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Posts posted by Variatas

  1. Daggers in general need some real love.  Giving them some crit stats to make up for their lower damage and extremely short range seems like the simplest way to give them a niche.  It'd be nice if they'd bring back the inexplicably-removed Ether Daggers too; since there is currently no accessible weapon that can use Pointed Wind without Forma.

  2. Except for those of us who solo and/or can't stand playing survival. I never have enough Orokin Cells (stupid Extractors always prioritize Detonite Ampules over Orokin Cells...even the Distilling Prime Extractor)

    Or you could just farm Sargas Ruk...

  3. Personally I feel that DE is handling the Void Trader in the wrong manner. The idea was to allow players to trade their unwanted prime parts for things they actually need in order to reduce their grind. Instead by placing exclusive and timed items there, it makes the grind more necessary than ever. The lack of any rotation so far also makes it feel like event items all over again. The ducats pricing continues to climb while the trade-in values are being reduced. In the end the grind is worse than it was before, especially if you factor in the guaranteed prime part for rotation C being removed.

    The idea is good but DE needs to focus on fewer, higher quality items from the Void Trader. Having a rotation of prime parts wouldn't hurt either, even if it is only a few per appearance. For being the year of quality the Void Trader is selling too much overpriced junk.

    I actually think that what would be better is to have a series of middle-grade items, with less timed exclusivity.  Stuff should be in rotation for longer, and rather than going all at once, it overlaps.  Basically, instead of only showing up for 48 hours every 2 weeks, he'd be there all the time, and have items for like a month, with something new replacing something old every 2 weeks or so.

    Him having stuff that is a grindy, but superior, version of existing content is just amplifying so many problems the game had.

  4. Just tested in Ceres.  I used a max range build.  Seems like most things couldn't touch me at any range within Turbulence except Ballistas.  Ballistas started to hit me a soon as I was more than 15m away from them.  This may apply to other enemies as well.  Will also test to see if power strength matters.  


    Edit: Seems like power strength doesn't do anything.  Turbulence only seems to be effective within 15m for some hitscan weapons and a little more for some of the hitscan enemies?

    Turbulence isn't supposed to scale with Power Strength, and I really hope they don't think that that would be a fix, because it'd put her into one of those "Needs all the stats to work" places where every build is mediocre at best.

    The problem I'm referring to is how a lot of hitscan enemies, especially Lancer-types could hit you from maybe 10m (I'm bad at visualizing distances, sorry) when they used to be debilitated at more like 15m.  It'd be really frustrating if Ballistas could snipe you out of Turbulence because they're not interacting the way the ability was designed to.

  5. Syndicate missions don't count toward the daily cap, neither do the medallions.


    That said, they are adding endgame, it's called "PVP", a tiny angry minority on the forums cry every time they spend time on endgame, but don't let that fool you, PvP is the future of Warframe, it's the only possible future, and many of those players will come around when they see how good it would be if it's balanced.

    Bull.  PvP isn't the entire endgame for most MMOs, and more and more it's an entirely separate endeavour from PvE.  The game is a Co-Op shooter and it should embrace that.

  6. My second example is the Void Trader. I think this was a very useful way to introduce new content as well as a way to reduce the number of extra prime parts that people have available. However, after several visits by the trader, and my completionist mentality, I am now required to run dozens of missions to acquire the 30-50 parts that are required to get each mod or weapon.

    I know that I have been very happy to see him show up with fairly niche stuff lately.  I think they need to provide a bit more speed on the time it takes him to recycle the old offerings, because he amount of ducats he takes has quickly gone from "depleting stocked prime parts" to "OMG MUST FARM MORE".  They cleverly found a way to add a ton more grind to the game without adding any missions at all, and barely any content.  That's an impressive achievement, but I don't think it's a laudable one.

  7. I just did a Tower 4 Survival with some clanmates, and imagine our rage when despite the in-game drops showing us a bunch of garbage Fusion Cores and Orokin Cells, when the mission completed, we did not even receive those.  

    Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen recently.

  8. So, the question about how this will affect Turbulence was not answered.  Given that it seemed like Turbulence was not kept in line with the previous changes (Grineer were a noticeably bigger threat from further away than before the changes), this is kind of something you guys need to check on.  Bare minimum it should be maintaining its current behavior, but really it should be roughly as effective as it used to be before all the aimbot enemies started around Archwing.

  9. It was nice to have a Tactical Alert not just be another Exterminate corridor rush, but this one definitely misfired.  The idea of using thrown melee could have been good on its own.  The idea of showing off Nullifiers and Anti-Moas in large volume might have been good on its own.  Put together, throw in a super fragile defense objective, using the very under-developed Hijack mode which is punishing and values even fewer frames than Defense and Survival?  AND debuff shields like crazy?  Too many flavors, several of which conflict.

    +10 points for ingenuity, Minus a million for not thinking it through.

  10. The thing that really bugs me about this is, as was said above, the more of these things they add, the more pressure there is to keep the system as it is, rather than fix anything that's not working well.  They even said as much about the base damage mods (which are so universal as to be meaningless); they don't think they can remove them even though they know it's a problematic design.

    Primed mods are a band-aid way to keep adding "Content", but the long-term effects on the game are pretty dubious.


    • Mirage is now able to gain energy from Team Energy Restore items while her Prism Ability is toggled on.

    If this is the case why can't Nyx and Mesa also get energy like this while using their ults,  makes no sense.  They all should be able to get energy while their ults are active or none of them should. 


    My guess is that they're deciding that Toggles that have Duration should behave differently, and more like regular Abilities, than infinite duration Toggles.  Which is fair, I guess, but World on Fire still needs more love if it's going to be anything but a joke of an Ult.

  12. I just joined a T2 Defense and was completely unable to aim on the Horizontal Axis.

    Confirmed it was not my mouse screwing up by tabbing out, worked fine in windows.  Did not fix the problem.

    I tried rebooting Warframe and rejoining the match, the problem persisted.

    I did not notice this problem in earlier games tonight, or in my Liset prior to this match.

    I have no idea what would cause that, but I assume it's something in the host/client connection; I'm pretty sure I was a client.

  13. How about you just give Overheat back with non-broken numbers?  There was nothing wrong with her getting damage reduction, in fact it made the kit actually work a lot better because she wants to be up-close-and-personal for most of her abilities.  The problem was that she could get to 99% reduction, so don't let her do that.

    Seriously, most of Ember's problems have stemmed from her being changed into a caster-frame, and caster-frames suck.  So... maybe give her back the durability skill that made it okay for her to not have much utility or CC?

    Aside from that, I feel like the Fire Fright Augment should absolutely be applied to the new blastwave.  Consider a newcomer to the game, several months from now: they're not going to have any idea that Fire Blast didn't used to have that blastwave (because they're probably not going to read the wiki) so they're going to be confused (and then pissed off) when the Augment doesn't do what it says.

    World of Fire changes were misguided.  I didn't even slot it before ability cards were removed, and these changes have not made it any more worth using.  It's a piddly amount of damage that depends on stats that conflict with the ones you need for her other abilities, and now it's even worse.  Either make it fully channeled by letting it have unlimited duration, or just revert the change.

  14. Good, good, Ember got her much needed changes. Now that she's done, hopefully Frost gets his turn.


    In all seriousness, Ember and her Prime's Armor buff is really nice. Ember Prime went from a puny 15 to 125. Steel Fiber is suddenly more viable for survival-oriented builds. Her other changes are pretty darn nice too. It's cool that she can mimic an Arson Eximus now.

    Steel Fiber is still not that viable with that little armor.  She's definitely better off now, but Steel Fiber is pretty bad on less than about 200 armor.  Which almost no frames actually have.

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