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Posts posted by Inertzia

  1. Me: Oh discussion about the upcoming changes to Mag and the pros and cons of her abilitys, like that her Polarize affects armored enemys (in a way) but now expands like Novas 4

    This thread: Saryn changes good/bad (I think the new Saryn is Godlike), Excalibur is better bla bla bla

  2. I love her rework but I still think that she could use some tweaking

    1.Spores: It should have some additional utility besides the viral proc since "lets do damage" isn't always the answer something like slowing enemies or removing armor would be nice

    2. Molt: It would be nice if Molts health would act like the health of snowglobe (this would scale well into endgame) and if we could kill (so it spreads spores or its would also be cool if it did its remaining points of health as poison damage) the Decoy by pressing the power again

    3.Toxic Lash: I like it but it should give Saryn some extra armor since melee isn't so good for your health when you play high level content (don't start with Shadowstep -_-)

    4. Miasma: I should be more of an area-denial ability that damages enemies in a cloud where you used Miasma and it would be cool if it proceed Corrosive on the enemies in the cloud and it would still have some great possibilities with Sirens other ability like popping every second on enemies in the cloud or the damage multiplicators miasma has with the different procs

  3. Just now, (XB1)Graysmog said:

    I'd have to agree, I love Spy Missions the most when it comes to Warframe's gamemodes so far, well, aside from Holiday events and Dojo Melee fights.

    Which do you prefer to do, out of all of them? I find both Grineer and Corpus missions quite fun, and quite easy to do, yet I still prefer the Grineer Spy mission simply due to me always spawning the Lanx, then killing it to respawn it as Nekros for some stupid amount of fun on my end.

    There's always room for debate in every discussion, which is always a good thing. Although debates themselves are only helpful when they bring up good ideas. Personally, I just want more options besides the few we have when it comes to leveling weapons, yet I suppose that's just me.

    I to do the Corpus missions more because they seem to be faster for me and the hacking isn't so annoying

  4. 2 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

    Don't pretend that you bump into blind mirage or Ash every time you hit public. Those frames are rare. You most likely will never see them unless it's a sortie (and majority of players I happened to connect with in public are almost always mr20-21 there, so obvioulsy it's a whole different story).

    Yeah surprise you kinda have to recruit. Unless you can deal with people not bringing your favourite toys to the party and you obviously can't. And yeah, majority here and in the void for the rewards - and not even prime parts, mainly ducats. Couldn't care less if it's lvl 20 corpus or lvl 100, what matters is sheev for example. 

    Right, because Equnox is clearly not OP, nope sir. Yes it's more than just bearable setup.

    Ash or Trin might - might be broken, but so is this blasted game and recent assasination sortie was a great example.

    No such thing as "ment to be played". You play it as you see fit. You can always just say "guys let's do casual Draco or casual Void/sortie, just for the fun". No need to recruit anyone in majority of cases, like I said, if it's not sortie you're not likely to encounter them anyway. And thatt way you can leave farmers the hell alone with their camp-oriented void and so on, and everyone will get what they want in the end. 

    Ash and Mirage are rare? O_O

    Where do you play? In every second mission I go I see one sometimes even both of them

  5. Unfortunately, welcome to Warframe. A lot of frustrating mechanics that the devs refuse to change that don't rely on your skills. For example, enemies that use Switch Teleport can have you stunned with no way to prevent it, invisible AoE damage from rockets and napalms, being dragged or knocked down without a mechanic to recover that doesn't require you to use a mod. How do you solve these problems? Why, pre-emptive massive range and over powered CC skills! Use them before you even see the enemies and they'll just stand there and do nothing. Just bring a Mirage and blind everyone and just watch the timers countdown!

    You forgot the 420BlazeIt Ballistas

  6. 10) Not calling the race card or anything but, Why does everyone have an American/Canadian accent and Why is everyone white? Was it a lack of voice actors or was America/Canada the sole reason for the solar system going to @#$%. 


    Thanks for reading, feel free to discuss these or put forward an answer. Maybe add some of your own. 



    Because most of the NPCs are voiced by DE like Rebecca for Lotus, Magan for Steel meridian lady and Valkyr and so on

  7. Technically, it wouldn't matter because it's multiplicative. So even if it's applied to pre-crit, it would still give out the same damage.

    For example, a gun with 100 base damage with x5 crit damage.

