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Posts posted by munchpork

  1. 19 minutes ago, ayaundwolf said:

    I'm wondering how the new void trace drop is determined though. I've had a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 29 just in four or so runs. I had a smeeta with me for the latter three, and got numbers in the upper 20s, so I wonder if it's affected by charm. 

    so i just did a run for around 5-10 minutes .. again in a survival.. i got 24 void traces .. no kavats just carriers.. i guess with the increased cap in the void traces the drop rate also increased 

  2. So after I updated today.. I noticed that they changed how the void fissure thingy works .. like instead of collecting and jumping onto the fissure with the reactor at hand you now just collect them like loot to open a relic.. and another thing is how the fissure behaves, like how they just remain on one place now they don't it goes room too room.. or something like that .. so now I tried doing the fissure in the void survival.. just to see that the Spawn rate of enemies is like sooo DAMN high..I've been doing survivals in warframe like most of the times because they are the most intersting to do in warframe like how long can you last etc etc.so I've been familiar on how much enemy should be present in the room or in the next rooms..but this one THIS ONE JUST HAD ONE TOO MANY ENEMIES spawning left and right not only that the fissure too is spawning at least 5 enemies per 10-20 seconds .. too bad i dont have a screenshot of it .. as I was Just ENJOYING the numbers of enemies .. my squadmates and I were just laughing cause we brought S#&$ty weapons AND and that was just the FIRST 5 minutes of going into the game .. too bad i brought a sniper. DE don't do anything yet I want to enjoy this first ^^.. *and excuse me for my grammar.. english was not my first language

  3. I know that Nova P Chassis isn't that how'd say those things uhm rare?theres a better term but .. the thing is the Time i spent of farming was all for naught I hope i JUST HOPE .. they'll fix this I HOPE, i mean man .. i don't want to hate warframe .. in fact I love the game 

  4. Here I am doing some fissures, no lags no ping spikes ..etc .. everything was good until i get back to my ship ..this appeared << NETWORK NOT RESPONDING>> more than that .. i have lost my prime part .. and the key I mean the relic  and some syndicate standing, tho i don't care about that .. the thing I care is the lost Nova Prime Chassis .. can someone PLS fix this <<NETWORK thingy I have been farming for hours and all that effort was lost .. I think im just gonna take a very LONNNGGG vacation on warframe like seriously .. farming for like half a day and I finally got the last item need for Nova then it was lost 

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  5. I've been playing the game for years.. logging in and out just to grind some stuff etc etc .. and now after the Specters of the Rails Update, we got a new Navigation Map.. some places are removed some remained etc etc yada yada .. but what I noticed is the almost to none numbers of Alerts that the Players REALLY REALLY needs, new players even, and that is Orokin Catalyst/Reactors  Alerts ...before, there were a lot, like a lot of Orokin Catalyst  Alerts and sometimes an Orokin Reactor every once in a while... with the increasing number of weapons, primaries, secondaries and melees, even companions, kubrows, kavats etc ..even the release of some the new warframes, Titania and Nekros Prime with some new weapons, etc etc
    I think that there should be more alerts that reward, Orokin Catalysts and Orokin Reactor,hopefully .. as this things can halt/ help the progress of some players.. 

  6. 2 hours ago, BeastKing9 said:

    ridiculous crafting requirements have been a thing since before sibear came out(still wanting a cryotic reduction on that weapon)

    i don't know about that i got more cryotics than i really need .. it is on par with my salvages and other common materials

  7. Doing the quests .. are fun.. that I can say ... they're intriguing at most parts, some parts make you go WTF and some make you go OwwHHH thats why!!!... 

    and I think that the current updates are making the game more grindy and less fun.. 

    solution i can think of is adding more content like these quests XD .. players want stories .. LORES .. and ANSWERS ! 

    Edit: second dream quest is <3 but I was disappointed with the Kurias.. the hunt was hard but .. the reward was meh, i could've read the lore somewhere else and not find the kurias scattered all over the place 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Kethus said:

    I think some people are talking about different bugs here. The bug that can be caused by pressing esc is the one that appeared with the Specters of the Rail update and the mission still counts as completed and you keep your stuff. The other bug is the one that appeared with Hotfix 7, it hangs you up at the scene where you are supposed to enter your landing craft when you complete your mission. The game hangs for 1 second, then your warframe disappears and the door to the landing craft doesn't close and the landing craft stays forever. You don't even get to the loading screen. In this one you don't get to keep your items.

