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Everything posted by TimiPerson

  1. Eh, tbh this is just wrong. If you have an expensive build then by making the build it gatekeeps you from making and using other builds. For example, I am here rn to see if there is a way. Why? Bc I want a Mirage build for both Hall of Mirrors, but also Prism. Both are very different and very expensive. Can I get both builds for less forma? No. If anything it costs double the forma AND I have to earn a second frame. It saves me literally 0 forma. A better "forma saving" system would act more like the Helminth abilities, where when you forma a slot you can CHOOSE to forma for all 3 configs, or just 1 or 2. Instead, I just am going to have 2 useless configs. What am I gonna put, mods that don't accomplish the task I want? With this example in mind, your reply contradicts itself. Am I spending less forma? Sure. But I'm not getting "more config slots to work with." If I want one I have to give up the other. (If I want "more config slots to work with" then I need to spend more forma PLUS buy another Warframe.) Is it clunky? Yes. But it also doesn't accomplish what he or I want and it costs more.
  2. Having the same issue still today- I have crashed, and I have made various others crash. (And I have a 3090.) I'm not sure if this is the root or even relevant, but I messed with my particle settings and now I only freeze for about 15 seconds instead of full-crashing and only others crash. (Might just be luck.)
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