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Posts posted by Dextral

  1. Just now, Richtor2415 said:

    Umm.. What? P4TW is fun? I mean, I guess it could be, but more fun than how she currently is..? Dextral seems to emit cheese from his nips at this point.


    As for me, I agree completely with OP. She is fun as crap, and for a debuffer(which we don't have many of), she is REALLY good. That synergy tho.. Bring an Ignis with Saryn to an Excavation and I can go for miles.

    no im not saying press 4 to win, im saying that for her power to equal what it was before she needs a support... which to me is no fun as getting an ev just to play a frame to me is pointless. they should be able to support their own energy cost...

    But your entitled to your opinion as much as i am mine... thanks


  2. Saryn who? 

    to be honest she used to be fun but she no longer is ( in my opinion) ... to much micro management in a frame thats super energy hungry makes her so unfun unless you have a ev trin or arcane/restores..

    not saying shes not good, but for me her rework killed her i only use her maybe every 100games when im feeling burnt and use the frames i never use

    But yeah shes good...

    (i responded to your title not your post just realised ops lol)

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

    It's not that the trolls are "getting me down".... The way YouTube works is if a video gets spammed with dislikes it is promoted less. As a small channel of 30 subs each person who is kin enough to like a video helps me channel grow. But usually what happens is a dislike on a video means i can expect dislikes on every video... One guy on the forums decided to go to my non-warframe channel and dislike it and comment "only thing your back with is more of the S#&$ you post"

    thing is you are going to get that, people will activity go out and hate on you and all of your videos or content, just because they can. usually they are small children, sadly you cant stop it. 

    Just delete comments or maybe try removing the ability to dislike or like the video for an hour after posting it on the forums

  4. don't buy any warframe would be my advice,
    buy a prime one off trade channel. they are usually cheaper and slightly better in looks and a stat or two.

    Most things are not "hard" to get in this game its just time consuming and knowing where to look, for example atlas, inaros limbo are all quest rewards so easy to obtain... banshee, wukong, zephyr and elytron are all clan research.

    My advice would be buy a good prime weapon and warframe that you think you might like and then go farm the rest, and save the plat for either slots or colours etc 

  5. 1 minute ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

    Not true. Having all the Prime gear you can both use Ducats and the ability to sell excess gear to others as incentive.

    if thats your incentive you can now do that more effectively since its now 5 minutes per reward rather than 15minutes of unsellable trash and then a reward... granted prices have dropped alittle but c'mon you can still sell stuff unless they removed trading >.>

  6. 2 minutes ago, JustOR1G1N said:

    It was challenging at the beginning, but when we started to explore it and found the right tactics - raids became easy and boring.

    survival takes hours until it becomes challenging... and even then its not challenging if you know what your doing... its just a case of getting 1 shot and maintaining airsupport which with the update that happened alittle over a year ago now made airspport easy

  7. 1 minute ago, maxedpotato said:

    there is no incentive

    there has never been an incentive if your a player with all the gear you have completed the game... 

    and you make it sounds like the long missions gave good rewards lets be real for 10 minutes you got nothing because rotation A was always bad, rotation B was usually bad and had worthless trash prime parts and rotation C was the only reason people did survival. Same with defence which is why public players always did 20,40,60,80 minutes or waves, it was never lets do survival until 10minutes and leave...

    They basically gave you 15 minutes of your life back per reward..

  8. 9 minutes ago, JustOR1G1N said:

    I got my rewards and it was cool.

    if thats the case then why does it matter its not long


    10 minutes ago, JustOR1G1N said:

    I could go to T3 survival for 60 mins of solo fun

    you can still solo survival for 60 minutes with less rewards, if its the time thats fun then it should still be fun.... because they still scale.


    your logic doesnt make sense, if its rewards you like you still get them, if its the challenge you like you can still do that?
    Not trying to defend DE or the SotR update but the logic just doesnt add up. Because Im MR22 my self and rewards in this game have been pointless for years i've always been max MR so i dont see why it matters if you get one pointless item or 20 pointless times as long as you have fun doing what ever it is your doing... 

    I understand it from a new player point of view just not maxxed players

  9. 1 minute ago, GRIFFONP said:

    Its not that the instructions are confusing, its just that they dont tell where everything is or where on the map we need to go to. if they put in a map then i would have no problem.


  10. 5 minutes ago, GRIFFONP said:

    So i can learn how the raids final stage works as youtube videos are very confusing.

    if you find the youtube videos confusing, your going to have a really hard time doing it... i suggest finding a team with voice coms

  11. How many hours are in your profile? 1700+ in game profile.... in steam way to much

    Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why? once a year

    When did you start playing warframe? look at profile 

    How many clans in warframe have you been apart of? 3

    Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans? yes

    If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members? hasnt

    Have your views changed over the years? yes i personally hate the new update i rarely play anymore, no more endless means no more fun for mes

    If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences? meta shift due to no more void keys

    Were you an avid viver/draco player? Nope never found afk grinds fun

    What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game? leaderboard runs survivals / defences were my jam

    What is your least favorite? anything that lasts under 5 minutes (looking at you every bloody relic) 

    Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games? either, clans more fun for banter but public is also child

    What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts? I forma'ed the basic gear like 6 times each and usually only run that... and even then anything under 40 minutes is fine... the game is easy warframes and weapon scaling are OP... not enemies

    Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game? i enjoy collecting stuff from endless missions or should i say did #rip my fun

    What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors? PvP darksecorts back in the day were awesome, with the stages, pvp today is boring

    Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game? No... i have about 2 nice things to say about youtubers lol

    Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer? heavy

    What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc) FPS, 

    Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare? People complain about everything, but are good at nothing is generally the feels. People complain more than they want to know how to improve... the community is "cool" and "chilled" for the majority but damn do people complain about things that don't matter like tonka being OP and "no fun" - then dont use it ... problem solved.... its not like the enemies have tonkors 

    What keeps you playing the game? right now nothing, endless modes made this game fun... im waiting for them to be revieved 

    What do you hope for long term in future updates? raids, endgame, more harder stuffs, and endless to be meaningful(aka rewards every 5minutes ish) again

    What things would you like to see given attention in the near future? the endless power creep this game has, every time a new weapon comes out( almost everytime) it is always pushing the bounds of most powerful in its class or is atleast significantly better than the basic closed beta or even weapons from a year ago 

    Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support? they are amazing <3

    Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model? business model is fair, warframe is no longer a game i would recommend currently the lack of "endless" or "end game" makes the complete power creep of the game way to easy... i mean its fun if you like collecting stuff but no good if you want to actually have some sort of mindless pve survival fun which involves space ninja's ( or atleast in this current patch)

  12. Considering i usually play on my girlfriends laptop when im out of the country i would say your pretty safe.
    Regarding your slow storage space i would suggest looking into a program called "space sniffer" or other programs which give you a visual presentation of data because i find usually when peoples storage is full... its usually full of junk they forgot about 

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