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Posts posted by democrator

  1. Can we please make cache hunting great again? Orokin Sabotage made cache hunting worth it for double prime parts.


    Now, I haven't seen a single cache hunting team in recruiting and the caches in the sabotage mode aren't even worth looking for (1 rare resource or credits?). 

  2. DE, could the top 10 gifters get an in-game cosmetic to signify this event? I understand that there is no reason to do so..but these players went out of their way organising giveaway to gift random players and ergo increase the amount of gifts given. Personally, none of my friends are active in this game and the only gift I gave was to a stranger who gifted me in a giveaway ( Thanks to @-----iseeu2----- ). Just a thought :)


    My wishlist

    1. Formas

    2. Catalysts

    3. Solstice Salix Syandana

    4. Glyph Pack (other than adau pack)

    5. Weapon/Riven Slots


    I don't mean to say that top 10 ppl should be the only ones who deserve the credit. Thank you everyone who went out their way to gift people and keep the Christmas cheer going. 

  3. On 11/16/2016 at 11:32 AM, Emulad0or said:

    Hard challenge was mine:

    Do an extermination lvl 30+ alone without being detected

    Bonus challenge: Stalker showed up in the middle of the mission

    had this challenge. took a lot of patience. 


    currently stuck on 3 headshot kills challenge..spent like 1 1/2 hours..need to try some new ideas again tonight..


    Edit: Finally managed to finish this challenge. Goto Venus corpus survival full squad with loki (irradiated disarm). When the enemies re irradiated, they group up. Just blindly shoot approximately at head level and you will be done. This method worked 2/3 tries yesterday.

  4. Anyone else getting "unable to update servers" error and losing all rewards and xp?

    I have the 50-day login affinity booster on. So I am trying to max out my equinox and sancti tigris. But after every game, I get this error and lose all the XP (I think I hit max rank 3 times on sancti tigris in end of mission screen but after that, in loadout, it goes back down to rank 16).

    I also tried one mission in Derelict and one in void. I got the same error while playing ODD and T3E also. 

  5. 1 hour ago, iiKuro said:

    When i reaches login screen and tries to login this pop-up appears: Login failed check your info

    This issue just occurs today after update.

    I really don't wanna lose my login reward streak :(

    Please help.

    me too..just got the 50 day booster :(

  6. 14 minutes ago, iHoaX said:

    Maybe this little video helps in understanding a few things.

    Yes, not being able to play/login when you want to is annoying.

    Watch while you wait.

    Or, do other stuff.

    p.s. Login Failed please check your info. Seems to be an account specific problem. (Same computer, different account can log in fine) 


    umm..i watched the video..i am not sure if you are experienced with security side of things..i don't work on security side of things..but just wondering if u can answer..

    the riobox or whatever its called..wouldn't it suffer from the same issue during DDoS.. 

    riobox basically use some algorithm for comparison. I am not not sure how they classify good vs bad..but any detection they do should take finite amount of time..if they get high number of requests, even their detection algorithm would take a hit since work start piling up..so then good requests will be stuck in the queue to pass thru this algorithm before they get to main servers..and they might timeout while waiting..

    so i don't see how this effectively stops DDoS attacks

  7. 4 minutes ago, rohankeluskar1 said:

    still can't log in, this is the longest ddos attack I have heard, and all this happening over slash mods? seriously?

    i had a slash mod set from when they were given out in the event. I never sold it or bothered with trading it. I just want to play warframe on my weekend :'(

    Edit: I cared about the double resource booster than the mod set lol

  8. 1 hour ago, markus230 said:

    Draco (just like Viver or Xini before it) makes MR not meaning anything. Before missions like that people were actually... well... gaining affinity with a weapon. If someone had all Warframes, they knew how to use them. Now you just pick a frame/weapon min-max it on Draco and sell it. And then we have MR21 players that have no idea about basics of the game

    I see your point but I partially disagree.

    MR means nothing even without Draco. MR is a bad indicator of people knowing the basis of the game. If I master one frame, one primary, one secondary and one melee weapon, yes, I'm an expert at playing that frame. But all the posts asking for MR17+ won't want me, because, as you mentioned, they think MR means experienced, which is not true.

    I would agree with you if we constantly get MR based on our gameplay but that's not the case. 

    Either ways, my opinion on Draco is same as Viver long back. It points to a different problem and just removing it won't help solve the core issue.

    The weapons are effective when they are maxed and we usually forma which resets them: 

    Idea# 1: Let's go with the idea that we are not using Draco (say DE removes every node where farming is possible) and actually rank them up as "intended". Personally, this is what I am gonna do: I am gonna take an unranked weapon along with a maxed OP weapon, goto an endless mission and keep killing with the maxed weapon. The unranked weapon will get ranked up this way. So even by this method, I am still not using the new unranked weapon. So I am not expert with it. But that's ok because I don't want to be an expert with a weapon while I am ranking it up. If I want to keep the weapon, using it and becoming an expert with it comes after its maxed.

    Idea #1 continuation: Now say DE says "no, only if you use a weapon, you get XP towards it bcoz we want mastery to mean something". This means everyone has to start with Mercury where enemies are lower level and killable with unranked weapons and work their way up everytime they want to rank up something. 

    This is very grindy and boring. We have enough of a grind already. 

    IMO, Draco is a fairly isolated node. I personally only use it when I want to max something. It takes 20 mins..is a chore..but when I am done, I can go and do something fun that I actually enjoy. If Draco (and all such nodes) is removed, that 20 mins will turn into a few hours and I rather not spend the small amounts of time I get to play this game grinding constantly. 


  9. Make the AI for RNG raid rewards smarter. The only thing that annoys me most, is that the weighted RNG in void. I understand why its in place. But for raids at least, please make RNG learn based on the user as more raids are played i.e. eventually, maybe say at max - 50th raid run, the user should have all possible items from this raid. If you are lucky, you might have all of them in the first ten raids.


    I don't want to get 2 parts and have to struggle for the last part bcoz of RNG. Having the ability to trade these items will offset this pain a lot.

    • Players will now be disqualified from end-of-mission rewards if they've been dead or AFK for over a minute.  This will not affect players that are waiting at extraction

    Why? :'(


    If I have to step out for more than a minute (say, for a washroom break) and my squad agrees to it, why do this?

    At least in long survival, intercept and defense missions, please increase the AFK timer or make it so that if all the other squad mates complain then the penalty is applied against the player.  

  10. My understanding of the void trader was that he was suppose to be a way to reduce RNG by trading old part for token and trading those token to key part (If I remember most of the dev stream in the past year, at least thats what ppl were asking).

    In the devstream, they said that the void trader will take our unused parts and give us void prime parts which will reduce RNG. But when they implemented him, instead of giving us void prime parts, the trader brought brand new primes. I like the new primed mods but this does not help reduce RNG grind in any way. 


    I agree with DubstepArcher that I would love the cores. But currently, I am at the point where I have enough cores but not enough credits. And running a ton of T4E/T4C is just a boring.

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