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Posts posted by Carbonitepon8

  1. getting alot of host migartion in Arby's Mode and not keeping anything that i earned its happened twice so far today

    the 1st time I didn't get screenshots but the host left right as the rest of us left extracted and it counted as if I never played the mission the 2nd time was just now when were going to wave 8 in an arby intercpetion and it disconnected and kicked at least me can't say for sure about the team



    lost everything of course

  2. I think a small balanced fix would be to give each Divine Spear its own small hit box that functions like Zephyrs tornadoes where as you hit the box and all damage goes into it but with Nezha its just directed to the enemy its currently holding

    this would help combat enemies being hoisted out of melee range if using melee only

    Blazing Chakram could bounce between the spears without the weird mechanics it has now of not spreading if its a certain enemy type I.e. robots

    Nezha best plinko frame


  3. Seems if you're over 90 rivens now you cant trade them to other players i currently have 92/90 and can't trade away the 2 to get back to running sortie for fun


  4. Nezha: he's a ton of fun but making a build that can last past lvl 60's is a quite the challenge even with x2 guardian arcane i still die every once in awhile

    Wukong: hes another fun frame that's just outdated really but maybe the melee changes will bring him more into 2018

    Titania/Valkyr: either of these could get a buff and it would be fine by me

  5. So anyone here ever make load out's based off a certain theme like say my Ash and Nezha both are themed after TMNT


    Ash being Ralph Nezha being Mikey


    mostly just a thread to post pic's of awesome theme idea's y'all have edits are allowed


    Shout out to my friend The_Memory for helping with the Capturas



  6. 8 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

    My next hype is going to be the prime variant. I'm hoping to see Nidus Prime having a sleek and clean outer shell, but as he builds mutation, the skin cracks and breaks apart, revealing the infested monstrosity beneath.

    Well we'll find out sometime around the fall of 2020 or so

  7. 1 minute ago, Sitchrea said:

    It was tier 5. That's the highest difficulty. Of course it's going to be hard.

    10-O it wasn't "hard" it was just instant death (taking place as I tried recasting my warding halo)  respawn and ignore them there isn't much in this game that's "hard" i solo these things all the time they take around 14 mins just every once in awhile you get a nice screw you of x3 or more bolkors

  8. 4 minutes ago, polarity said:

    I've seen far too many bounty groups where the other 3 players get downed by one of these while fighting endless waves of dropships, because they're far too focused on all the stuff going on on the ground to keep an eye on the sky.  I tend not to die to them because I play titania, and I'm shooting stuff off the dropships as they fly in, and notice the bolkors before anyone else, but one can still wipe out the rest of the group before I can down it.

    The flying enemies in the plains really need to have different spawn/engine sounds, because right now dropships, dargyns and bolkors all sound the same, but only one of them is a serious threat if it comes in behind you.

    Agreed on the sound notification it could save other people but I mostly play listening to music and just keep a half eye on the sky knowing what incursion will likely spawn the more annoying enemies in the sky just wasn't prepared for x3 of the jerks

  9. 1 minute ago, Vicsvinny said:

    Could the argument be made that it's part of the difficulty?

    Sure the gunship can spawn at very high levels, and possibly number more than one, and it's guns do A LOT of damage. I'm not against the fact that they can very easily kill you without much difficulty. Say nothing of the soldiers it'll dump on you.

    But the higher the game gets in level, the more difficult it should get, thus making you the player be a lot more cautious and agile while engaged in a fight. If we keep asking DE to nerf the game because we don't like a challenge every once in a while, then the game just gets less enjoyable the more you master it and go up in levels.

     I've played a Bounty (shocking I know) and one of the missions involved the Drone Escort. I had a Bolkor spawn and FOLLOW me as I attempted to defend this drone. Then as it neared the extraction point, an Ogma spawned, carpet bombed me to oblivion, then the Bolkor gunned down the drone. Sure, it's a bit unfair that I had a gunship following me, but it's part of the difficulty. 

    (Didn't really help I was using a frame that wasn't a high(ish) level. I was feeling ambitious that day, and my friends weren't much help either.)

    well it was tier 5 and I was running it for dumb fun with weapons I don't usually use per say but still x3 ships at once is kinda stupid and I'm fairly sure its a bug cause I don't see it very often and I'm usually on a frame like chorma or obby that ignores everything and just standing there doing nothing when they do show x3 or x4 at a time

    Why would playing a bounty be shocking?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Jaysus41 said:

    I've found that a good strategy going beyond shooting the turret is hiding in an opened resource trailer, the gull wing doors are perfect cover. And also bringing in a weapon that can melt off its armor quickly, making it easy pickings.

    thats all well and good cept the trailer needed to be opened to hide in

  11. 3 minutes ago, Ryim_Drykeon said:

    You do know you can take out the turrets fairly easily, right? The turrets on them aren't that heavily armored, and only a few shots will take them out. Rendering them just troop carriers instead of gunships.

    Okay here's the thing on that: my loadout's






    which weapon do you suggest I should have used here to unload on x3 ships to the effect where i wouldn't have been massacred?

  12. While i don't think these things need to be toned down in damage can we at least have them not spawn more than x2 at a time? they kill ya pretty quick when not using a "god" frame


    taken moments before my demise

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