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Posts posted by (PSN)Dualisacat

  1. Alright, ya'll, I was sitting here and thinking about it, and I think that Stalker is actually... A spambot.


    Yes, that's right, a rogue spambot.


    Think about it for a second!! -


    Why is the Stalker so angry, so full of dread, hate, and despair?


    When the Tenno slaughtered the Orokin (as mentioned in his codex entry), he grew extremely angry because his mailing list was being killed off. His only purpose was gone, and to further add insult to injury, the surviving members of his mailing list (the Tenno) went into cryosleep. He had no one to advertise his products to.


    Why did Stalker try to kill Darvo?


    He SAID it was because Darvo was selling his weapons, but we all the know truth... Darvo is his obvious spam-chain competition, cutting in on the market of who buys such frivolities as syandana enlargement pumps or beachfront property time shares on Eris.


    Why does Stalker specifically target you after you attack a boss?


    C'mon, this one's obvious - Alad V and Sargas Ruk are total dopes and buy all the spam products. Where do you think Alad V got that weird collar? How about Sargas Ruk's enhancements? Stalker e-mails.


    How does Stalker know about your past? Or how to reach you?


    Duh, the Orokin had you signed up for the mailing list, too. Maybe it's why you killed them off!

  2. What I got from this: balance the player instead of letting enemies hard counter.


    "Hard counters" often disproportionately affect things outside of the meta much more than the things that have been sitting inside of it for a while. The game funnels you into using the most powerful, automatic weapons the more difficult it gets, which defeats the purpose of the interesting and diverse weapon set, and makes some frames nearly obsolete while others become tools in a set-up to abuse.




    I talk in more depth about some of the problems I see facing Warframe in this thread. I don't think that Weirdee is faulting the players, but asking DE to think about why the players end up abusing the current meta. Hint: the answer is because they're enabling it. What's being asked for is thoughtful balancing to keep the game's intended diversity and frenetic style of play, and things like the recent tactical alerts, nullifiers, and Synoid Gammacor are not particularly thoughtful.


    I actually captured it on video. This isn't the first time this has happened to me, and I wonder how many times it's slipped under my nose without me catching it... Especially when applying cores to R8's and R9's, where the progress is so minimal it's easy to forget where you were. I had my Heavy Caliber closer to R10 yesterday (you'll notice in the video I go to look at its progress immediately after noticing Link Shields hasn't upgraded), but it's back to below the halfway point, now, for example.


    I realize the video is quite long, but to make a long story short, I apply a whole bunch of duplicate mods to my Link Shields, then when I go to actually put the mod on, it's back to its original state. This is -immensely- frustrating. I am a big supporter of this game! I've spent over a couple hundred on Prime Accessories, Prime Access and Platinum combined because I love supporting it, and I pre-ordered that Excalibur statue in the shop (when does that ship, by the way? It says Late August and the month is a few days from over.


    I haven't just bought all this stuff because I want items, but because I really want to support the DE, too. I was a big fan of Dark Sector when it came out, and I love that this game is almost a spiritual successor. I understand the game will have some pretty crazy bugs (and I've run into some frustrating ones, but I deal with it or even enjoy how goofy they can be, part of why I love this game is that it's basically a developer's playground) ...But stuff like this is something that makes you consider quitting. When is it going to be reliably fixed? It kinda terrifies me that I can potentially blow HOURS of progress with mod upgrades not properly applying.

  4. I'm not ENTIRELY sure what caused this. Since U14, they seem to have added something that highlights teammates through textures. I was killed while typing something, and then when I revived, I look as I do in the video -



    (video name and description are clearly meant to be facetious)


    I imagine this was caused by a bug making myself appear transparent like a teammate when I revived. I don't know. Figured I'd submit this.

  5. Some screen caps would be helpful to DE or maybe even a video of it in action.


    I've got a video of the same bug happening -



    He didn't ever die, and his enemy marker stayed on the screen (annoying me greatly throughout the entire T4 - it kept pointing to different spots depending on which room I was in). I've had the same thing happen and he makes the death speech, but this time he didn't.


    I've also got another video where he spawns in and then just immediately seems to explode and drop nothing, making the death speech immediately -


    (the descriptions and comments on these vids are meant to be facetious, this is obviously not a "pro strat")

  6. Just weighing in to state my frustration at the wait for this update. I do feel like the PS4 gets disappointingly little love compared to the PC version.


    I've got no intention to stop playing the game, but if updates are this consistently slow to release on PS4 in the future, it's going to chip away at my interest. I love Warframe dearly, but I prefer playing my games on a console.


    Before anyone jumps on top of me, I know that DE works hard on the game, and I've supported them with literally hundreds of my dollars (can't wait for the Excalibur figure to get released and shipped to me, btw! ^_^ ) because of that, but I'm allowed to say that this is dissatisfying to me.

  7. Howdy! I've started the game about a week ago and looked around both on here and in the recruitment channel, but noticed no LGBTQ focused clan for the PS4 version (though I saw a few on PC!). I'm generally incredibly skeptical of free to play games and apathetic about multiplayer in general, but Warframe has managed to SERIOUSLY take me by surprise. I love it, and in the slightly less than a week I've been playing, I've already racked up some serious hours.


    Generally, the worst experience of any multiplayer game for me is the community, and it's usually what drives me away from a game or even makes me scared to play it. I'd hopefully like to keep playing Warframe a long time, but having seen quite a few users using slurs (and trying to bypass the chat filters in doing so) and having them go unmoderated really unnerves me.


    So, I'd like to surround myself with more progressive types and have a little community on here I feel comfortable around. Anyone a part of the LGBTQ community, friendly to it or allied with it is welcome to join my clan (Cats and also Cats is the name!). Other alternative lifestyles are of course welcome, as well! Asexuals, furries, otherkin, whatever floats your boat :) Just looking for some friendly people! Any level of play is welcome, too.


    If there's another clan like this already in the works, just invite me to it. Otherwise, let me know if you'd like to join my clan :3

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