    Pre-crit  =100x1.55=155x5=775


    I did the math afterwards noticed it to

  8. Have fun putting a bane mod in place of a mod that would actually be more helpful. I don't recall anyone ever saying "oh my god you gotta use bane mods or else your gonna fail endgame 'cuz less damage"... I wonder why?


    Yes, I know this, but it still doesn't really make them worth it. I could just as easily build my weapon for crits and get way more DPS out of it as a result. If there were infinite slots for mods, or more than 8, I might consider it. But there's not more than 8, so it's just taking up the space a much more useful mod could be using instead.

    I said its useful on some weapons like Supra or Boltor Prime, weapon that don't have much going for them besides pure dirty damage... they arent good on all weapons

  9. No. No I am not.


    Bane Mods... Seriously. Just seriously?! BANE MODS? Who the hell even uses bane mods, let alone would want a primed version of them? I've seen some primed mods I considered useless, but at least I could see how someone else might actually want them. These? I just... I can't... After all the leaked primed mods, I thought we'd see Primed Fury or something... But no. Why would I want to use a bane mod for +55% damage against one specific enemy type when I could just equip another status mod or a crit mod (depending on the weapon) if I really wanted that extra damage? Maybe if they offered a bit more damage they'd be worth something over just another damage mod, but considering they don't... Yeah, not bothering. No logical reason why someone would waste millions of credits and hundreds of cores just for 55% damage.


    The Quanta Skin... This was the only redeemable part about this trip, or so I thought. Got the skin (which has an error in the description*) and went back to my Liset. Why did I get the skin? Simple. I was excited to finally no longer see hideous seafoam green that cannot be colored on my Quanta Vandal. So I equip my Quanta V and prepare to slap on my skin only to find... You can't use it on the Quanta V, only the regular Quanta! Because why have a skin maintain consistency among other skins that work just fine with wraiths, vandals, and even primes?!



    *"Once used ice-pirates against Corpus caravans on Europa, this cold-blue Quanta is highly sought after by collectors."

    You know that the Bane mods add onto the total damage you do?


    Let say you have a weapon where you use 3 90% damage mods:


    100 base weapon damage + 3x 90% = 370 total damage

    (100 base weapon damage + 2x 90%)x1.55% = 437 total damage


    but sadly they don't work in the void and you will have to change the mod for each fraction

  10. If you have invited a player to a dojo or vice versa, approach a Trading Post and hit "x" to activate. A window will appear with the available players to trade with, once the desired player is selected, you may begin to place items in for trade. 


    Trading post image: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/c/cc/Trading_Post.png/revision/latest?cb=20150119021515


    Another option, if you do not have access to a Dojo, is to go to Maroo's Bazaar on Earth. There you can trade by holding down your gear button (default "Q") and selecting "enable vendor mode". Players will approach you if looking to trade. 


    I hope this was helpful :)

    One question in the last few weeks more and more people have been banned because they traded for plat. and because the person who gave them the plat. couldn't/didn't want to pay his bills the plat. gets removed from the account they gave the plat to, this results into negative plat for someone who sold something and gets him banned. Is there a way around this, like wait a week because than DE can remove plat from your account anymore or something like this?

  11. My only problem with Excalibur is his role. He should be a Jack of all trades, master of none so new players can learn different aspects of the game like CC, damage dealing, mobility and utility but Excalibur deals more damage than a pure damage frame (Ember,Saryn(she atlast has her good procs)) and has one of the best CC abilitys

  12. Its simple, you count together:
    -How obtainable is it?
    -How useful is it?
    -How many people want it?


    For example Frost Prime:

    -He will be gone next month, this will make him more worth on the market.

    -He is one of the main defense frames and used in end game missions.

    -He dosen't has that much to offer over the non-prime version, that hurts his worth a little bit

         =After he is gone his worth will slowly rise again


    This can be applied to mods, primes and so on, but don't forget to count in nerfs,buffs and rework. Maybe they buff scythes that will increase the worth of the Reaper Prime or maybe the upcoming Bladestorm rework will hurt Ash Primes price


    Edit: 69 Posts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  13. He needs to be changed because he becomes a new old Rhino+Boltor thing, where everyone thinks "Not this dude again", if they don't change him now everyone will start to hate him because he is bothersome as a teammate and he will be slowly forgotten

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