    I did the mission- the summary screen shows, screen at background goes black ..(did not pressed anything) -then gets stuck as you have seen in here ... sorry for my tone but i am really annoyed as you know that I have to force shut down my game for like a couple of times already.. and i hate the feeling of doing that ..   -_-ttqS2ot.jpg

  9. 1 minute ago, RNDM9999 said:

    yah same thing im not getting the mission rewards either i believe at least its not counting it for junctions


    aw.. for me after i forced-shut down the game and re-log in i still get the things i got in the mission ... its just that i get stucked on the summary screen 

  10. 2 minutes ago, EvidentBacchus7 said:

    Only solution i see to this bug at the moment is to restart your game.


    I also believe that there are ways to prevent this bug from occurring.


    1. Don't press esc while in an end-mission loading screen.

    2. Don't touch your keyboard while in an end mission loading screen.


    Hopefully these two silly tips can help you out.

    as i've said i have tried plenty of things to fix this .. and sometimes it just results to me forced-shutting down the game plenty of times  ... STILL, Thanks For the help

    Edit: just so everybody know, this has not happened at all before these 2 recent hotfixes .. 

  11. Stuck at Systems .. dont know where to get scorched beacon and chromas signal to build chromas mark ... pls quote this post if you have answers its Hotfix 8.5-ish right now still no signs of fixing this ..

  12. Sooo after the 2 hotfixes that fixed the navigation panel, now i am having a problem when finishing missions , I always get stuck at the summary screen which looked that it will not be bringing me back to my ship  anytime soon.. i need help ... i now always force shut down my warframe just after  one mission  

  13. So the thing is I did the new strange quest before the update and i was almost done with the quest, wherein which i already have made a helmet/ neuroptics as they are called now and chassis. so now the update came and then i updated,  now continue-ing unto the new strange quest i got this strange thing called Chroma's mark .. and Cephalon Simaris said i need to scan chroma again i need Chroma's Mark to scan him again or something along the lines.. now here's the problem i DON'T KNOW WHERE CAN I GET THIS things i need for Chroma's Mark ( scorched beacon which looks like the gamma beacon, the yellow one XD and chroma's signal which is illustrated as pink colored nav on the foundry)  DE HALP

  14. So the thing is I did the new strange quest before the update and i was almost done with the quest, wherein which i already have made a helmet/ neuroptics as they are called now and chassis. so now the update came and then i updated,  now continue-ing unto the new strange quest i got this strange thing called Chroma's mark .. and Cephalon Simaris said i need to scan chroma again i need Chroma's Mark to scan him again or something along the lines.. now here's the problem i DON'T KNOW WHERE CAN I GET THIS things i need for Chroma's Mark ( scorched beacon which looks like the gamma beacon, the yellow one XD and chroma's signal which is illustrated as pink colored nav on the foundry)  DE HALP

  15. So before the update i did the chroma's quest and i already crafted the helmet/neuroptics and chassis .. so im stuck on the systems part.. after scanning chroma cephalon simaris says i need to scan chroma again .. and i need chromas mark for that now .. where can i get the parts needed for this chroma's mark like scorched beacon and chromas signal .. i if anyone got answers pls. reply to this post thanks :D 

  16. Ok i was replacing my Titan Extractor on Jupiter( For Neural Sensors) While I was waiting with a squad on void mission.. while i was applying the extractor the team i was on started the void misson.. so i think i placed my extractor on void accidentally and now it's bugged and i can't remove it from void (it doesn't deteriorate nor extracting resources can anyone help me) username: munchpork

  17. Okay since before last hotfix, had a fully functioning Warframe experience and could see my friends list and join and invite people. NOW~


    When I login I see no friends online but they can see me, after awhile I get the UDP ports may be blocked error. My friends can invite me and I get failed joins but after a few I finally get in and then I can see them online. I'm like SWEET let's do a void mission. Apparently I can't get an invite out to anyone and bleh...


    Things I've tried!


    Port Forwarding to 3960 and 3962 UDP and disabling UPNP. I've verified that these ports can be accessed by other programs and I can go back to Warframe.

    Disabling all Firewalls in Windows and Avast


    Here's the REALLY weird part.


    I now click the analyze network and it says All Systems Nominal, then I click it 3-4 more times and I get.. ports may be blocked... I'm sorry... what? How can you say fine then blocked?


    I'm blaming this latest hotfix cause... this never started until now.. doing no voids kinda suck.

    Yep.. This has been happening to me too... i usually try to let them invite me a  couple times actually a lot of times just to join their session... and this is freaking annoying... i usually try and reset everything the net, my computer.. everything ... and it still happens... i need technical support

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