranked players on upper ranked players. I'm MR20, I'll help a player with a mission they are struggling to beat (unless it's limbo theorem, because screw limbo), I'll help them with questions they have, advice on building weapons/frames etc.


    But I REFUSE to taxi them all over the star map to planets they've made no effort to unlock, I refuse to drag them through the void so they can get prime gear effortlessly, I refuse to babysit them on missions they clearly aren't ready for, and I refuse to boost them up levels so they can get to a higher rank without even trying to earn it. Leeching can be stopped at an early stage by refusing these things.

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